ESON & MSN Newsletter

February 2023

Greetings Elementary School OST and Middle School Networks!

We hope that 2023 has been off to a great start for you and the youth and families you serve. On January 13th, 2023, The Embrace sculpture was unveiled to the world, which stands at 22 ft tall, located at the Boston Common. “The Embrace depicts two pairs of arms wrapped in a hug: those of Martin Luther King Jr and his wife, Coretta Scott King. It’s a detail pulled from a famous photo of the couple embracing – and to the artist, Hank Willis Thomas, a representation of how their love catalyzed a mass movement that changed the world.” Be sure to check it out, and encourage the youth in your programs and schools to do the same.

Next Joint Network Meeting (virtual) Information

When: Wednesday, February 1st

Time: 10:00-11:30am

Location: Zoom Link

On Wednesday, February 1st, we will be hosting a joint ESON & MSN Network convening on Zoom, from 10:00-11:30am. During this meeting, we will check in and share program updates, discuss stereotypes and biases that the youth are consumed with in school, out of school, and on social media, and we will begin to think about summer planning collectively. Our hope is that you will be able to join us. 

Singer Pierre Fontaine spontaneously sings We Shall Overcome for the crowd gathered to view The Embrace on Martin Luther King Jr Day. Photograph: CJ Gunther/EPA

Martin Luther King III, Yolanda Renee King and Arndrea Waters King at the unveiling of The Embrace at the Boston Common. Photograph: MediaPunch/REX/Shutterstock

Important ACTIONS for YOU to be completed ASAP

2023 Rollin’ N Summer Resources Event: Provider Sign-up Form

Hello Summer Program Providers!

The Village, CPS, Agenda for Children OST, CFCC, & DHSP are hosting the 2023 Rollin’ N Summer Resources. This resource fair is being set up to help Cambridge families get ready for summer and will take place on Saturday, March 4th, from 1-4:30pm, at the CSUS/King Open Building, located at 850 Cambridge Street. We invite you to come and set up a table to have families hear about and/or complete applications for your summer programs.

This fun event for K-8 families will also include roller skating run by Party Vision. We’ll provide snacks and some entertainment for younger children (provided by community partners) so that caregivers can get applications and check out the summer program options for their children.

Click 2023 Rollin' N Summer Resources: Provider Sign-up to reserve a table for this event. 

2023 Summer Opportunities Guide Intake Form

It may be hard to believe but we’re already planning for Summer Programming! 

Yes, SUMMER PROGRAMMING! Please fill out this 2023 Summer Opportunities Guide Form with your initial summer program for the following:

  • Parents & Caregivers will have early access to when programs open and close their program registration.
  • Your program will be featured on our 2023 Summer Camp Registration timeline.
  • Your info will be included in the Agenda for Children's 2023-2024 Jk-5th Graders & 6th-8th Graders Resource Guide (ESON & MSN).
  • Your program info will ALSO be updated or added to\

Click here to fill out the Summer Guide Form.

OST-CPS Partnering Efforts and Opportunities

i-Ready Resources for OST Providers to Support Students’ Learning Beyond the School Day

On January 19th, 2023, there was a workshop co-facilitated by CPS and AFCOST to provide an overview of the i-Ready personalized learning program. As the more than 25 OST professionals who attended the workshop learned, i-Ready is an online platform for CPS 3rd-8th graders to use beyond the school day to support their learning in the areas of Math and English Language Arts.  

  • Here’s a link to a video recording and the slides from the workshop.
  • Important: If your program serves CPS students in grades 3-5, and you have interest in potentially having Chromebooks provided for you to keep at your program for students to use for i-Ready, please email Khari at asap, by the end of January.

Cambridge Public Schools is Seeking to Engage with OST Professionals to Help Shape the Future of CPS!

Engagement Opportunities

More Details

If Interested!

Instructional Framework Info Session -- The session is designed to share the plan and field any questions.

CPS will soon be holding its final virtual community update session on the design of its Instructional Framework, one of the focused initiatives in the District Plan.

Please register here for virtual community update session:

Wednesday, February 1 |

6-6:45 PM & 7-7:45 PM

Portrait of a Graduate* Design Team -- Will help CPS develop a collective vision that articulates shared aspirations for each student.

*What is a Portrait of a Graduate (POG)?

To learn more about POG, see this video and this website.

The POG Design Team will meet 4 times from 2/8-3/16/23, and it will be a mix of in-person and virtual sessions.

For more details please contact Khari Milner ( or 617-349-6553) ASAP

Resources for Youth and Families

ESON & MSN February Break Slideshow

Be sure to check out our recently created ESON and MSN February Break Fun OST slideshow. Make sure your program is included and accurate. This slideshow will be shared with families, CPS Family Liaisons, and shown in schools.

Opportunities for You

Cambridge School Volunteers is hosting a session on Understanding Risk and Resilience among students with reading difficulties on Zoom today Thursday, January 26th, starting at 5:30pm.

Click here to view the flyer. Registration link:

The Agenda for Children OST, Cambridge Public Library STEAM, and the Cambridge STEAM Initiative are teaming up to host some professional development and community-building opportunities. The plan is to host a Black Panther Wakanda Forever screening, connect with OST innovation experts in our community, share resources, engage in conversation, and do some hands-on exploration of STEAM materials and makerspace equipment. We'll also provide time to bring it all together with colleagues to develop plans to take back to your own OST program. Click here to view flyer.

Interested? Great! We'd like to know what interests you the most (even if it's everything!) so we can figure out logistics.

Please take a few minutes to fill out this form.

We would love for OST Program Providers to refer Parents & Caregivers to our Network Advisory Group!

  • Can you think of any parents or caregivers in your program that have ideas on how to improve Out-of-School programs?
  • Have any of those parents & caregivers faced barriers that make it hard for them to participate in Out-of-School Time programs?
  • Would they like to see Schools and Out-of-School Time programs work together to support children?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, they are a candidate for our Parent & Caregiver Advisory group!

Please invite Parents & Caregivers to join us on zoom Tuesday, February 7th, from 6:00-7:15pm to learn more. 

Network Parent & Caregiver Advisory Group Zoom Link

They can also email Shawn Proctor at if they have any questions.

Other CPS News!

“As equity and inclusivity are cherished values and a throughline in all of our work, we are proud to be the first school district in New England to establish sacred spaces at each of our schools for students and staff members who observe spiritual or religious practices that require regular prayer. The space is accessible throughout the year. Each also has a prayer rug for those who wish to use them.”

Click Sacred Spaces in All Schools to learn more!

Upcoming Joint Network Meetings



Joint or Separate

Other Network Opportunities This Month


Wed, Feb 1st



Joint meeting



Wed, March 1st



Joint meeting



to talk about summer programs.

Scheduled throughout March (dates TBA)

The Middle School Network (MSN) and Elementary Out-of-School Time Network (ESON) are programs of the Agenda for Children Out-of-School Time that aim to ensure equitable access and engagement of elementary and middle school youth in out-of-school time experiences in Cambridge. Agenda for Children Out-of School Time is a citywide intermediary situated in both the City’s Human Services and School Departments.

Shawn Proctor

ESON Coordinator

Cambridge Public Schools & Agenda for Children OST

Annie Leavitt

MSN Coordinator

Cambridge Public Schools & Agenda for Children OST

View the MSN/ESON Meeting Dates and Schedule for this Year

Check our Events Calendar for all other professional development opportunities

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