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Quarterly News


Greetings ETED Members,

Pumpkin yourself up to Viva Las Vegas! Now is the time to make plans to attend ACTE’s CareerTech VISION 2022 conference Nov. 30–Dec. 3 in Las Vegas, Nevada. ETED will be hosting a special reception Friday, Dec. 2 at the HyperX Esports Arena. I would love to connect with you at the opening session and the reception. VISION offers a chance to fall for the latest technologies and best practices related to career and technical education. There are plenty of opportunities for both in-person and virtual attendees.

To include as many members as possible, the ETED Business meeting will be held virtually again this year. The meeting will take place Thursday, Nov. 17 at 5:00 p.m. ET. While everyone is welcome to attend, you must be an ETED member to vote. Please use this link to register by Friday, Nov. 4. Registration will be required to receive the meeting link.

Fall is an exciting time with the changing weather and changing colors. I encourage you to find a balance between your classroom and personal time. Self-care is important. Break out the sweaters, drink some hot chocolate, and count your blessings. Take care and know that your work in developing tomorrow’s innovators is worthwhile and important.

Kind regards,

Richelle Downey

ACTE Engineering and Technology Education Division

ETED Division News

Esports News

Please see our latest updates and news for the ETED Area of Interest: Academic Esports

The Esports Area of Interest will be hosting Part 3 of the sponsored Esports webinars on Oct. 12 at 4:00 p.m. ET and registration is free. Part 1 & 2 can also be accessed on this link and will be under "recent webinars." A special thanks to our Mastery Coding webinar sponsor.

For additional information regarding the Esports area, you may contact Jill Ranucci, Ph.D. at


Professional Development Conferences & Events

Advance Rates for VISION End Oct. 14!

With robust in-person and virtual options

Join career and technical educators for our largest conference of the year at ACTE’s CareerTech VISION, happening this Nov. 30–Dec. 3 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Or you can choose to attend virtually for an immersive professional development opportunity.


The 2022 event will offer in-person attendees:


  • Inspirational keynote presentations focused on cultivating your leadership and professional development
  • CareerTech Expo, the largest and latest collection of CTE products and services
  • 300+ concurrent sessions, covering timely topics in high-quality secondary and postsecondary CTE
  • Focused preconference workshops, tours and the ACTE Awards Gala on Nov. 30 (additional fees for workshops, tours and the Gala required)
  • Access to the virtual platform, including 55 on-demand sessions, for up tp 30 days post-event


Virtual attendees will receive:

  • Live-streamed opening and closing General Sessions, featuring keynote speakers and CTE leaders on our mainstage
  • Access to 55 live-streamed concurrent sessions, covering high-quality secondary and postsecondary CTE
  • All-new Expo robots giving virtual attendees the opportunity to visit booths remotely
  • Access to the virtual platform, including 55 on-demand sessions, for up to 30 days post-event
Learn more and register

Member Reminders

Election Vote ACTE

Renew Your Membership by Nov. 2 to Vote!

The 2023 ACTE board of directors’ election will be held this Dec. 2–Jan. 2! Please note these key dates:


  • Be sure your membership is current by Nov 2 to vote — renew now!
  • Voting will open during CareerTech VISION on Dec. 2 and run through Jan. 2
  • Winners will be announced in January 2023

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Techniques Reader Survey

Tell us honestly, what do you think about Techniques? We're conducting a brief readership survey to make sure we continue developing content that CTE educators find meaningful and of value. (Submit by Dec. 3, and you'll be entered to win a $50 gift card.)

Take the Survey

Upcoming Deadlines to Apply for ACTE Leadership Programs


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