In this newsletter, you will find:
- ERS welcomes Dr. Frederick Greene as Chief Medical Officer
- About You! Putting the Spotlight on CTRs - Sharon Thomas, CTR
- We're Excited to See You at NCRA 2021!
- ERS Webinar Series - Answering the Call: NCDB 2021 Submission
- Celebrating May with Dr. Greene
- May Employee Spotlight - Christi Cox
- Refer CRStar - Earn $200
ERS Welcomes Dr. Frederick Greene, MD, FACS,
as Chief Medical Officer
ERS is pleased to announce and welcome Dr. Frederick Greene, MD, FACS, to the ERS team as Chief Medical Officer beginning in May 2021. Dr. Greene is a familiar face in the Cancer Registry community, and we look forward to the knowledge and experience he will bring to our organization.
Please join us in welcoming Dr. Greene!
About You! - Putting the Spotlight on CTRs
Sharon Thomas, CTR
The second well-deserving CTR highlighted by our new About You! Series is Sharon Thomas, a CTR at the University of Florida Shands Hospital in Gainesville! Sharon came highly recommended by her supervisor and is happy to share her years of knowledge with other cancer registrars. Her interview is posted on Facebook.
Reminder: The featured individual with the greatest number of “likes” on Facebook will receive a prize at the end of the year! If you're not already following us on Facebook, please make sure to click "Like" our page while you're there!
Please take this opportunity to engage and highlight a community that often doesn’t get recognized – and have some fun while doing it.
If you know of a CTR who deserves recognition or if you are a Cancer Center leader who would like to give a shout out to an outstanding CTR, please reach out and let us know. Upon getting permission with the CTR’s leadership, Sally Kruse, CTR, a legend in her own right, will follow up with a wide-ranging interview and a summary article representing her discussion.
We're Excited to See You at NCRA 2021!
ERS is excited to participate again this year as a vendor in the 2021 NCRA Virtual Conference, June 3-5, 2021. Please plan on stopping by our virtual “booth” for more information on how ERS can help your cancer program achieve more and maximize the potential of your cancer registry and the actionable data it provides.
Stay tuned for more information about ERS activities as we get closer to June!
Upcoming Educational Webinar
Christi Cox, CTR, Manager of Education will be presenting “Answering the Call: NCDB 2021 Submission” on May 25, 2021 and May 27, 2021, both at 12 pm EST. This webinar will include the latest specifications and instructions for preparing your data for export to meet the demands of the June 2021 NCDB Call for Data. We will go through each step of the process to help you answer the call, stress free and confidently.
Be sure to save this date! Invitations will be sent to CRStar users approximately two weeks prior to the webinar. We look forward to seeing you there!
CE credits from NCRA are pending.
Future Webinar Suggestions
Celebrating May with Dr. Greene
In 2019, Dr. Greene wrote an article to honor May events, especially Mother's Day. He asked that we share it with you. ERS would like to join with Dr. Green in wishing all mother's a very Happy Mother's Day!
“Celebrating May”
by Frederick Greene, M.D., FACS
from General Surgery News (May 2019)
We have a tradition in our country of dedicating specific days, weeks or months during which we celebrate events, concepts, organizations, groups of professionals or any other entity that warrants highlighting and reverence. Certainly the month of May is no different. In May we celebrate National Nurses Appreciation Week, National EMS Week, National Hospital Week, National Nursing Home Week and National Arthritis Month. Obviously many of these days remind and encourage us to recognize those with whom we work in our hospitals, organizational settings and in our daily professional lives. But May also includes a very special recognition - we honor and thank Mom for everything that she has done for us.
In 1912, Anna Jarvis, born in the 1860’s in West Virginia, trademarked the term “Mother’s Day” and recommended that the second Sunday in May be a time to remember mothers throughout the United States. Anna Jarvis, who began her campaign to create Mother’s Day after her own mother died, attained her dream in 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson signed the law officially creating Mother’s Day as a country-wide celebration. It is noteworthy that the singular possessive form of the phrase Mother’s Day was utilized with a specific intent that each individual should honor his or her own mother.
Yes, Mother’s Day is always so special for me, especially since I lost my mother almost twelve years ago. In 2021, however, we remember all the Moms who sadly left us during the pandemic and many reflect on all the months of quarantine that prevented us from seeing Moms, Grandmothers and Great Grandmothers. For those of you who still have Mom in your life, it is my hope that you utilize every opportunity to say “Thanks” to her for being there.
For those who may be estranged from Mom, perhaps it is time to begin a new relationship. For those, like me, who no longer have Mom, we must stop to reflect on Mother’s Day and be thankful for the times that we had together. All of us need to remember how our Mom impacted not only our very being, but also our approach to our profession, our patients and to those special relationships we have forged throughout our lives. Perhaps Mother’s Day should be more than a day-long event and celebrated more than once a year.
Each May, in addition, brings the promise of growth and renewal. The beauty of spring has progressed to warmth throughout most of our country except in some Northern climes where snow flurries and cold winds still remind some that global warming may not have become reality! This May will also usher in the excitement once again of in-person graduations and the realization for students at all educational levels that in-classroom schooling is an opportunity that should not be taken lightly. For the sports enthusiast, the hoopla of the Final Four has faded, another Masters champion has already been crowned, Major League Baseball has returned and is thankfully into its second month and football with fans is beginning to be a topic of conversation. As we reflect on this month, let us also remember the most important and meaningful events and people in our lives. Yes, the month of May allows us to do all of that.
May Employee Spotlight - Christi Cox
This month's employee spotlight is on Christi Cox. Most of you have become familiar with her over the last year and a half in her role as our Manager of Education. She began her career in cancer registry in 1996 and remembers that when she started that first job, ERS was a DOS based system. More than 26 years later and four different organizations in two states, Christi has never found a better Cancer Registry software company than ERS, and was thrilled at the opportunity to collaborate and grow with the company!
Christi has always gravitated toward roles that offer her the opportunity to teach and share her experience with new registrars and students, having personally trained at least a dozen over the years. The favorite part of her role is developing educational content. The research involved to make sure everything is just right means that she never stops learning and growing her own knowledge too. She finds the feedback from clients immensely rewarding, especially when she hears that something she said incited an “Ah-ha” moment for someone. She also has the honor of serving on the AJCC Editorial Committee and looks forward to growing in that role.
Aside from her career, Christi is a nature and book lover and amateur artist who challenges herself with trying to learn how to play cello and beat her other half at Jeopardy and chess. She has two adult children who still amaze her with their hearts and talents (one of whom is now working in the cancer registry field as well) and a nearly two-year old granddaughter who melts her heart on a daily basis.
Do you love CRStar?
So do we and we are offering our loyal customers the chance to earn a $200 gift card when a Cancer Program that you refer becomes an ERS customer!
Please click "Refer CRStar" below if you know of any Cancer Programs that could benefit from CRStar and the advantages that CRStar users enjoy and rely on.
Let's grow our CRStar community together!
Terms and conditions can be found on the CRStar Referral Form.
ERS, Inc. | 1.800.824.9020 |