Dear Clients,

It has been over a year since we moved our EUO service model to a hybrid of virtual and in-person attendances. Our virtual EUOs are easy to schedule and our team have found several ways to ensure privacy and security. Our virtual EUO model is very cost effective when insureds are located outside of the GTA and is also useful in helping us to secure early EUO dates even where a claimant is not able or willing to leave their home.. If you have not booked a virtual EUO with us, we are happy to talk you through the process.
We still offer in-person EUOs, upon the request of our client and with the agreement of the insured (and/or their representative). By September, we are expecting to have more in-person attendances, but will continue to offer our virtual EUO model as a cost-effective and efficient alternative to an in-person attendance.
Below, you will read about a recent decision at the LAT that clarifies the claimant's responsibility to attend an EUO. This is an important decision for insurers and defence counsel to bookmark when facing a refusal to attend.
Lastly, our fearless EUO coordinator, Caroline Pratt, is on maternity leave. Jeanelle McCarthy is our new project administrator, You can contact her with any questions at 416-777-2811 ex 5292. We have also added information in this newsletter about our EUO portal.
Happy June, and as always, reach out if you need anything at all.
Jen and Andrew
Lauren Kolarek, EUO practice group member, discusses Dino v. Travelers Insurance where Adjudicator Craig Mazerolle revisited the issue of an applicant’s non-attendance at an Examination Under Oath. Find out why the Legislature did not intend for decision-makers to draw a link between the timing of an EUO and a hearing in Lauren's blog.

Hooman Zadegan, EUO practice group member, blogged on a recent LAT decision with respect to a claimant's non-attendance at an EUO. Adjudicator Mazerolle determined that as long as procedural requirements were met, there was no reason to deny the insurer's request for an EUO.

To read more about the decision and the implications for file handling, please click here.
Our EUO Portal is ready for referral. If you have questions about your referral or need guidance on how to use the EUO Portal, please contact Jeanelle.

Need Help? Want Guidance?
We are always here to help. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have about our EUO program or about conducting a virtual EUO.

Our EUO practice group co-chairs are: Jennifer Griffiths and Andrew McKague,. You can also reach out to our EUO group at [email protected].
EUO Practice Group | 416-777-2811 | |