Ebenezer United Church of Christ
Pastor’s Corner

May is a bittersweet month for me. Confirmation Sunday is May 1st. This year, we will confirm five young men: Mason Pagel, Carson Pierquet, Aiden Tanner, Spencer Wagner, and Caleb Wiegert.
The sweet, is that they have completed the Confirmation program and we will surround them with family, friends, and joy on that Sunday morning. The bitter, is that the fellowship and sharing time comes to an end.
During the Wednesday evening classes we don’t just meet and they don't just have to listen to me lecture about church. Each Wednesday we begin with sharing joys and concerns. This is the most precious time of the evening. I get to listen to them share their happiness about classes, tests, friendships, holidays, family trips, etc. I also listen to them as they share hurts and frustrations from classes, tests, friendships… I learn so much about them, their hopes and dreams, their fears and worries. Each May, I have the privilege of welcoming young people into membership in the church. Each May, I have to adjust to an emptiness of the next Wednesday. May is a bittersweet month for me.
Please join the Confirmands on May 1, 2022 at 8:45 AM for worship, celebration, communion, and fellowship. 

Peace & Grace,
Save the Date!

Are you getting ready for it to be warm and sunny? Well, this news is certainly going to make you even more excited for summer and hungry for brats and hamburgers. 

Ebenezer’s Women’s Guild will be hosting its Annual Ice Cream Social Supper on Wednesday, July 13, from 4:00-6:30 p.m.  This will be carry-outs only again this year with no sit down seating. 

Please reserve this date and keep watching for more information in the June and July “Eagles” and bulletins! 

Thank you!
Joan & Ruth
Notes from the Music Corner

What a glorious sequence of music helped to tell the Resurrection story on Easter morning! The Recorder Trio began with an Easter Medley, Ebenezer Brass reminded us of Christ’s journey to the cross during the previous week with “Were You There?”, and then Karen added a bell descant with the congregation robustly singing “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”! Thank you to Mark, Stephanie & Craig for the recorder selection. Thank you to all the bell ringers for the two special selections they added to the worship. Thank you to all of the congregation for singing all of the hymns with great joy!
We will look forward to Ebenezer Brass playing again on May 8th, Mothers’ Day. That will be their final time playing for this season but we’ll hope for some possible bell solos, duets or ensembles during the summer. 
Easter Lilies Adorn the Church

A huge thank you to Edith Knoespel and an anonymous donor for sponsoring the attractive Easter Lilies that adorned the church for Easter service. Their appearance throughout the church created a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere for all to enjoy. 

Karen and Ruth are always grateful for the monetary support they get for flowers throughout the church year and the different seasons. . It makes it fun to decorate and when we look at the finished results, as the flowers are usually added at the end, we just can’t believe how nice the flowers add to the Sanctuary. .     

So, again, thank you to Edith and our anonymous donor for their generosity for the Easter lilies and to anyone else that donates to flowers during the year. It is very much appreciated.

Karen & Ruth
Church Life - Generations Working Together
For many years Don Pingel has faithfully rung Ebenezer's bell to announce the beginning of worship and call others to come. As you can see in these pictures, the bell rope is being passed to a future generation! His grandson, Jeremy Pringle, is joyfully ready to help pull the bell rope!  Thanks to Don and Jeremy for their faithful service.
Mission Education News

The Mission Committee would like to thank everyone that donated to our collection for Ukraine. Members generously donated $784.06 which will be used to help refugees displaced from their homes and country. The money was given to the Stand Up for Ukraine drive that is being held in Green Bay by the group "Ukrainians of Wisconsin" and St Matthews Church of Green Bay. A thank you from the group is on the bulletin board in the narthex.

They ask that we please keep the Ukrainian people in our prayers.

Thank You!
Dart Ball

Are you looking for some fun and fellowship? Our church is looking for additional people to join our dart ball league. The matches are held at the Eagles Club, Cheers Tap, or Marytown Tap. It runs every Tuesday evening from Fall to Spring. We would love if you could come join us! You don't even have to know how to play, we will teach you! If you are interested please contact Mark Rusch, Don Pingel, or Ken Lisowe.
Ebenezer Brass

Ebenezer Brass will be playing for the last time this season on Mother's Day, May 8th. We'll be back in fall.  Anyone interested in joining, or if you have any questions , please feel free to contact Jill Sippel at 920-418-1534. 
Strengthen the Church Offering

This month we will begin the Strengthen the Church Offering. Final Offerings will be taken on June 5. Here is a bit of information regarding this offering.

The Strengthen the Church offering supports the expansion of ministry and growth of UCC local congregations. Your support of this offering will help the UCC fulfill on its commitment to creating a just world for all by investing in new ministries and practices that meet the emerging needs of local communities. 

As God calls our congregations to be the church in new ways, your generosity will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches and develop the spiritual life in our youth and young adults. 
EUCC Ushering Schedule

Below is the upcoming ushering schedule; please note that the church office does not find a replacement, but we are happy to help you get in contact with possible subs! Please let the office know when any changes are made.
May 1: Council
May 8: Karen
May 15: Ken
May 22: Shirley
May 29: Mark

June 5: Council

For questions on ushering duties please click here.
Personal Finances

 It’s always a good idea to spend your money wisely, but during tough economic times this smart step is even more important. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of every dollar that you spend.
Every night, set aside the change that has collected in your pocket or wallet. After a month, deposit those coins into your savings account. It’s an easy habit to get into and it doesn’t eat too deeply into your budget. Most important, you’ll be amazed at how quickly the savings add up.
It is still possible to get a good deal on a flight if you make your plans—and buy your ticket—well in advance. The same is true for hotels. You may be able to get lower rates if you shop around ahead of time.
If you kept track of all the needless fees that you pay in a week, you’d probably be amazed at how much money they consume. For example, how often do you pay an extra charge for withdrawing money from an ATM that is not part of your bank’s network? How many times do you pay for directory assistance instead of looking up a number in the phone book? The next time you find yourself paying one of these “convenience” fees, consider what an inconvenience they are for your wallet. If you avoid them whenever possible, you’ll find more money left at the end of the month.
Whether you’re grabbing breakfast on the go, getting lunch at the local deli or hitting the vending machine during a mid-afternoon lull, the cost of buying food can really add up. If you cut out even one of these indulgences—-like a daily $7 latte—-you can save at least $100 a month. Try carrying your coffee into work and bringing a bag lunch and snacks from home.
You can save hundreds of dollars a year if you use store or manufacturer’s coupons for groceries or other purchases. Many restaurants also offer coupons or specials that cut the price of a takeout meal. Make sure you keep your coupons with you so that they are ready to use when you need them. In the same vein, be sure to send in the rebates that you receive for any purchases to ensure you get the lowest price possible.
The 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy Web site offers general information for managing personal finances and does not recommend specific financial actions. For financial advice tailored to your situation, please contact an expert such as a CPA or a personal financial advisor.

"Changing Lives, That's Our Church's Wider Mission" is more than a slogan or phrase; it is the lifeblood of ministry and mission in the United Church of Christ. Thank you for your support of the many local and global ministries provided through your contributions to this offering of our covenant together. Our covenant as local churches, associations, conferences and the national settings of our denomination is made evident through this mission together.

Mission is Local
UCC congregations are involved with mission in many ways. In the United Church of Christ, we affirm that, although the congregation is the fundamental unit of mission, mission is not just local. We are connected to one another, across boundaries of neighborhood, class, race, and national border.
Mission is Global
Our Church's Wider Mission is the name we use to describe the work we do as the United Church of Christ beyond the local church–through our Conferences, national ministries, and UCC-related institutions. Our Church's Wider Mission is also the name we give to the financial support given by UCC members and congregations that makes this broader mission possible.

Congregations are central to the ability of The United Church of Christ to do mission in local communities, within the United States and internationally. As a congregation works in its own community, it is a representative of the entire denomination and embodies the UCC in that place. And when a congregation determines its giving to Our Church's Wider Mission, there is a direct impact on levels of funding for the Conference and national ministries. Every local congregation has a responsibility to be aware of opportunities for local mission and to be knowledgeable about the work underway by its own Conference and by the national ministries.

Our Church's Wider Mission, often referred to simply as OCWM, has two parts: OCWM Basic Support and OCWM Special Support (Special Mission Offerings).

Special Support (Special Mission Offerings)
Our Church's Wider Mission Special Support comprises gifts to the four Special Mission Offerings in the United Church of Christ, per capita dues, and gifts that are specially designated for the Conference, national setting or UCC-related institutions. By mandate of the General Synod, each local church receives promotional material for the four Special Mission Offerings:
 One Great Hour of Sharing: Giving Help, Hope and Life
Supports partners in more than 70 countries with ministries that fund development projects, feed the victims of famine, provide services for displaced people, and respond to natural disasters. These ministries are the responsibility of Wider Church Ministries, Global Sharing of Resources. Received annually on the fourth Sunday in Lent.
 Strengthen the Church: Faithfully Building the Body of Christ
Supports church growth and leadership development in the conferences and through the national offices of Local Church Ministries. Received annually on Pentecost Sunday.
 Neighbors in Need: Justice and Compassion Like a Mighty Stream
Supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, including ministry carried out by the Council for American Indian Ministries (CAIM) and by the national offices of Justice and Witness Ministries. Received annually on World Communion Sunday, the first Sunday of October.
 The Christmas Fund: Remembering Those Who Serve Our Church
Provides financial aid to retired and active ministers and their surviving spouses and children who face overwhelming financial demands, a ministry carried out by the Pension Boards. Received annually on the Sunday before Christmas. 
Graduation Sunday

Graduation Sunday will quickly be upon us and we need information from the families on who is graduating from high school or college this May/June. Please contact the office as soon as you can at [email protected] so that we can get our graduates invited and celebrate their accomplishments as a church family.
Bathroom Renovations
We are currently in the process of getting bids to renovate the downstairs bathrooms. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to those who have donated already!
Eagle Articles

Eagle articles are due May 17th. Please have them in at that time. We like to get them out to members before the end of the month. Thank you for your help on this!!

If you are unable to make it to service, you are welcome to view the service Live on Facebook. As a reminder, you can always tune into 95.5 within a block of the church during the service!
Scrip: If you are in need of Scrip, please let Kelly know. If you are interested in re-loadable cards and direct pay to avoid contact, there is a small fee for credit card charge and bank withdrawal.

Kelly Brown
Arlene ~ Audra ~ Audrey Da’Monique~ Da’Nisha ~ Ellie
Vernon ~ Diana ~ Kari
Pastor Sue ~ Rebecca ~ Janice Rod~ Steve ~ Tod ~ Carrie
Tony ~ Vern ~ Dennis ~Glen
Joan and Family~ Stephanie Wayne and Family ~ John and Janet

Due to privacy laws, last names cannot be printed on the prayer list because the Eagle goes on the church website which can be viewed by anyone on the Internet. 

If you want someone added or removed, please contact the church office.
Thank you.
Administrative Assistant - Nikki:
(920) 849-4331
Administrative Hours:
Monday: 9-2:30p
Wednesday: 9-2:30p

Please note: Nikki is not always in the office and often works from home but the phones are forwarded to her. You may contact her via email as well.

Pastor Michael Safford - Kennedy:
Cell: (920) 286-1956
Monday: 9-12p
Tuesday: 9-4p
Wednesday 1-3p
Thursday 9-12p

The office phone messages are checked during office hours; if you have a pastoral emergency, please contact Pastor Mike at (920) 286-1956 or via email.

If you have a non-emergency, send the office an email or leave a voicemail.
Samantha Mitchell 5/1
Don Pingel 5/1
Ralph Schmid 5/2
Ken Lisowe 5/3
Jennifer Pringle 5/4
Barbara Pautz 5/5
Stacey Sabish 5/7
Joel Propson 5/9
Connie Waldvogel 5/11
Breanna Cook 5/12
Teagan Sabish 5/12
Maddie Mueller 5/15
David Miller 5/20
Johanna Bechlem 5/24
Lynn Merino 5/30

May God bless your years and may you continue to bless Ebenezer!
  • Confirmation is May 1: Confirmands please arrive for pictures at 8a
  • The Happy Hour Brat Fry Drive Thru will be here on May 6th from 10a- 2p.
  • Men's Group Breakfast: 8:30a on May 12 at 7 Angels.
  • Mother's Day is May 8th. Ebenezer Brass will be playing during worship Service.
  • The last day of Sunday School until fall is May 15th.
  • Church Council Meets on May 15th at 8a.
  • Eagle Articles are due May 17.
  • Women's Guild Breakfast 9a on May 19 at 7 Angels
  • Pagel Scholarship Applications are due by May 20th.
  • Wired Word is on Tuesdays at 10a.
Ebenezer Council Meeting Minutes
April 24, 2022 at 8a.
Council members present were: Joan Woelfel, Mark Rusch, Don Pingel, Karen Cmejla and Pastor Mike. Absent were: Stacey Freund, Dean Papendieck and Dennis Winkler.
Meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM by Vice President, Joan Woelfel.
Opening prayer was said by Karen Cmejla. Don Pingel made a motion to approve the agenda and Mark Rusch seconded it. Motion carried.
Karen Cmejla read last months secretaries minutes which Don Pingel approved and Karen seconded; motion carried.
Treasurers report was not given at the meeting but Dean Papendieck handed the acct balances to Karen, the secretary, after the meeting.
Checkbook balance is $71,208.47
Revenues for March is $16,442.42
March expenses were $6452.44
Money Market Acct is $251,827.53
Cash Equity Acct is $80,276.52
Cambridge Investments are $56,067.19
Pastor Mike gave the minister‘s report stating there were two deaths that needed to be added his report  which include Doris Propson and Joseph Dorn. He stated that the Easter communion visits were well received noting that every shut-in he visited raved about the visits that Ellie Papendieck is doing with them. He also stated that next week is “Confirmation Sunday” where five boys will be getting confirmed.
Joan Woelfel reported on the Women’s Guild committee stating they decided to do the ice cream social virtually again, for another year. Bringing back Church social activities like the mother/daughter or father/son banquets were also discussed as a way to involve youth members and general camaraderie.
Karen Cmejla gave the mission committee report stating how pleased they were to receive $700+ donated to the Ukraine Relief Fund.

Mark Rusch reported for the property committee stating the bathroom remodeling are on hold due to Crystal and Heiberger Construction transitioning their business.

There were no other committee reports available.
  • Pastors Health Insurance increase was tabled until next month when treasurer, Dean Papendieck will be available.
  • Downstairs bathroom report was given by Mark with the property committee report.
  • Assigning a council member to the mission committee: Don Pingel made a motion to approve Karen as the council member and Mark Rusch seconded it. Motion was carried.
  • No further information was attained for the stained glass repair.

Don and Mark stated that the dart ball league is looking for interested people to throw darts with them. The matches are held at the Eagles Club, Cheers Tap, or Marytown Tap. It runs every Tuesday evening from Fall to Spring. Anyone interested should contact Mark Rusch, Don Pingel, or Ken Lisowe.

There was no other business.

Mark Rusch made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Don Pingel seconded it at 8:30 AM.

The Lords Prayer was said together

The next council meeting is May 15th at 8:00 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
Church Council Secretary,
Karen Cmejla
Approved via email.
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