

November 1, 2023


From the Pastor

I want to thank the Celebration Choir for the wonderful worship music and special this past Sunday. Your dedication and use of your talents enhanced our worship experience!

Many of you have shared with me how much the services Sunday meant to you, and how God used Brian’s messages to both convict and encourage you. It was such a blessing to see four respond to the invitation at the 11:00 service. I will share their names with you when they make their profession of faith public. Sunday night’s service may have been the best of all! The message was thought provoking and inspiring as we were challenged to consider that our salvation is bigger than we often think it is (Hebrews 2:3). Did we experience revival? I would have to say that as a church, we did not. From the responses, it would seem that many individuals may have. Take the next few weeks to examine your life in the aftermath. If the Holy Spirit did a refreshing work in you, it should be evident – to you and to others.

The History of Veterans Day (adapted from the Department of Veterans Affairs website): “World War I officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919. However, fighting ceased seven months earlier when an armistice between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of WWI. Veterans Day continues to be observed on November 11, regardless of what day of the week on which it falls. The restoration of the observance of Veterans Day to November 11 not only preserves the historical significance of the date, but helps focus attention on the important purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.”

Our Veterans Day emphasis this year will be this coming Sunday. Our guest speaker will be Rear Admiral (Ret.) Dr. Endel Lee. Dr. Lee enlisted as a Recon Marine, later receiving his commission as an officer. He moved to the U.S. Navy as a Chaplain, rising to rank of Rear Admiral and working at the Pentagon as a Chief of Chaplains. His numerous and varied assignments include a tour as Deputy Command Chaplain of Seal Team Six. He has also earned the Navy Gold Parachutists Insignia and Navy Scuba Diver Insignia, along with the Fleet Marine Force Chaplain Insignia. An ordained Southern Baptist minister, Dr. Lee has been a senior pastor, associate pastor, interim pastor, seminary professor, director of Pastoral Care and Counseling in a hospital setting, and National Coordinator of Disaster Spiritual Care for Southern Baptists.  Dr. Lee retired from the Navy in 2020.

Roseland Park Baptist Church is indebted to all of our veteran and active duty service members. Thank you for your sacrificial service!

 You are Loved!

Dan Young


Set Your Clocks Back

1 Hour

Saturday, November 4 Night

Sunday, November 5

I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt,

out of the house of bondage.

You shall have no other gods before Me.

~ Exodus 20:2-3

Join us weekly in memorizing God's word. Dig deeper by purchasing "The Joshua Code" by O.S. Hawkins.

November 5

Week 10

Explore the Bible:

The Gospel of Mark


Mark 13:24-37

Bible Studies for Life:



Is Jesus the Only Way to God?

1 John 5:1-13

Special Service

Sunday, November 5

8:30 & 11 am

Guest Speaker: Dr. Endel Lee

Sunday, November 5

5:30 - 7:00 pm

"Bible Translations and the Cannon"

with Speaker - Norris Grubbs

Please RSVP by contacting Church Office or using Bulletin tear off.

Our thoughts and prayers

go out to the family and friends of

Lawton "Cross" Johnson

He was a Senior, Football

and Soccer player at PRCHS

and will be missed by many.

If you are interested in helping the family with unexpected arrangements and finances at this time please click link below for more details.


Wednesday, November 15

6:00 pm

in Fellowship Hall

RSVP by using bulletin tear off

or contacting office

by Wednesday, Nov. 8

Please bring a

Non-Perishable Food Item

(or Monetary Donation)

to be donated to

Christian Care Food Bank.

Operation Christmas Child

Shoebox Goal: 200

Deadline: Sunday, November 12

Limited boxes available in Lobby

(Info/Labels in box)

Extra Info/Label pamphlets by exits.




5:30 - 7 pm

5:00 pm Hang time
(Snack Bar Open)
6:00 pm Worship


Sunday, November 12 & 28

6:30 pm


Fellowship Hall


Rhys Everspaugh Home

Gym Donations

Final Construction Bid: $1,063,725

Donations: $1,031,877

Need: $31,848

The Gym Committee wants your help in naming our new Gym.

You may use bulletin tear off and place in tithe box or email church with your suggestions.

No matter how big or small your purchase from Claiborne Hill, your receipt can help us raise funds. This will be a year round fundraiser so remember to save your receipts. Special drop box located in Sanctuary lobby or church office.

A copy of the monthly Financial Report for October will be available in the church office upon request.

Phone: 601-798-2372



2024 Bible Drills:

April 21 - Associational Drills

at Central Baptist.

Children - Grade 4-6

Youth - Grade 7-12

Bible Buddies - Grade 1-3



Worship: Sunday @ 11:00 am

Prayer Meeting: Wednesday @ 6:00 pm

Unsure How to View?

Here are a few helpful hints...

  1. Clicking on a BLUE underlined word will take you to the website link
  2. Don't have a Facebook Account? Use the Vimeo link.
  3. Missed a LIVE feed? No problem, previous recordings are still available to view.

October 29


General Officer.......3








8:30 AM..............141

11:00 AM............130


6:00 PM..............101


8:30 AM - Worship

9:45 AM - Sunday School

11:00 AM -


Nursery (Birth-4yrs)


7:00 AM - Men's Bible Study Group

10:00 AM - Ladies Prayer Group


5:00 PM - Youth Hangout (7th-12th)

5:30 PM - Kids Life Hangout (1st-6th)

6:00 PM -

Adult Prayer Meeting

Bible Journaling Group

Nursery (Birth-2yrs)

Mission Friends (PreK 3-5yrs)

Kids Life (1st-6th Grade)

Student Ministry (7th-12th)

7:00 PM - Adult Choir Practice

Dan Young
Senior Pastor
Brad Replogle
Assoc. Pastor / Music
Rhys Everspaugh
Youth/Education Minister
Ceasar Argueta
Spanish Pastor
Jennifer Drennan
Financial Secretary
Nadia Young
Education Secretary
Roseland Park Baptist Church | 601-798-5620 |
2130 Hwy 11 North, Picayune, MS 39466 | rpbc.us