A Message from the Principal
Hello EPHS Families,
I’m excited to share that our 9th & 11th graders will be joined by Keith Hawkins this Wednesday. Freshmen will be in the PAC from 9:00 am to 10:00 am and juniors from 10:30 am to 11:30 am. Keith works with schools and organizations across the country on creating climates where everyone can thrive. We decided to bring him in this spring to help our students prepare for their transitions into next year now–our juniors will be taking the helm as leaders of our school before we know it. The Class of 2025 has moved through middle school and their first year of high school under extraordinary conditions. Both classes will really develop their voices at higher levels next year. Keith will help our students think about the EPHS culture they want and the role their choices will play in that pursuit. I encourage you to have a conversation with your teens before and after they hear Keith about these messages.
I hope you had a great weekend and have plans for an even better week ahead. Please keep in touch as we accelerate through the finish line these next four weeks!