News from Enid, Oklahoma
This Newsletter contains resources and information for businesses who are impacted by COVID-19. We also celebrate an Enid Success Story with Jumbo Foods, and the ground breaking of the new 4RKids facility.


We will get through this. Enid, OK is full of the most creative, generous, and entrepreneurial people I know. It is a time to re-imagine business and adjust to these new economic times. I am impressed with the ingenuity of our restaurants and retailers to continue to provide their services in the most responsible, safe and creative ways. It is an important time to support these small business owners in our community.

In response to this pandemic, our role at ERDA has changed from assisting companies with their expansion plans to becoming a resource during this COVID-19 crisis. Many federal and state provided programs are rolling out to help ease the financial hardship of this shutdown and we will share that information as it becomes available.

In this email we will list several places where you can find information to help you through this crisis whether you are a small or large business, event venue, or homeowner.

ERDA will be surveying our local businesses to better understand the impact we are seeing in our community and where there might be gaps in services. But don’t feel like you must wait for a survey to contact us – we are interested in hearing from you, please give us a call.

If you are a manufacturer and you can make parts to support the supply chain in response to this pandemic (masks, respirators, and other PPE) please let me know. The needs for these supplies will last far beyond this crisis. The State of Oklahoma is compiling a list of companies who are available to shift their production lines to support these products – email me if you can help. 

Stay strong, stay creative, and we will get through this together.

Lisa Powell
Executive Director
Use these links below to find more information:
Oklahoma Businesses Now Eligible to Apply for SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans

Oklahoma business affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) are now eligible to apply for the SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan. The U.S. Small Business Administration is the offering low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to Oklahoma small businesses suffering economic injury as a result of COVID-19.

o     These loans may be used to pay fixed debts, payroll, accounts payable and other bills that can’t be paid because of the disaster’s impact. The interest rate is 3.75% for small businesses. The interest rate for non-profits is 2.75%.
o     SBA offers loans with long-term repayments in order to keep payments affordable, up to a maximum of 30 years. Terms are determined on a case-by-case basis, based upon each borrower’s ability to repay.

To start your loan application, click here:

For commonly asked questions regarding the SBA Loan program:
This information is from Ryan Davis, center manager for the Muskogee Oklahoma Employment Security Commission Office, on Unemployment Insurance for Businesses
There are hardship programs in place to help homeowners who have been directly or indirectly affected by the coronavirus and are struggling to make their mortgage payments.
Access to responding to the 2020 Census is now open! All households should have received an invitation to complete the Census in the mail by March 20. Completing the Census takes less than 15 minutes and can be done by phone, mail, or for the first time – online. If you did not receive an invitation to respond or have lost your Census ID, you can still go to and respond. The Census plays a crucial role in funding for roads, schools, hospitals, and emergency services. It is estimated that Enid could lose $1,675 per person, per year to help fund these services if they are not counted. Please share with your family, friends, and employees the importance of filling out the Census to help shape our future. 
After more than five years of planning and fundraising, 4RKids broke ground Friday on a new $2.2 million facility to expand its services to those in need. 4RKids provides employment opportunities to adults with developmental disabilities, support and outreach to their families, and supports local enrichment opportunities for the developmentally disabled, including Miracle League and Special Olympics. The planned building, designed by Easley Associates Architects of Enid at more than 10,000 square feet, will increase the foundation’s space for employment counseling and training. Read more...
Jumbo Foods: Enid’s Only Locally Owned and Operated Grocer
Despite being in a business increasingly dominated by large national chains, Jumbo Foods continues to grow and thrive as Enid’s only locally owned and operated grocer. Following a long career in the grocery business, Pat Blevins and his late wife Janice started the company 31 year ago, raising their three children, Gerald, Mike and Pam Huston, to take over the family business Since then, it has expanded to four locations and added an expanded deli and catering service, direct-from-the-ranch locally produced beef in the fresh meat case and Jumbo’s Express online shopping. Read more...