Welcome to Children and Family Ministry at Faith Lutheran!

With school around the corner, we are excited for Faith's Children and Family Ministries to begin soon!

To kick off the school year, we invite you all to worship on August 13 to receive a backpack blessing. Students and those who work in education are invited to bring their backpacks or workbags to be blessed; this will happen at both services. Worship will be outside so please bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on.

With that, we are having a Back to (Sunday) School Bash on August 27 from 4 to 5pm on the lawn. During this time we'll have ice cream, games, and activities for all ages. This is a great time for families to meet one another, to see what Faith is all about, and to get excited for the school year ahead.

On September 10, Sunday School and other Education Hour activities are back. Education hour starts at 9:45am and ends at 10:45am. Check out the different activities you and your students can participate in below!

If you're interested in having your child participate in these activities, please fill out the registration form by following this link: https://kfeil001.wufoo.com/forms/z11u7wnu07xq645/

Upcoming Events

August 13 - Backpack Blessing at BOTH Outdoor Worship Services

August 27 - Back to (Sunday) School Bash - 4 to 5pm

Sept. 10 - Parent Play and Pray, Sunday School, Studio 56, and other Education Hour activities begin!

Sept. 13 - Joyful Noise, Faith's Mid-Week Children's Choir program, begins!

Sept. 17 - Education Hour for ALL ages!

Sept. 20 - Joyful Noise

Sept. 24 - Education Hour

Sept. 27 - Joyful Noise

Important Dates for the Year

We have a lot of fun things in store this coming year! Here's a list of our important dates; we'll pass out physical copies at the start of the year. Click the link to get a peak at what's ahead: Save the Date!

Parent Pray and Play (For Parents and Kids newborn - 2 years old)

During the education hour, parents and their kids 2 years old and under are welcome to join the Sunday School big group time at 9:45am in the chapel and then transition in the nursery for a time of fellowship and play!

This is a free-form hour where parents can get to know one another, pray and support each other, and kids can begin to make friends and hear Bible stories.

We understand that some kids might not like the Big Group time - parents and kids can meet in the nursery at the beginning of the hour if they'd like.

Sunday School (3 year olds through 4th Graders)

During our education hour, we invite our 3 year olds through 4th graders to participate in Sunday School! During Sunday School, students will have a time to build relationships with each other and to engage with different Bible stories.

We will meet as a big group in the Chapel at 9:45am - during this time we'll hear some announcements, sing some songs, and read the story for the day.

Afterwards, students will split up into classes based on grades. Students can be picked up from their classrooms at 10:45am. The classes will meet in the following areas:

Room 101/102 (Rainbow Room): 3 Year Olds

Room 103 (Green Room): Pre-k / Kindergarteners

Room 104 (Polka Dot Room): 1st / 2nd Graders

Room 204 (Poster Room): 3rd / 4th Graders

Studio 56 (5th and 6th Graders)

Studio 56 is our 5th and 6th Grade Sunday School experience!

Students will meet in Room 107 (the Scrabble Room) at the beginning of the hour. During their time, students will have discussions based off of different Bible stories and then have hands on experiences to help them see how Bible stories are something that helps us even today.

Students may participate in making movies, crafts, and service projects during their time together.

Mid Week Programming Option: Joyful Noise (Kindergarten - 6th Grade)

Joyful Noise is Faith's Children's Choir and Mid-Week programming!

During this time, students in Kindergarten through 6th grade meet to do crafts, sing songs, learn more about God, make friends, and even put together a musical for the end of the year.

Joyful Noise meets on Wednesdays from 4:45 - 6pm at Faith. Joyful Noise will begin on September 13. Here's the link for Joyful Noise's Registration form: Joyful Noise Form.

Faith's Family Ministry Events

Faith's Family Ministry focuses on finding ways to bring families together to grow in their faith with one another in unique ways. A few events that Faith's Family Ministry hosts are:

Trunk or Treat (October)

Advent Fest (November / December)

Family Easter Egg Hunt (around Easter)

Specific dates and times will be communicated through this email - stay tuned!

Other Children's Ministry Milestones:

There are many other milestones and celebrations that Faith hosts throughout the year! Through this email, we will communicate when such events come up. Some things to keep in mind as we begin this year:

First Bible occurs for our 2nd grade students. This usually happens around February.

Communion is something that we trust families to discuss and decide together. We recommend that students take First Communion classes when they are in the 3rd grade. First Communion Classes will take place during Lent - dates to come.

What if I have students who are older than 6th Grade?

Faith has options for everyone! If you have a student who is older than 6th grade, please contact me so then I can put you on the email chain to activities that your students can participate in through Confirmation or FLY (Faith Lutheran Youth, our High School Program)!