May 2020 • ESLT News
Dear friend,

So... anything new happening lately?

I certainly want to find words that resonate. But truthfully, I'm just at a point where I either need to cry or laugh. And today, I've decided to laugh. I feel grateful for all that I have - I am healthy, my red and yellow roses are blooming, the little house wren is singing her song, and the veggie plants I grew from seeds are all tucked into their warm garden.

I planted those seeds indoors during the cold and dark days of February. I nurtured and watched them as they poked up and out of the soil, reaching for the light. I think a part of me feels like that small seed right now, all tucked away and waiting for light and warmth.

And like the nurtured seeds that turned into thriving plants, my soul is being nurtured by your calls and notes. I'm finding strength and hope in those beams of light.

I miss you, and I'm looking forward to seeing you either on my computer screen during one of our virtual chats and events, or in person when we feel safe to be with one another again.

In the meantime, I hope that you and your loved ones are healthy, and that you're still finding solace and peace in nature near you.
With deepest gratitude,

Kay Ogden
Executive Director, ESLT
Workshop #3: Backyard Bird Bonanza
Today! Thursday, May 28th, 2-3PM

Your backyard can help birds! Join Pete Pumphrey, past President of Eastern Sierra Audubon Society, to learn how to create a garden that local birds will love. Learn More .
Meeting #1: Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Kimmerer
Tuesday, June 2nd, 5:30-6:30PM

As we practice physical distancing, we can still collect in a powerful place - the magical landscapes of literature. At our first meeting, we'll discuss the first half of Robin Kimmerer's Braiding Sweetgrass . Learn more.
Workshop #4: Plants and Pollinators
Thursday, June 4th, 2-3PM

Join Elijah Hall, researcher at the University of California Riverside and California Native Plant Society, to learn about relationships between native plants and pollinators, and how you can create the best habitat in town. Learn More .
Email Marie at to register for these virtual gatherings.

If you stood by Highway 395 earlier this month, two minutes may have gone by without the roar and burst of breeze from a passing car. But our mule deer's migration pathway is treacherous even with reduced traffic, and many are lost to accidents along their biannual journey. Local authorities are looking into a possible solution: wildlife overpasses.

If you live in the Bishop area, we have just the thing to help get you outside and lift your spirits! Our Executive Director Kay Ogden started a trend of hanging inspiring messages on the tree in front of our office on 250 N. Fowler Street. Now, plenty of folks have added their own messages and ribbons, and it's become our own neighborhood Giving Tree.

Cami Chavez has worked with our team here at ESLT for many years, and now we're excited to welcome her remotely on board as an official member of our staff. She lives at Topaz Lake and has explored much of the Eastern Sierra by horseback.

"I like the fact that ESLT brings diverse people and ways of thinking together for the common goal of protecting land. We are lucky here in that most everyone in Mono and Inyo counties wants to protect open land." This month, we're spotlighting another of our dedicated, longtime volunteers, Roberta.
Community Resources // How To Help
What's been helping you get through this unprecedented time? Feel free to reply with inspiration or ideas, and feel free to share your stories with us on Facebook and Instagram too. We're working to spread the word about local tips, resources, and opportunities.
Thank you for being a part of the ESLT family. With the help of landowners, volunteers, members, and supporters like you, we're ensuring a bright future for the Eastern Sierra.

Kay, Amanda, Cami, Carissa, Heather, Kristen, Marie, Sara, Sus, and our Board of Directors