Thank you Nelda Stockstill for the special music in the 8:30 service, and the Celebration Choir featuring David Malone in the 11:00 service!
On Sunday evening, October 8th, Dr. Tommy Doughty will be here to lead a Discipleship Training study entitled, Christian Worldview and the World Wide Web” from 5:30 – 7:00pm. All adults and youth will meet in the Adult Assembly Area #1 (overflow room). Nursery and children’s study will be provided on a pre-sign up basis (we have to know how many and what ages to expect). I hope you will make plans to attend!
There will be a brief Special Called business meeting preceding our Bible study on Wednesday evening, October 4th, at 6:00pm. We will elect messengers to both the Associational Fall Meeting (October 9) and the Mississippi Baptist Convention annual meeting (October 24-25). If you would like to attend either of these as a messenger, please let me know so I can submit your name at the business meeting. We will be taking a van to the MBCB annual meeting. We will leave early in the morning and come back late that same evening. If you are interested in riding up with us, please let me know.
Senior Adults (55+) – Don’t forget this Thursday’s day trip to The Cajun Village in Sorrento, Louisiana. Departure time is 8:30am. Please contact Peggy Fore or call the church office if you have any questions.
Finally, the Family Fall Festival will be Saturday, October 21st, 4:00 – 7:00pm, in the gym. There will be food, games, fun, and lots of candy for the children. A cart for candy donations is set up in the Welcome Center.
You are Loved!
Dan Young