EPTA Newsflash
November 2022
Next EPTA Annual Conference is in Estonia
We are pleased to share with you that the Estonian College of Justice, Academy of Security Sciences has accepted the holding of the next Presidency in 2023. The 16th EPTA Annual Conference will be in Tallinn, Estonia. Their motivation for the upcoming presidency is to work with EPTA members in the enhancement of professionalising staff involved in the European Prisons Systems, making their role more visible in making a difference in terms of innovation, good practices, and quality assurance, always committed to the European high standards related with human rights. Click on the link below to read more about the academy and also watch their video.

Interview with the new EPTA President, Laura Kikas
During your presidential term, what would you like to achieve within the network?

EPTA is a great network and the people involved are the huge value themselves: their professionalism, experiences, and visions can make the world literally a better place! We hope to work with you all in the enhancement of professionalizing staff involved in the European Prisons Systems, making their role more visible in making a difference in terms of innovation, good practices, and quality assurance, always committed to the European high standards related to human rights.

Flashback: 15th Annual Conference
This year, the 15th EPTA Annual Conference took place on 27-29 June 2022 in Barcelona, at the Centre for Legal Studies and Specialised Training (CEJFE) focusing on ‘The need to evaluate training: a work in progress…’, with 70 participants from 23 countries. The dynamic program fostered communication and cooperation between training academies, as there was a plenary, workshop, and prison visit. There was also enough time to network in between the activities, such as at the evening reception, kindly hosted by the Justice Department of Catalonia (view photo). We are very grateful to CEJFE for all their efforts in hosting this conference!

KMS report
EPTA secretariat periodically receives queries, and in this section, we will highlight the latest KMS reports. Click on the link to view responses:

Would you like to send a survey to your peers at 36 training academies across borders? Contact the EPTA secretariat at [email protected].
Conference: Security education and
education in security
The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences is organising an international conference on “Security Education and Education in Security“ held on 30 November 2022 in Tallinn, Estonia, and online. The annual international conference will address various topical security and internal security-related issues. The conference brings together experts and practitioners both from Estonia and abroad.

Webinar: Criminal Justice Reform
What are the global perspectives on incarceration, its adverse effects, and alternatives to detention? In collaboration with Justice Reform Initiative and Penal Reform International, EuroPris is hosting a webinar on 1 December 2022. During the webinar, there will be presentations and discussions addressing the use of incarceration as a measure to solve problems that are often caused by social inequalities, including limited access to welfare services such as education and drug treatment. This event is open to all justice professionals interested.

Past Events
Multinational Tactical Seminar in Hungary (2022)
A Multinational Tactical Seminar was organised in two days period in order to improve the tactical capabilities of the Hungarian operational teams. With the purpose of sharing experiences, instructors from Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, and Lithuania participated in the exercises and seminar.

Strengthening the capacities of Turkish staff training centers EU twinning project completed (2022)
Strengthening Institutional Capacity of Penal Institutions Personnel Training Centers (SICTC) EU Twinning Project was completed with the closing ceremony held on 17 March 2022. At the closing ceremony held with the participation of the Deputy Minister of Justice, the representatives of the European Union Delegation to Turkey, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department of European Union, the Central Finance and Contracts Unit, the Ministry of Justice and the General Directorate were also present.

This project was funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020).
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The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.