Hospice Services Removed from EVV
Hospice services are reimbursed using a unique per-diem payment structure. This differs from other EVV-mandated services which use a fee-for-service payment structure and are subject to a prepayment EVV claim edit.
Therefore, effective July 1, 2024, HCPF removed the requirement for Hospice providers to submit EVV records for services delivered in the home and community.
Hospice providers were instructed to cease EVV collection for Medicaid billing purposes starting July 1, 2024.
For more information, view Policy Memo PM 24-002 Hospice Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Exemption.
Remote Supports Removed from EVV
Remote Supports has moved to a standalone service on Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Elderly, Blind, and Disabled (EBD), Supported Living Services (SLS), Brain Injury (BI), Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH), and Community Mental Health Services (CMHS) Waivers as of Aug. 1, 2024, and no longer requires EVV.
Updated Case Management Agency and Remote Supports Provider Agency Training slides along with recordings of past Meet and Greets with our Providers are available on the LTSS Training webpage.
Additional details are available within Operational Memo 24-037 Remote Support Services.
For more information or questions regarding Remote Supports, please visit the Remote Supports webpage or contact Kacey.Wardle@state.co.us.
Changes to the Provider Portal for Live-in Caregiver Panel - Coming Soon!
The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) will be making updates to the live-in caregiver (LIC) exemption process using the Provider Web Portal. Some highlights of this change include:
- Application requests and Revalidation Applications will be used for LIC exemption submissions and approvals.
- Providers will receive notifications 60 and 30 days before expiration, on the day of expiration, and 30 days after.
- Strengthens overall exemption process
- Simplifies exemption selection process
- Uses existing Application requests and Revalidation Application processes
- Notifications and reminders
- Provider billing improvements
- Improved and timelier feedback
- Improves HCPF oversight while maintaining LIC flexibilities
See the July 2024 EVV General Stakeholder Meeting Presentation or recording for more information.