May 25, 2018 - 11 Sivan 5778 - Nasso
ES Highlights
D'var Torah
Thoughts of the Rav
Pinat HaParasha
Grade 5 Field Trip
Spring Music Program
Curl Up and Read Day
Understanding Our Differences
Days of Learning
Fine Arts Presentation
Reusable Snack Bags
Informational Evening on IEPs
Cradles to Crayons
Tribute to Nathan Katz
PTA Butcherie Receipt Drive
Science Camp
Lost and Found
Screen Time
Social Time!
ECC/MS/US Newsletters
ES Calendar
Monday, May 28
Memorial Day
No School

Tuesday, June 5
Fine Arts Presentation 
3:45 p.m.

Friday, June 15
Last Day of Classes
Noon Dismissal
Grade 5 Siyyum
As always, please see the Kol Rambam Weekly for the all-school calendar, events and PTA notes.
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Dear Parents,

We had a great week at school!
Please read on for the latest Elementary School news and information about upcoming events. 
D'var Torah
by Rabbi David Saltzman
In this week's parsha, we learn that on the first day of Nissan the Mishkan was erected and Hashem's
Shechinah came down and filled the Mishkan. This was an amazing day for the Jewish people, and in gratitude, each prince/ nassi brought the same korban for each of the twelve tribes for twelve days in a row, one on each day. Even though each nassi brought the same exact korban, the Torah lists every single item in great detail every single day. Each korban was made up of 35 identical items, and the
Torah lists each korban in detail twelve times. Why did each of the nessim bring a korban every single day? And knowing that each word written in the Torah is precious, why do you think it lists each
korban twelve separate times, even though it is the same each time?
In school this week, we suggested that the reason the nessim brought all these korbanot was to show hakarat hatov to Hashem for His presence resting with all of Bnei Yisrael in the Mishkan. Each nassi wanted to demonstrate their hakarat hatov on behalf of their shevet (tribe), and therefore each nassi brought their own korban. Furthermore, listing the korbanot in such great detail informs us how much Hashem appreciated every single korban. Even though they were identical and repetitious, a repeated act of hakarat hatov is just as meaningful as a similar one preceding it. Writing them all out using the same words emphasizes the nessim's similar expressions of hakarat hatov and Hashem's equal appreciation of their acts of gratitude.
A second idea is that each nassi chose the same korban in order to show their equality and unity through their expression of hakarat hatov. The purpose of showing hakarat hatov is not to win a competition, it is to express sincere gratitude.
Thoughts of the Rav
by Rabbi David Saltzman 
The Rav wonders: Why is Birkat Kohanim placed in the section of hoda'ah (thanksgiving) when repeating Shemona Esrei? Why is it not placed in the bakasha (request) section, since we are asking Hashem for His blessing? 
The Rav answers that Birkat Kohanim is a blessing that emanates from Hashem (through the kohanim). There is no greater chesed we can receive than a blessing from Hashem Himself. When you receive a beracha of such magnitude, you immediately realize the need to give thanksgiving, and therefore this beracha is placed in the hoda'ah section.  
Pinat HaParasha
Please click here to view the  Pinat HaParasha for Parshat Nasso . You are encouraged to print the document and use it as a source for discussion at the Shabbat table.
Grade 5 Field Trip
Yesterday the 5th graders visited Minuteman National Park as part of their social studies unit on the American Revolution. First the students watched a multi-media show about April 19, 1775 and the battles of Lexington and Concord. It was interesting to see and hear all the different aspects of the presentation, such as the lighting, sounds, lit-up map, steeple, clock, and voices.

The students then met a ranger named Rick at the Hartwell Tavern. He led a program called Rebels, Redcoats, and Homespun Heroes. He showed the students objects and asked whether they were imported or domestic. He taught the students how the militia trained, and used them in his demonstration. Finally, Ranger Rick did a musket firing demonstration.

After lunch the class drove to the Old North Bridge. They saw the graves of British soldiers and the famous statue of the Minuteman and the poem on it. It was fun for the students to learn history in a different way, and it was cool seeing colonial artifacts. It was a great end to the 5th grade field trips.


Spring Music Program
On Wednesday parents and students were treated to an afternoon of beautiful instrumental music and choral singing.  Under the direction of Andrew Malkin, music teacher extraordinaire, the Elementary School bands, Elementary School choruses, and Middle School band all gave excellent performances.  
The Elementary School band played Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture and Sam Hollander's Handclap; the 2nd and 3rd grade chorus sang Ari Goldwag's Am Echad (One Nation); the 4th and 5th grade chorus sang Sean Patterson's Everything is Awesome; and the Middle School band played Europe and Shifrin's Final Mission.  A wonderful time was had by the enthusiastic and supportive audience.

Curl Up and Read Day
The 5th graders enjoyed a great  Curl  Up and Read Day on Thursday ! They were rewarded with this event after reading 10 books each during the year. The students, most of them relaxing in their pajamas, ate, read, ate some more, and were visited by several guest readers including Rabbi Saltzman, Morah Renee, and Mrs. Gerber.

Understanding Our Differences
This week the second grade had the opportunity to take part in the Understanding Our Differences program , which helps children understand the everyday challenges faced by people with disabilities. During the program the students read a book called Candlewick, which tells the story of a deaf young girl who sells candles to her townspeople. The book describes the struggles and challenges she faced while doing her job, such as not being able to hear a knock on the door. Through the story, the students were asked to come up with modern ways that deaf people could be assisted in dealing with everyday tasks. The activity helped raise the children's awareness to the special needs of people with disabilities.

Days of Learning Sponsorship
We are grateful to Simone and David Sherman for sponsoring days of learning this week. If you'd like to learn more about supporting our school with a day of learning sponsorship, please visit our website.

Fine Arts Presentation on June 5
The third annual Elementary School Fine Arts Presentation will take place on Tuesday, June 5 at 3:45 p.m.  There will be a K-5 art exhibit and solo concert in the gym and lunchroom.

Please email Ms. DiOrio at if you are able to help set up the art show that day.

5th Graders Selling Snack Mixes in Reusable Bags
by the 5th grade students

Don't you hate having to go to the store to restock on snack bags? It's not just you who hates it. We hate it too. Every day, millions of plastic snack bags are thrown out, and then replaced. So now our landfills and our oceans are full of plastic. This is unhealthy for animals, marine life, plants, and humans. It is toxic to our water and our air.

This is changeable, and although a lot of people try to limit the amount of waste they throw out, there are still too many of us who can try harder to improve the world.  We at Maimonides have found a way that we can help.

The Maimonides fifth graders will be selling snack mixes in reusable plastic bags, which, instead of throwing out after every use, can be put in the dishwasher and then used again and again!  When you buy a snack bag, after you enjoy it, you reuse these decorative dishwasher- and freezer-safe reusable bags!

Make sure to bring $1.50 for a small snack bag, or $2.50 for a large snack bag, to buy these tasty treats that save the environment. 5th graders will be selling these at the end of lunch time on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays for the next few weeks.

Watch this video to see why you should reduce, reuse, and recycle:  Facts of what happens when you don't recycle reuse, and reduce_ ocean damage by plastic.

For more info (or if you have a question), contact Mrs. Slovin at .

Here are the ingredients for the different types of snack bags that we are making.  (Please note that we are also creating an allergy-free mix under Nurse Robin's supervision.)
 Movie Theatre
  • Trader Joe's popcorn
  • Trader Joe's Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chunks
  • Trader Joe's Honey Wheat Pretzel sticks
  • Mishpacha real non-dairy chocolate chips
  • Chex
  • Trader Joe's Dried Cranberries
  • Snyder's of Hanover pretzels
  • Chex
  • Trader Joe's Multigrain Cereal O's
  • Oreo-O's cereal
  • Trader Joe's Crisp Rice Cereal
  • Cookie Crisps
  • Mini Chips Ahoy
  • Trader Joe's crunchy cinnamon squares
  • Trader Joe's Strawberry Yogurt-o's
  • Trader Joe's roasted plantain chips
  • Aurora natural Mango slices
  • Trader Joe's freeze-dried Blueberries
  • Trader Joe's Multigrain Cereal O's
  • Trader Joe's freeze-dried strawberries
  • Trader Joe's White Cheddar Corn Puffs
  • Cheez-Its white cheddar grooves
  • Cheez-Its original
  • Oreo-O's cereal
  • Oreo minis
  • Cookie Crisps
  • Chips Ahoy
  • Cocoa Puffs
  • Mishpacha real non-dairy chocolate chips
  • Gefen real chocolate chips
Informational Evening for IEPs and Public Funding
Gateways: Access to Jewish Education and CJP are hosting an informational evening to discuss the IEP process, parent rights, and public/proportionate share funding. This program will be held at the Newton JCC on Tuesday,  May 29, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. and is open to parents and teachers of students attending Jewish day schools.
Donations for Cradles to Crayons
The Maimonides eighth grade is collecting items for Cradles To Crayons in honor of their Middle School Aliyah (graduation) ceremony!
They would appreciate if you could help them by donating new or gently-used items for babies and children. There will be collection boxes near the entrance of the Saval shul. The organization could use kids' clothes, games, books, and bedding.
Cradles to Crayons is especially looking for:
  • Boys Pants 4-5/7-8
  • Boys Shirts 2T-12
  • Girls Shirts 2T-12
  • Twin Blankets
  • Girls' and Boys' Sweaters
  • Girls' and Boys' Boots
Thank you!
Tribute to Nathan Katz
PTA Butcherie Receipt Drive
The PTA is organizing a Butcherie receipt drive! Get your Butcherie receipts stamped each week and give them to your children to bring to their teachers. When a class reaches 150 receipts, they will have a pizza party or an ice cream party!  

Science Camp
Registration for science camp is open until June 1!
Camp will run for two weeks again this year:
Week 1: June 25-29 -- STEM
Week 2: July 2-6 (no camp July 4) -- Art, Food, and the Environment
Please see for more informationThere is a link for registration at the bottom of the web page. 
Contact with any questions.

Lost and Found
Things are looking better on the lost and found table as the weather is slowly improving.  Please take a close look and retrieve any items that you recognize.
Screen Time for Students
We know that many parents try to limit screen time for their children and would like better guidelines or alternative means for students to practice their skills.  
We have compiled the chart below with our recommendations and requirements for each grade. If your child does not do well with these programs and you would like alternative ways for them to work on their skills, please let the teachers know and they will be glad to make other suggestions and/or supply other materials.

Reflex Math
KeyboardingWithout Tears
or Typing Club
Ariot Cal or iTalAm
Dah Ber
20 minutes a week; possibly more for specific students.
2x week
15 Minutes
Recommended 15 minutes a week;
possibly more for specific students
Recommended 15 minutes a week
1 x week
15 minutes or more
Recommended 2x week
10-15 minutes;
possibly more for specific students
2x week
10-15 minutes
As assigned by teacher
Recommended for specific students
Required 3x week
15 minutes
between school & home
Required 2x week
15 minutes
 As assigned by teacher
Optional & Occasional
Recommended for specific students
3x week
15 minutes until completed  
Typing Club: Optional up to
3x week 15 minutes
As assigned by Teacher
Recommended for specific students
3-4x week
15-20 minutes until completed
As assigned by Teacher

Social Time!
There's so much going on here at Maimo! Be sure to check out our social media to get the inside scoop (with lots of great photos) on happenings at school.  
Follow us on Twitter and Instagram

See What's Happening in the Other Divisions
Lots of wonderful things are happening at Maimonides School!

If you'd like to take a peek at what's happening in the other divisions, click to visit the Early Childhood Center, Middle School, or Upper School newsletter pages.

If you would like to contact a specific school office, please use these emails:

!שבת שלום
Rabbi, Reena, and the Maimonides ES Faculty