Ebenezer United Church of Christ
Pastor’s Corner

(This is a reprint from a few years ago. I frequently reflect upon these three teachers and the lessons I learned from them. My brother-in-law was a teacher and he touched the lives of many young people. May we always remember the lessons learned from our mentors.)
Last fall I began searching for three teachers who made a large impact upon my life. I had decided that when I found them, I would share specifically what they had done to leave such a lasting imprint upon me and how they had changed my life. The three teachers were Allen Marcus (high school math), Randy VerStrat (9th grade history), and John VerHeek (8th grade English).
Google, Facebook, and the courage to call all of the A. Marcus’ in the phonebook and not being too embarrassed at getting the wrong number were the tools I used to locate these teachers. The first teacher I found was Allen Marcus...I found his widow. I spoke with her last winter, just before Christmas. We talked for quite a while and finished by saying that when I came to Michigan in May for a wedding, I would call her.
Randy VerStrat was easy to locate since my brother had stayed in touch with him throughout the years. To my delight I discovered that my brother had invited him to the wedding.
John VerHeek was more difficult. Google searches produced just two people with that name in Michigan. One person was far too young and the other was no longer a teacher, but he was the right age.
I found all three teachers over Mother’s Day weekend. I was in Michigan to officiate at my niece’s wedding. I met with Barbara Marcus. I met Randy VerStrat at the wedding. I found John VerHeek via Facebook. I shared with each of them what they had meant to me. All of us were moved to tears as I thanked them for what they had done for me and what they taught me.
God brings many people into our lives. We need to keep our eyes, ears, hearts, and minds open so we may understand what is happening, what God is preparing us to do either right now or later in life. Perhaps these people understand what God is doing, maybe they don’t know, they are just doing their “job.”
During the summer spend some time remembering the people that have influenced your life. Contact them and tell them what they have meant to you and your life. Share God’s goodness and blessings.
Peace and grace,
Annual Ice Cream Social Supper

Ebenezer U.C.C.’s Annual Ice Cream Social Supper, sponsored by Ebenezer’s Women’s Guild, is going to be held on Wednesday, July 13th. This year, again, we will only be offering carry outs which will be available from 4:00-6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The menu includes Johnsonville brats, hamburgers, coleslaw, beans, German potato salad, and, of course, homemade pies.

If you would like to place an order ahead of time so you can just stop in and pick it up in the Fellowship Hall, call Joan Woelfel at 920-418-5457 or Ruth Aebischer at 920-849-9427 by Friday, July 8th. 

Funds raised from this event goes towards Our Church’s Wider Mission and the Ebenezer’s Women’s Guild. If you have questions or concerns about the Ice Cream Social Supper, please give Joan a call or email Ruth at [email protected] .

Thank you!

Joan Woelfel and Ruth Aebischer
Notes from the Music Corner...

“When love is found and hope comes home, sing and be glad that two are one. Praise God for love, praise God for life, in age or youth, in calm or strife” This is part of the text of the song Ebenezer Brass rang for Mothers’ Day on May 8th. So appropriate for the day, the title is “Gift of Love.” That was the final day for the bell choir participation until September. The ringers on May 6 were Jill Sippel (director), Ruth Aebischer, Karen Cmejla, Stephanie Shepherd, Meghan Lau, Claudia Brown, and Caitlynn Paulson. We thank them for their time and dedication. Hopefully, there will be some bell solos or bell accompaniments to hymns throughout the summer. Thank you to Jennifer and Heidi Pringle for joining Karen Cmejla in ringing an accompaniment to the congregation singing “Amazing Grace” on May 15th.
On the second and third Sunday of June, there will be a blank paper included in the bulletin for anyone to write their favorite hymn(s) and place in the plate near the offering. As in the past, they do not necessarily need to be from the New Century Hymnal. Those hymns will be used for the pre-service sing-alongs in July. Hopefully, everyone will have a hymn or two to request!

Future Ringers?
The Pringle family, Jennifer, Heidi, and Kimberlee joined Karen in accompanying the congregation as they sang Amazing Grace on May 15.
From the Sunday School Corner

Our Sunday School year came to an end on May 15th. This is always a bittersweet time because, as much as we look forward to our summer vacation, we will miss seeing each other every Sunday morning. We’re especially sad to say goodbye to those students graduating into the confirmation program next fall, yet very happy to have been part of their Christian growth which led them to this time. It’s been a pleasure working with all our kids and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to do so. Our mission project for the year was filling Ebenezer’s blessing box with soup for those in our community. The outpouring of donations from the kids was amazing. Thank you, families, for your generosity. A special thanks goes out to Kristi Schnell and Tami Brown, two terrific teachers who have given many years to our Sunday school program. Couldn’t do this without you! Enjoy your summer everybody! See you in September. —-Shirley
Wired Word Bible Study

The Wired Word Bible Study has concluded for the summer. We will return in September with another round of faith-based discussions. Thank you to everyone who participated in the class. I enjoyed the lively discussions.
Pastor Mike
Congratulations to our Confirmands!
Sunday, May 1st was a fabulous and sacred day at Ebenezer. We confirmed five young men, bringing them into full fellowship and membership. We congratulate Mason Pagel, Carson Pierquet, Aiden Tanner, Spencer Wagner, and Caleb Wiegert and welcome them into the church. You will be missed on Wednesday evenings.
Pastor Mike
Dart Ball

Are you looking for some fun and fellowship? Our church is looking for additional people to join our dart ball league. The matches are held at the Eagles Club, Cheers Tap, or Marytown Tap. It runs every Tuesday evening from Fall to Spring. We would love if you could come join us! You don't even have to know how to play, we will teach you! If you are interested, please contact Mark Rusch, Don Pingel, or Ken Lisowe.

"Changing Lives, That's Our Church's Wider Mission" is more than a slogan or phrase; it is the lifeblood of ministry and mission in the United Church of Christ. Thank you for your support of the many local and global ministries provided through your contributions to this offering of our covenant together. Our covenant as local churches, associations, conferences and the national settings of our denomination is made evident through this mission together.

Mission is Local
UCC congregations are involved with mission in many ways. In the United Church of Christ, we affirm that, although the congregation is the fundamental unit of mission, mission is not just local. We are connected to one another, across boundaries of neighborhood, class, race, and national border.
Mission is Global
Our Church's Wider Mission is the name we use to describe the work we do as the United Church of Christ beyond the local church–through our Conferences, national ministries, and UCC-related institutions. Our Church's Wider Mission is also the name we give to the financial support given by UCC members and congregations that makes this broader mission possible.
Congregations are central to the ability of The United Church of Christ to do mission in local communities, within the United States and internationally. As a congregation works in its own community, it is a representative of the entire denomination and embodies the UCC in that place. And when a congregation determines its giving to Our Church's Wider Mission, there is a direct impact on levels of funding for the Conference and national ministries. Every local congregation has a responsibility to be aware of opportunities for local mission and to be knowledgeable about the work underway by its own Conference and by the national ministries.

Our Church's Wider Mission, often referred to simply as OCWM, has two parts: OCWM Basic Support and OCWM Special Support (Special Mission Offerings).

Special Support (Special Mission Offerings)
Our Church's Wider Mission Special Support comprises gifts to the four Special Mission Offerings in the United Church of Christ, per capita dues, and gifts that are specially designated for the Conference, national setting or UCC-related institutions. By mandate of the General Synod, each local church receives promotional material for the four Special Mission Offerings:
One Great Hour of Sharing: Giving Help, Hope and Life
Supports partners in more than 70 countries with ministries that fund development projects, feed the victims of famine, provide services for displaced people, and respond to natural disasters. These ministries are the responsibility of Wider Church Ministries, Global Sharing of Resources. Received annually on the fourth Sunday in Lent.

Strengthen the Church: Faithfully Building the Body of Christ
Supports church growth and leadership development in the conferences and through the national offices of Local Church Ministries. Received annually on Pentecost Sunday.
Neighbors in Need: Justice and Compassion Like a Mighty Stream
Supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, including ministry carried out by the Council for American Indian Ministries (CAIM) and by the national offices of Justice and Witness Ministries. Received annually on World Communion Sunday, the first Sunday of October.
The Christmas Fund: Remembering Those Who Serve Our Church
Provides financial aid to retired and active ministers and their surviving spouses and children who face overwhelming financial demands, a ministry carried out by the Pension Boards. Received annually on the Sunday before Christmas. 
Strengthen the Church Offering

Final offerings will be taken on June 5th. Here is a bit of information regarding this offering.

The Strengthen the Church offering supports the expansion of ministry and growth of UCC local congregations. Your support of this offering will help the UCC fulfill on its commitment to creating a just world for all by investing in new ministries and practices that meet the emerging needs of local communities. 

As God calls our congregations to be the church in new ways, your generosity will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches and develop the spiritual life in our youth and young adults. 
EUCC Ushering Schedule

Below is the upcoming ushering schedule; please note that the church office does not find a replacement, but we are happy to help you get in contact with possible subs! Please let the office know when any changes are made.
June 5: Council
June 12: Andy
June 19: Ralph
June 26: Mark
July 3: Council

For questions on ushering duties please click here.
Graduation Sunday

Graduation Sunday is on Sunday, June 5th. Please have your graduates come to church in their caps and gowns! Please let the office know who attended so that we can celebrate them in the next Eagle.
Pentecost Sunday

A red banner in the sanctuary says, “Come Holy Spirit.” Let’s have everyone attending worship that day wear RED to signify the Holy Spirit working among us! 
Bathroom Renovations
There will a special meeting on June 5th after worship service to discuss this remodel.
Eagle Articles

Eagle articles are due June 20th. Please have them in at that time. We like to get them out to all members before the end of the month. Thank you for your help on this!!
Personal Finances
It’s always a good idea to spend your money wisely, but during tough economic times this smart step is even more important. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of every dollar that you spend.
Every night, set aside the change that has collected in your pocket or wallet. After a month, deposit those coins into your savings account. It’s an easy habit to get into and it doesn’t eat too deeply into your budget. Most important, you’ll be amazed at how quickly the savings add up.
It is still possible to get a good deal on a flight if you make your plans—and buy your ticket—well in advance. The same is true for hotels. You may be able to get lower rates if you shop around ahead of time.
If you kept track of all the needless fees that you pay in a week, you’d probably be amazed at how much money they consume. For example, how often do you pay an extra charge for withdrawing money from an ATM that is not part of your bank’s network? How many times do you pay for directory assistance instead of looking up a number in the phone book? The next time you find yourself paying one of these “convenience” fees, consider what an inconvenience they are for your wallet. If you avoid them whenever possible, you’ll find more money left at the end of the month.
Whether you’re grabbing breakfast on the go, getting lunch at the local deli or hitting the vending machine during a mid-afternoon lull, the cost of buying food can really add up. If you cut out even one of these indulgences—-like a daily $7 latte—-you can save at least $100 a month. Try carrying your coffee into work and bringing a bag lunch and snacks from home.
You can save hundreds of dollars a year if you use store or manufacturer’s coupons for groceries or other purchases. Many restaurants also offer coupons or specials that cut the price of a takeout meal. Make sure you keep your coupons with you so that they are ready to use when you need them. In the same vein, be sure to send in the rebates that you receive for any purchases to ensure you get the lowest price possible.
The 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy Web site offers general information for managing personal finances and does not recommend specific financial actions. For financial advice tailored to your situation, please contact an expert such as a CPA or a personal financial advisor.

If you are unable to make it to service, you are welcome to view the service Live on Facebook. As a reminder, you can always tune into 95.5 within a block of the church during the service!
Scrip: If you are in need of Scrip, please let Kelly know. If you are interested in re-loadable cards and direct pay to avoid contact, there is a small fee for credit card charge and bank withdrawal.

Kelly Brown
Arlene ~ Audra ~ Audrey Da’Monique~ Da’Nisha Dennis
Diana ~ Ellie ~ Eric ~ Glen
John and Janet ~ Jim~ John S
Kari ~Pastor Sue ~ Rebecca
Rod ~ Stephanie ~ Steve ~ Tod Tony ~ Vern ~ Vernon 

Due to privacy laws, last names cannot be printed on the prayer list because the Eagle goes on the church website which can be viewed by anyone on the Internet. 

If you want someone added or removed, please contact the church office.
Thank you.
Administrative Assistant - Nikki:
(920) 849-4331
Administrative Hours:
Monday: 9-2:30p
Wednesday: 9-2:30p

Please note: Nikki is not always in the office and often works from home but the phones are forwarded to her. You may contact her via email as well.

Pastor Michael Safford - Kennedy:
Cell: (920) 286-1956
Monday: 9-12p
Tuesday: 9-4p
Wednesday 1-3p
Thursday 9-12p

The office phone messages are checked during office hours; if you have a pastoral emergency, please contact Pastor Mike at (920) 286-1956 or via email.

If you have a non-emergency, send the office an email or leave a voicemail.
Ryan Schnell 6/1
Mark Pingel 6/5
Erin Woelfel 6/5
Kelly Brown 6/8
Kris Pagel 6/8
Charlie Kuhn 6/11
Jane Bolz 6/17
Patrick Marx 6/18
Vern Knoespel 6/21
Jean Goeldi 6/22
Joel Vernon 6/27

May God bless your years and may you continue to bless Ebenezer!
  • Graduation Sunday is June 5. Graduates, please wear your caps and gowns to the worship service
  • Pentecost Sunday is on June 5. Please wear RED to the service.
  • The Strengthen the Church Offering will end on June 5
  • Father's Day Worship Service is June 19.
  • Men's Group Breakfast: 8:30a on June 9 at 7 Angels.
  • Church Council Meets on June 19th at 8a.
  • Eagle Articles are due June 20.
  • Women's Guild Breakfast 9a on June 16 at 7 Angels
  • Wired Word is taking a break for summer.
Ebenezer Council Meeting Minutes
May 15, 2022 at 8a.
Members present were: Mark Rusch, Don Pingel, Dennis Winkler, Joan Woelfel, Karen Cmejla, and Stacy Freund arrived a little late. Missing: Pastor Mike and Dean Papendieck

Vice-president Joan Woelfel called the meeting to order at 8:05 AM as Stacy was arriving a little late.
Don Pingel made a motion to approve last months minutes with Dennis Winkler seconding it. Motion carried.

Dean Papendieck dropped off the treasurers report with Mark Rusch reading the report.
Revenues for April: $9183.89
April expenses: $8388.93
Checkbook balance: $74,005.03
Money market account: $251,848.23
Cash equity: $83,063.28
Cambridge investment: $61,014.99

It was also stated that quarterly conference dues are due in the amount of $742.50 and the flag contract to have flags distributed and displayed outside is due for $20. Don Pingel made a motion to approve the treasurers report and bills list and Dennis Winkler seconded it. Motion carried.
President, Stacy Freund, arrived and then took over the meeting for Joan.
Pastor Mike, knowing that he was not going to be present, emailed all council members his minister‘s report. There were no questions.
Committee reports:
First committee reports was the property report presented by Ken Lisowe. Christel and Heiberger sent their estimate for remodeling the downstairs bathrooms totaling $48,143 with a $30,000 down payment to order materials. After discussion of this project, Joan Woelfel made a motion to accept the estimate from Christel and Heiberger and Mark Rusch seconded it. It was stated that this project must be presented to the congregation for at least 2 weeks and voted upon at a special congregational meeting for approval before going forth. We will have this congregational meeting to approve this bid on June 5, 2022 after the church service. We already have approximately $6000 in donations toward this project.

Joan Woelfel presented a statement on behalf of the Women’s Guild that they are considering a “church get together” but would like a committee of volunteers to put it together. She also stated that they will again be holding the ice cream social on July 13th.

Mark Rusch reported on behalf of Ann Gasch for the Evangelism Committee stating there will be 20 flowerpots dispersed throughout Chilton this year on June 2. “Brilliont Blooms” from Brillion will be planting the pots for us.
There were no other committee reports

Old/continuing business

The stained glass window project was tabled to a later date until we have more information.
We are still looking for new Dartball members for the Ebenezer Dartball team. If anyone is interested, they should contact Don Pingel, Mark Rusch, or Ken Lisowe.

There was no other old or new business to discuss.
John Woelfel made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 and Mark Rusch seconded it. Motion carried.

The next regular council meeting will be on June 19th at 8 AM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Karen Cmejla
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