The choir and drama presentation this past Sunday was wonderful! I sensed the presence of the Lord so strongly. Thank you Anita Kendrick (choir director), Judy Myers (drama director), and everyone who had a part in presenting this inspiring musical. These included SOLISTS: Judy Myers and Linda Hancock; CAST & PROPS: Molly Young, Kanen Casey, Julia Myers, Sawyer Harrelson, Aiden Miltier, Jamie Boe, Jeff Luckie, Roger Myers, Jet & Mickey Clogher, and Roger Myers; MEDIA: Josh Miltier. Forgive me if I left anyone out. God knows your heart and your service! As always, I appreciate the “unsung heroes” of every service: the accompanists, nursery workers, and security team. Their work enables the rest of us to participate in the worship experience. They have a true servant’s heart! Please take time to express to these your appreciation.
I am late getting this article to Nadia for publication, but it enables me to acknowledge those who participated in Christmas Caroling last night. We had 33 who came and received a blessing! I am so grateful for all of these who “sacrificed” a night during this Christmas season to put a smile on the face of several of our assisted living and shut-in folks. Your reward will be great! Also, thank you to Charlie and Bob Gunn for organizing this year’s caroling.
As a reminder, the children and preschool will enact their Live Nativity tonight in the Sanctuary at 6:00pm tonight (Wednesday). Refreshments will follow in the Fellowship Hall. Then, this Sunday the Handbell Choir will ring in both services. Finally, Christmas Eve is on a Sunday this year. We will have our regular schedule, including Sunday School. And, we will observe the Lord’s Supper in both worship services. The Sunday morning services will be our Christmas Eve services. We will NOT have a service on Sunday evening.
Also, please remember our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. This special offering every year goes toward the support of our International Missionaries. Our church goal is $10,000. I want to encourage each of us to pray and ask God how much he would have us give toward this goal, and then to give obediently. Last year we failed to reach our Lottie Moon goal. That is the only goal for any special offering we have failed to meet in my 7 ½ years as your pastor. For the sake of our international mission efforts, I am praying that this year will not be our second.
On a final note, this Sunday I will continue with the 2nd message in the series, Signed, Sealed, and Delivered. Come hear how God sealed His promise of a Messiah, through His prophets down through the ages.
I am looking forward to seeing you Sunday for another great day in the Lord’s house!
You are Loved!
Dan Young