720 N Broadway
Escondido, CA 92025

March 25 , 2020
The Escondido Chamber of Commerce
OFFICE is currently closed.
We are working remotely, and here for YOU!
Support LOCAL Businesses NOW...

Support Your Neighbors...
...Support Escondido!

LOCAL Businesses Need OUR help NOW...
...more than EVER!


The Ramona
Barn Owls
Live Streaming NOW!

SD Fair Seeks Community Heroes

Price Gouging
Is A Crime !

Report It!


It's during times such as now that the Chamber becomes even more valuable. Although the Chamber's physical offices are closed there's plenty going on. We're working behind the scenes to try and make sense of all the information being pushed at all of us. It can be overwhelming, but we're here for you. We've prepared a list of the Open Businesses who need your support now. This is a live list and look for updates as we're consistently doing just that. And, if you know of a business that is not on our list please do have someone reach out to us. Our full contact options will be at the end of this newsletter along with links to various selected and vetted out services for your use.
One of the highest value resources we've connected with is the Facebook Group administered by Patti Thompson, Escondido Friends. What an incredible job she and her group are doing in connecting and helping people here in Escondido. The Chamber fully supports her efforts, which exemplifies the can-do spirit of Escondidans during this challenge. Escondido Shines indeed!
We're also going to point out needs of others and one of them is the Neighborhood Healthcare which has an immediate need for N-95 face masks. I'm sure there is more they need but, right now it's masks.
Beyond this we all need to utilize the City of Escondido's website where updates and instructions are posted.
Many of us are asking what I can do and the first and foremost thing you can do is stay calm, follow the CDC directions and respect the social distancing and shelter in place orders. You can also reach out to your neighbors. Yes, even a phone call is warranted at this time. A friendly caring voice conveys differently than a digital message and right now we need to do everything we can. We also must support our local businesses! Buy gift cards, have food picked up, turn to your local merchants and let them know you support them. The Chamber's list is a good place to start.
Additionally, take care of your health and that of your family and loved one's. We will get through this. And, we will get through sooner if we all work together. Look local first and look to your Chamber as we push out more services and recommendations. Follow our social media posts, read our emails and reach out to us with any ideas, thoughts and suggestions.
Thank your local first responders, delivery service people, mail person and civil servants who are unselfishly working on the front lines of our defense.

There is much more the Chamber is coordinating and we need your support, so please do watch for updates that we'll be sending. Including more information from the Small Business Administration, but we promise not to inundate your inbox.

Finally, our poll question from last week had 100% saying that they have had to cut back on staff or hours because of the COVID-19 situation.

And this week's poll question  (click on the question to vote) Where are you spending most of your time as your shelter in place?


James Rowten (JR)
        Chris Cochran, Marketing & Development Director
        [email protected]

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