Ebenezer United Church of Christ
Pastor’s Corner

As we move through the church calendar, we have experienced the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and the season of Epiphany. All of this and we are just entering into February! As we look ahead to March, we will enter the season of Lent.
Lent is one of my favorite church seasons. Lent calls Christians to step back from the demands and fast pace to which society calls us. Instead we are called to take the time to reflect upon our lives and reorient ourselves toward God.
I personally, like so many other people, can get wrapped up in the speed of the secular world. There is always something happening, something that needs to be done, something that demands my undivided attention. The odd thing is that at the end of the day, I often can’t recall what was so important about some of those things I did that day. Shouldn’t I give my time, my energies, and my love to that which is truly important? Daily, I ask if I am using my gifts in ways that God would find pleasing. Some days I do better than others. This is why Lent is important to me.
Many people give up something for Lent. I have found that instead of giving up something I enrich my walk with God by adding the practice of a spiritual discipline to my routine. True, I do have to change my calendar to accommodate this addition, but it is worth the change. I appreciate the focused time, which I set-aside during Lent to study the scriptures more deeply than usual. I seek out time and space during the day to read the Bible and practice other disciplines. My reading is more than simple reading. I seek to read not for information or sermon preparation instead I read to come closer to God. From time-to-time during this reading I stop and reread a verse or a few words that catch my attention. I stay with these words for a time asking what they are saying to me, asking God why these words have caught my attention. I can’t force this style of reading to fit into a predetermined time frame because God may have a word for me, which doesn’t come in the time I set aside for reading. I let myself journey toward God-time.
Lent is a time for preparation, examination, and prayer. I like to use this season as a time to give myself to God by entering into God-time.
Harbor House Mission Project
The Mission Education Committee would like to thank everyone that donated “Wish List” items for Harbor House, as well as monetary donations. This was the Mission Education Committee’s Christmas Mission Project for 2021 and provided Harbor House with a variety of personal items and supplies that they really needed. Harbor House relies heavily on the generosity of the community and Ebenezer United Church of Christ helped to meet some of those pressing needs.
Thanks, again, for your support of this project and know that Harbor House was very grateful and appreciative of your efforts.
Mission Education Committee
Jeanne, Janet, Karen, & Ruth
from Karen and Ruth!
We would like to thank the following for helping take down the fall decorations and putting up Christmas decorations:  Bea Pingel, Kerry Duchow, and Dan and Kelly Weibel. We would also like to thank Kerry, Dan, and Kelly for carrying the fall and Christmas tubs up from the basement and then taking them back down again. 

We also want to thank the confirmands (Aiden Tanner, Mason Pagel, Spencer Wagner, Carson Pierquet and Caleb Wiegert) for carrying the Christmas tubs back up into church so they were available again for packing up decorations, and for Dan’s help taking the Christmas decorations down and carrying the tubs back downstairs again.

You can see that there’s more to decorating church than just putting up and taking the decorations down.  We appreciate all the help we get because it saves us time and a lot of steps going up and down a couple flight of stairs each season they decorate if volunteers help. 

We’d also like to thank Don Pingel for making sure all the Christmas lights were always turned on and off for church, along with the candles in the windows. And a special thank you to Elaine for making sure the poinsettias were always watered too. 

Again, thank you everyone for your help. We hope you enjoy the seasonal decorations we put up, and if anyone would ever like to volunteer to help, just let us know. We always appreciate the help!

Karen & Ruth
EUCC Ushering Schedule
Below is the upcoming ushering schedule; please note that the church office does not find a replacement, but we are happy to help you get in contact with possible subs! Please let the office know when any changes are made.

February 6: Council
February 13: Ralph
February 20: Karen
February 27: Mark

March 6: Council

For questions on ushering duties please click here.
Bathroom Renovations
We are currently in the process of getting bids to renovate the downstairs bathrooms. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to those who have donated already!
A big "THANK YOU" to Elaine, Ellie, and Janel for filling in on Christmas Eve with very little practice time. We are glad to have Ruth back, and praying for a speedy recovery for Tom. We are playing at St. John on January 30th, but will be back on February 13th at Ebenezer . Anyone interested in joining the handbell choir can contact Jill Sippel at 920-418-1534 or just show up on Wednesday night at 6:30 pm.

Eagle Articles
Eagle articles are due February 15. Please have them in at that time. We like to get them out to members before the end of the month. Thank you for your help on this.
2022 Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order by Vice President Ken Lisowe at 8:47a and a quorum was established.
Joan Woelfel made a motion to approve the agenda and Edith Knoespel seconded it. Motion carried.
Worship service was held.
Ebenezer Church Covenant was said in unison.
  • Prayer was said by Pastor Mike.
Kari Meyer made a motion to approve the 2021 Annual Meeting Minutes and Ralph Schmid seconded it. Motion carried.
There was no old business to discuss.
New business:
  • Appointment of tellers were Mark Rusch and Glen Pingel
  • Nominations and elections for new council members:
Mark Rusch, Karen Cmejla and Don Pingel were nominated.
Joan Woelfel made a motion to close nominations and accept the new
council members and Kristi Schnell seconded it. Motion carried
  • Dean Papendieck reported on the 2021 Financial Reports. Vern Gash made a motion to adopt the 2022 budget proposed and Joan Woelfel seconded it. Motion carried.
Pastors Report, Presidents Report, all committee reports were noted.
There was no other new business.
Several special “Thanks you’s” were noted:
Our new Administrative Assistant, Nikki Equitz; Ellie Papendieck and her service for visiting the shut-ins; Ken Lisowe for his handy work and carpentry work; Shirley Lisowe for heading Sunday School; Kelly Brown for heading Scrip; Elaine Hessil for her musical talents and Ruth Aebischer and Karen Cmejla for decorating church.
Ann Gasch made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Joan Woelfel seconded it. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted in absence of Stacey Vernon by,
Karen Cmejla

A Special Thank You From the Congregation
The congregation wants to express gratitude to Zach Platner and Ken Lisowe as outgoing council members for the wonderful job they have done.

If you are unable to make it to service, you are welcome to view the service Live on Facebook. As a reminder, you can always tune into 95.5 within a block of the church during the service!
Scrip: If you are in need of Scrip, please let Kelly know. If you are interested in re-loadable cards and direct pay to avoid contact, there is a small fee for credit card charge and bank withdrawal.

Kelly Brown
Dean ~ Diana ~ Kari ~
Pastor Sue ~ Rebecca ~
Janice~ Rod~ Stephanie
Steve ~ Tod ~ Tony ~ Vern Dennis ~ Joan and Family

Due to privacy laws, last names cannot be printed on the prayer list because the Eagle goes on the church website which can be viewed by anyone on the Internet. 

If you want someone added or removed, please contact the church office.
Thank you.
Administrative Assistant - Nikki:
(920) 849-4331
Administrative Hours:
Monday: 9-2:30p
Wednesday: 9-2:30p

Please note: Nikki is not always in the office and often works from home but the phones are forwarded to her. You may contact her via email at [email protected] during these hours as well.

Pastor Michael Safford - Kennedy:
Cell: (920) 286-1956
Monday: 9-12p
Tuesday: 9-4p
Wednesday 1-3p
Thursday 9-12p

The office phone messages are checked during office hours; if you have a pastoral emergency, please contact Pastor Mike at (920) 286-1956 or via email.

If you have a non-emergency, send the office an email or leave a voicemail.
Penni Gleason 2/2
Doris Propson 2/5
Mason Pagel 2/12
Bobby Van Beek 2/12
Kaleb Plate 2/15
Darren Sattler 2/15
Andy Hofmeister 2/21
JoAnn Lakin 2/21
Jase Porsche 2/21
Terry Schenkus 2/21
Carson Pierquet 2/28

May God bless your years and may you continue to bless Ebenezer!
  • February 6: Council Installation and Communion
  • Men's Group Breakfast: 8:30a on February 10 at 7 Angels!
  • Bell Choir will play on February 13
  • Women's Guild Breakfast 9a on February 17 at 7 Angels!
  • Wired Word is on Tuesdays at 10a.
  • Confirmation Classes are on Wednesday nights at 5:30p.
  • Bell Choir Practices are on Wednesday nights at 6:30p
  • February 20: Church Council Meeting at 11a
  • Eagle Newsletter: Articles are due February 15.

Ebenezer Council Meeting Minutes
January 23, 2022
Attendees: Ken Lisowe, Dean Papendieck, Karen Cmejla, Joan Woelfel, Mark Rusch, and Don Pingel
Vice President, Ken Lisowe called the meeting to order; then left the meeting.
Joan Woelfel said a prayer
New Business:
Nomination of new officers:
  • Treasurer nominee: Dean Papendieck accepted position of Council Treasurer. Mark Rusch made a motion to accept and Joan Woelfel seconded. Motion carried.
  • Secretary nominee: Karen Cmejla accepted the position of Council Secretary. Joan Woelfel made a motion to accept Karen as Council Secretary and Dean Papendieck seconded it. Motion carried.
  • Vice President Nominee: Joan Woelfel accepted position of Council Vice President. Karen Cmejla made a motion to accept Joan Woelfel as Council Vice-President and Mark Rusch seconded it. Motion carried.
  • President Nominee: Stacey Vernon. Joan noted that she was approached by former President, Zach Platner at last council meeting and she stated she would think about it. Stacey was not present to accept the position. We tried reaching her by phone but could not connect. Position is still open for discussion and approval.
It was discussed that February 6th will be installation of new council officers.
The next regular council meeting will be February 20, 2022
Joan Woelfel made a motion to adjourn and Mark Rusch seconded. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted by new Council Secretary,
Karen Cmejla  
Approved by Council via Email
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