Ok, I've had it and I'm signing off. I am taking a much needed hiatus from watching and listening to the news or at least the news from the traditional sources. I can't take the clear bias any longer. I don't think the sky is falling and I don't think the world is going to hell in hand basket anytime soon. I am choosing to have a clutter free mind and not letting the pending doom coming down upon us all affect me. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of things I am aware of but, I don't need all the negativity. I'm committed to embracing the good all around me.
Yes, right here in Escondido there is so much good happening that it won't be kept down any longer. Allow me to point out a few good things I see:
- The City has found it within its budget to freshen up a long standing icon for our community...The California Center for the Arts. That's a good thing. Congratulations Jerry.
- Planning is going on in a collaboratively open way for the next Grand Avenue Festival with both the DBA
and the Chamber. That's a good thing. Thank you Alex, Louisa, Carol, et al.
- The Escondido Charitable Foundation has given back to our community over $2.1 million dollars since it
was founded in 2006. Their newest imprint will clearly be seen soon in the gift of the Escondido Giving Arch which will be an instant icon for our community. Well done Trudy and team!
- Congratulations and a thank you goes out to the team Diana Chambers has built and the great work being done
by the Assistance League of Inland North County. The staff embodies all that is good about Escondido and we
thank them for hosting our July Chamber mixer.
- And I would be remiss if I didn't point out the great work I personally have seen carried out by the Escondido Police Department. Their dedicated diligence to making Escondido a better place to live is felt.
I hope you too are seeing the good work and contributions people all around us are making to our community and I hope it serves as motivation for you to contribute. That can be a good thing. Now go out and create something good!