January 3, 2021
A Message from the Principal

EPHS Families,

Happy New Year! I hope the break provided you and yours a chance to slow down and connect. My family and I really enjoyed our time together. We saw over 15 inches of snowfall where we were on the North Shore!

As we start the new year, EPHS will be as busy and exciting as ever. Students will prepare for the end of Semester 1, winter activities are in full swing, and grades 9-11 students will select courses for the 22-23 school year in early February. Here is a summary of important dates ahead:

  • EP Connects tonight at 7:00 PM in the South Commons Collab.  Feel free to drop by between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM for this “Coffee with the Principal”to ask questions or just to connect. Park in the South Lot.  
  • Term 2 Finals are on Wednesday, January 26 (Periods 1 & 2) and Thursday, January 27 (Periods 3 & 4).
  • Preview of Course Selection Season–much more to come on this beginning next week:
  • Students will select courses in Infinite Campus from February 2 to February 17
  • The “Course Selection Open House” for parents/guardians is February 2 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM at EPHS
  • Students will receive information in their Connections classes on February 1, 8, and 15. We will also have our “Rush” for them during Flex Time on the 1st.

Great things are happening here in Eagle Nation. I’m looking forward to our work together in ‘22!

Eden Prairie Schools has recently announced that face coverings will be required at the secondary levels until further notice. The communication from 12/31/21 can be found here. In support of this recent change, please be sure students bring a mask to school daily. Masks are available upon request. 

As a reminder, students:
  • Must stay home and test if any COVID symptoms develop
  • Must stay home while waiting for the results of the COVID test (positive or negative)

All positive COVID results must be reported directly to our school nurse, Carolyn Henning at 952.975.8074 or COVID Coordinator, Clayton Ellis at 952.975.8067.

Please use the attendance line (952.975.8001) for all other attendance matters.

The EP Safe Learning Plan website remains a useful resource.
Stop by the South Commons Collab for a “Coffee with the Principal.” Feel free to drop by between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM to ask questions or just to connect. Parking is available in the South Lot.
If you have not yet placed your graduation cap and gown order - The deadline has been extended to Friday, January 21!

Use this link to view the custom announcement and place your order through Jostens. Orders must be placed before January 21st
Questions? Email Jostens at gradsmn@jostens.com.
Check out the SENIOR INFORMATION page for all things CLASS of 2022!
January 3: EP Connects 7 pm

January 7: Activities Rush

January 10: District Secondary Choral Festival 7 pm

January 11: EPHS Band 7 pm

January 17: NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

January 18: District Jazz Band Festival 7 pm

January 27: End of Term 2 / Semester 1; One Act Play 7 pm

January 28: NO SCHOOL - Grading Day; One Act Play 7 pm

January 31: First Day of Term 3 / Semester 2

January 25: Registration Hub goes LIVE

February 2: Course Selection opens in Campus
February 2: Course Selection Open House (6:00 pm - 8:30 pm)

February 7: Counselor Hotline (6 pm - 8 pm) Spanish and Somali interpretation available

February 14: Counselor Hotline (12 pm - 3 pm)

February 17: Course Selection closes in Campus