You never know what effect your words can have on someone, so choose them wisely. I say this as a
point of personal reflection. Last evening the Chamber held it's annual Open House and the response was overwhelomingly positive with a great capacity crowd and so many new faces and opportunities
created. Your support of this institution is powerful and places the Chamber in an honored position and
a deep sense of responsibility. Responsibility to each member and the greater Escondido community.
The Chamber is committed to filling our responsibility. Along this line of thinking and circling back to my
lead sentence in speaking to one of the guests last evening I was made aware of something I had said at
a previous enegagement and for whatever reason this guest brought it up and related what it meant to
them at the ti
me at the moment. It just gave me apause to reflect and remember that each one of us has
the ability to affect someone with our words. So again, choose them wisely. I know I am going too.
Stay tuned, get involved and be a part of the change.
Some important dates I'd like to remind you of:
- Tuesday, 2/4: Government Affairs
- Monday, 2/10: EUSD State of the District
- Thursday, 2/13: Economic Development
- Thursday, 2/13: Mixer & Ribbon Cutting
- Wednesday, 2/26: State of the City
- Friday, 2/28: Wake Up Escondido