Spring Newsletter

APRIL 2024

Welcome to our latest newsletter, brimming with updates and opportunities to engage with our cause. Your unwavering support is crucial in our journey to make a difference in the lives of those affected by Usher syndrome.

David Gamm's latest update

Latest Developments in Dr. David Gamm's MYO7A Research Program.


SSNEU is proud to announce continued funding for Dr. David Gamm's team to propel gene editing advancements in USH1B, with a particular focus on the MYO7A gene. Leveraging techniques from choroideremia research, the team is actively seeking additional funding to further their groundbreaking work. They are aligning their efforts with FDA guidelines to employ stem cell organoid models for assessing the efficacy of MYO7A treatments, with key milestones including MYO7A expression analysis and advanced studies utilizing proximity ligation assays. This ongoing research serves as a crucial foundation for the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as dual vectors and gene editing in the treatment of USH1B. Stay updated with the latest news.

In the Spotlight: Scientific News

- Alberto Auricchio: Leading advancements in auditory restoration. Go to News.

- Nacuity: Innovative Treatment Breakthroughs: NP-1 Oral dosage treatment for retinitis pigmentosa in Usher syndrome. Nacuity Pharmaceuticals achieves target enrolment for phase 1/2 clinical trial of NPI-001 for the treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa associated with Usher syndrome Go to the press release.

- MCO-010: Exciting Progress in Research. Nanoscope Therapeutics announces top-line results in RESTORE phase 2b clinical trial, mutation-agnostic gene therapy for patients with permanent and severe vision loss from advanced Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP). Go to the press release.

-SparingVision: Reaches final dose escalation step in PRODIGY trial with SPVN06 for Retinitis Pigmentosa. Go to press release.

-Ocugen: OCU400 (AAV-NR2E3) is a novel gene therapy product candidate with the potential to be broadly effective in restoring retinal integrity and function across a range of genetically diverse inherited retinal diseases (“IRDs”). Learn more.


If you, or anyone you know, is affected by USH1B, we highly encourage participation through your closest enrolling clinic. The insights gained from UNI-RARE are crucial for moving potential treatments into clinical trials and achieving FDA approval.

Enrollment is not yet open for European clinics but we'll keep you informed.

Upcoming trips: preparing for ARVO 2024

As we gear up for ARVO 2024, our primary focus lies on learning, networking, and disseminating our mission to facilitate the discovery of a treatment for Usher Syndrome Type 1B. This significant conference provides us with a valuable opportunity to engage with ophthalmologic experts and glean insights that can further our cause. We are enthusiastic about forging relationships that amplify our efforts and bolster the worldwide campaign against childhood blindness attributed to Usher Syndrome Type 1B. Our involvement at ARVO 2024 represents a pivotal stride in our dedication to fostering scientific progress in this domain.

First stop: IOB Basel and more

Before heading to ARVO, one of our primary stops is Basel, where we have several meetings lined up. Among these engagements is a significant session at the Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophtalmology Basel (IOB), where we will meet with half of the Scientific Advisory Board of our Foundation, namely Professor Bence György and Dr. Giacomo Calzetti. This meeting presents a crucial opportunity to discuss potential advancements and outline a strategic roadmap for our ongoing and future projects.

Join us on our trips to the ARVO conference, Basel and Paris. Stay tuned for more details.


Roses to fight Usher's

Join us on April 23rd as we celebrate Barcelona's Saint George's Day! We're thrilled to be part of this meaningful donation drive in our hometown. Spread the word and join us in making a difference.

With your donation, you'll receive a rose and a pencil, and you'll be contributing to the fight against Usher Syndrome Type 1B. Together, we can rewrite the future for thousands of children!

Want to help?


Catalunya Ràdio and the Cultural Community Support Save Sight Now Europe!

"Les Bones Causes" (The Good Causes) is a segment on El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio with Ricard Ustrell that provides a platform to highlight and promote good causes and organizations. Once a month, we seize the opportunity to spotlight Usher Syndrome Type 1B and the objectives of Save Sight Now Europe.

Tune in to hear from the inspiring and talented individuals who have supported us and helped amplify our voice:






Introducing our new membership option – a gateway to a deeper journey with our cause.

By becoming a member, you will have the opportunity to:

- Participate and vote on significant decisions at our General Assembly in Switzerland – ensuring your voice is heard no matter where you are!

- Attend our annual community update, where we share progress and achievements.

In November, we launched the Foundation in Spain and unveiled a new, immersive online experience on our website. Each visit offers fresh insights, updated resources, and interactive features to enhance your connection with our cause. Your feedback is essential to our ongoing growth, so we encourage you to explore the latest enhancements and share your thoughts with us at SSNEU.

Join us in this exciting new chapter!


Mario & Zürich Barcelona Marathon. Mi grano de Arena Challenge is about to end!

Mario Raúl Martínez is an ultradistance runner who lives with Usher syndrome and inspires his audience with his energy, resilience, and zest for life. Follow him on Instagram!


Rare Diseases Day at IMO

On Rare Diseases Day, we had the privilege of visiting the Institute of Molecular Ophthalmology (IMO) in Barcelona. During our visit, we engaged in insightful conversations with Dra. Esther Pomares, the esteemed chief of genetic research known for her discovery of Usher Type 4. This visit fostered a fruitful synergy, providing us with valuable perspectives from a team passionate about advancing ophthalmologic research. Their dedication and expertise in the field were truly inspiring and invigorating for our mission.

Your Support Counts: Ways to Donate

Explore different donation options that suit you, including one-time and monthly donations, a BIZUM code (08975) for the Foundation, and the Teaming group option to add to your donation a 1€ extra per month to speed up science.

We are currently working on Twint - stay tuned for new updates on Swiss option donation.


Our supporters and the organization itself are continually launching new challenges and campaigns, driving forward our impactful work. As the 'Mi Grano de Arena' campaign nears its conclusion, we're eager to reach our goal. Every contribution makes a difference. Explore our events and activities, and join us in growing the USH Movement. Your participation is key to our collective success!


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