ERA Newsletter | May 2020
ERA Convention postponed to 2021
Due to the continued spread of COVID-19, the next ERA Convention will now take place on 16 and 17 June 2021 . The Convention will still be held in Maastricht alongside the International Rental Exhibition and APEX, which have also been postponed. The Convention was originally scheduled for 10 and 11 June, and was initially postponed until 9 and 10 September. If you have already registered for this year's Convention, you will have the option to keep your registration for the new dates or receive a full reimbursement .

The European Rental Awards will still take place later this year , but the format and timing are still to be confirmed.
COVID-19: rental industry updates
Since the coronavirus has spread across Europe, many countries have put in place restrictive measures that have had a big impact on the rental industry and the related construction and event sectors. As a consequence, rental associations have been working around the clock to support their members and the rental industry in their countries, providing advice on things like safely operating and maintaining equipment, financial assistance, health and safety, and the suspension and cancellation of rental contracts.

To enable easy access to relevant information and support our members, we have set up a dedicated COVID-19 page with useful links to information provided by rental associations, industry news, construction sector updates and EU-level policy information.
Sustainability campaign raised awareness of environmental benefits of rental
ERA launched its ' Carbon Footprint of Construction Equipment ' campaign in February to coincide with the EU's Climate Law and roll out of the Green Deal legislative agenda. The launch also included an editorial in Euractiv, sponsorship of leading public affairs newsletters (Politico and Euractiv), a social media campaign, and a video and leaflet demonstrating the sustainable benefits of rental.

Although the campaign was halted by the spread of the coronavirus before we could move on to an intensive advocacy campaign, we have started work on a new CO2 Calculator . The Calculator will enable equipment stakeholders to make sustainable choices when using construction equipment.

See the campaign page for more information.
Construction 2050 Alliance
In February, over 40 representatives of construction-related associations, including ERA, came together to lay the foundations for a ' Construction 2050 Alliance ' . The main objectives of the Alliance are to highlight the political importance of the construction sector and how it can contribute to a sustainable Europe .

The Alliance was due to be launched in March, but has been postponed due to the spread of COVID-19.

DigiPLACE online info session
The DigiPLACE  online information session, jointly organised by ERA and CECE , took place on 29 April. The 90-minute webinar presented the project, gave an overview of the level of digitalisation in construction and outlined the Reference Architecture Framework for developing a future European digital platform for construction.

Read a summary of the event here , view the presentations or watch the webinar in full .
ERA welcomes 3 new members
ERA is pleased to welcome two rental companies, Janssen Riotech and GSV , and one service provider, Trimble , as new members.

We look forward to working together with you to strengthen the European equipment rental industry.

Find out more about the benefits of ERA membership and how to join   here .
For more information: | +32 2 761 1604 |