Dear Mentors,
Thank you for committing to be a mentor teacher for the 2022-2023 school year! My name is Laura Click, and I am the Director of Field Experiences and Residency. For those of you that are returning mentors, we appreciate your dedication to our program, and we look forward to strengthening our partnership with you. For those serving as a mentor teacher for the first time, we want to welcome and assure you we are here to provide you with information regarding our residency program and answer any questions you might have.
As a reminder, ETSU students began pre-residency on July 11 and were eager to get in schools and complete their 50 required observation hours. We encouraged candidates to attend district and/or school level in-service events so they could experience some of the beginning of the year teacher requirements. Candidates were also required to attend the first day of school for students.
If you are a second placement mentor teacher you will begin working with the residency candidate at the beginning of March , therefore, you may not have received an email from them at this point and time. You also will not receive and email from LiveText until prior to the second placement beginning.
This year we conducted mentor meetings based on your residency candidates program of study. Thank you to all mentor teachers who were able to attend. If for some reason you were not able to attend, we understand and you should have received an email with a link to the recorded meeting, the powerpoint, and the Handbook for Mentor Teachers and Supervisors. There have been several changes and updates for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year and you can find this information in the powerpoint and/or the new Mentor Teacher/University Supervisor Handbook.
Our office is excited for this upcoming academic year and can't wait for our candidates to continue in their Residency I experience with you! If there are any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to our office at or by using the contact information below.
Thank you again for supporting the ETSU, Clemmer College, and the Educator Preparation Program,
Laura Click