28 October 2022 - Nr 9

The issue includes:

  • #ERSA2023
  • Internal Communication
  • Upcoming on ERSA Sections Agenda
  • Journal news & calls
  • New videos on ERSA YouTube Chanel
  • Members publish
  • Vacancies

Dear Members of ERSA, dear Colleagues,

I hope you're well.

First, on behalf of the ERSAC, I would like to congratulate and welcome the New President of AISRe, Domenico Scalera, and his team. AISRe is one of the main pillars of ERSA, and the last Congress in Milano was a great and huge event.


The autumn is often a very rich and dynamic moment for us. Many events take place in this period, new calls for publications are published.


In this letter, we also offer you information about new publications, some recent videos of presentations by our peers, or  new opportunities for your career

Have a good reading.

With best wishes,

André Torre, ERSA President


Stay tuned to ERSA website

For the upcoming

Launch of the #ERSA2023 Call for Special Sessions Proposals

Internal Communication 

Congratulations and best wishes to the New AISRe Executive Board

with the appointment of

Domenico Scalera, President 

Camilla Lenzi, Secretary

Augusto Cerqua, Treasurer.

"AISRe will keep close relationships with the other European regional science associations, and primarily with ERSA, with which it shares mission and objectives." Domenico Scalera

Read more

The AISRe is happy to announce that the open-access volume of the XLII AISRe Conference " The regional challenges in the post-Covid era", edited by Annalisa Caloffi, Marusca De Castris and Giovanni Perucca is available online Here

The AECR reports on the success of its Annual Conference

The conference, held from 19-22 October, gathered over 300 participants with many outstanding researchers from Europe and America. The keynote speakers of the conference were Andrés Rodríguez-Pose (LSE) and Richard Sheamur (MCGill University). The event was also the time to highlight and promote ERSA2023 Congress in Alicante.

Upcoming Events

news and ongoing calls

Winter Seminar 2023 of the GfR

18-25 February 2023, Spital am Pyhrn, Austria

The Call for Extended Abstracts is OPEN!

Submission Deadline: 25 November 2022

The attendance to the seminar is free of charge for first-time participants and members of the GfR or other sections of the RSAI.


45th Annual Conference of ANZRSAI

Data science in regional policy: housing and workforce dynamic

1-2 December 2022, Wagga Wagga, Australia

Submission Deadline: 31 October 2022


59th ASRDLF Colloquium

Peripheral territories and outermost regions in the face of major crises. The return of distance.

28-30 June 2023, University of Reunion, France

Special Session Proposals Deadline:

5 November 2022


See all scheduled events 2022-2023

Journals news

new publications & calls

RSPP New Special Issues------CALL for Papers

Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP)

Special Issue: Region's role on recovery and resilience

Guest Editors: João Pedro Ferreira, Luís Cruz

Submission deadline: 31 December 2022


Special Issue: Regional and urban economic modeling

Guest Editors: Bartlomiej Rokicki,

Tomaz Ponce Dentinho

Submission deadline: 31 December 2022


Special Issue: Social economy and entrepreneurship in urban and local development - Theory, policy and practices of community engagement

Guest Editors: Piotr Pachura, Aneta Pachura, Neil Reid, Kvetoslava Matlovičová

Submission deadline: 30 December 2022

Scienze Regionali - Italian Journal of Regional Science

Special Issue: Long-term visions for rural and inner areas

Guest editors:

Davide Piacentino, Giulia Urso

Paper Submission deadline: 15 December 2022

Read more on all ongoing Calls

Recently posted videos

from #ERSA2022 Congress

Keynote presentations by 

Maria Abreu 

"A capability approach perspective on regional development"

Diego Puga 

"The benefits and costs of big cities"

Olav Sorenson 

"The spatial ecology of entrepreneurship"

Michaela Trippl 

"Smart specialization, place-based innovation and sustainability transitions"


"The 8th Cohesion report. Cohesion in Europe towards 2050: a discussion on current economic, social and territorial cohesion in the EU and future challenges" by DG REGIO

"Inequalities in a Connected World"

"Entrepreneurship Ecosystems"

View all recent videos

ERSA-RSAI Members Publish

Economies, Institutions and Territories

Dissecting Nexuses in a Changing World (1st Edition)

Edited by

Luca Storti, University of Torino, Italy

Giulia Urso, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Social Sciences, L’Aquila, Italy

Neil Reid, University of Toledo, USA

About the book

Presenting multidisciplinary and global insights, this book explores the nexus between economies, institutions, and territories and how global phenomena have local consequences.

Routledge, August 2022

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"Territorial responsability of companies"

The book is published under the direction of Maryline Filippi, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, France

With contributions from:

Amelie Artis, Yannick Blanc, Jean Pierre Chanteau, Xavier Itçaina, Thomas Lamarche, Nadine Richez-Battesti, Alexei Tabet

Read more

See all recent publications

New publications to share?

Your are member of the ERSA Community and you have recently published a book, grasp this opportunity to inform us about it. We are looking for

· Books published in 2022

· Preferably written in English 

Send an email to [email protected]


  • Post-doctoral position at the Department of the Political and Social Sciences of the University of Pavia, Italy - Application deadline: 7 November 2022
  • Research and teaching assistant with interests in the field of regional and urban economics at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy - Application deadline: 15 November 2022 
  • PhD position at TU Delft, The Netherlands - Application deadline: 21 November 2022
  • Assistant Professor in Economic Geography at LSE, UK - Application deadline: 4 December 2022
read more on current vacancies

If you want to share an announcement

interesting for our community,

Send us an email to [email protected]

and we will promote it via our channels

To Keep up-to-date with all events on the agenda,
visit our upcoming events page on our website.
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