October 2023

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WorkSource Center Participants Graduate from HireLAX’s Construction Career Training Program

The Southeast Los Angeles WorkSource Center (WSC), managed by EWDD’s partner Watts Labor Community Action Committee (WLCAC), excitingly shared that 12 of their participants became graduates of the HireLAX Construction Career Training Program on October 20, 2023. The participants successfully completed the 8-week HireLAX training program that included learning about the construction field, receiving hands-on training, and exploring the various trades to become apprentices.  

WSC also provided students with a stipend to keep them motivated and assist with personal expenses. Participants who may have been involved with the criminal justice system or recently become victims of housing insecurity and homelessness were connected with case managers for further support. 

The HireLAX Construction Career Training Program hopes to continue its success as it prepares to welcome the next training class, set to begin January 2024. Alphonso Reed, Business Services Representative at the Southeast LA WSC, is looking forward to the next class of students ready to change their lives and be part of the program. "This program and stipend is for a person to receive training, support, and an opportunity to succeed," Reed expressed.    

To learn more about the HireLAX Construction Training Program and other programs available at the Southeast Los Angeles WorkSource Center, contact Alphonso Reed by telephone at (323) 563-5673 or by email at areed@wlcac.org. 

Southeast LA YouthSource Center Hosts Women's Empowerment Summit

On October 7, 2023, the YO! Watts YouthSource Center (YSC) hosted the 2023 Women’s Empowerment Summit. The summit aimed to provide an enriching and inspiring experience and to expose 30 young girls from Watts to a diverse range of career opportunities. The summit featured panels and discussions with experts in various fields including entertainment, financial literacy, fashion, aerospace, law enforcement, and politics. These accomplished panelists shared their knowledge and experiences and provided valuable insights to the eager young minds in attendance.

The Los Angeles Mayor's office showed their support by providing certificates to all the panelists and acknowledging their contributions to the event's success. Additionally, thank you to all our community partners, including The C3 Foundation, The Midnight Mission, Roscoe’s Chicken & Waffles, Lady Bug Lounge LLC, and Tokyo Fever Fashions who contributed to the experience by offering special raffles, brunch, and the event decor.

This summit was a collaborative effort that brought together the community, businesses, and inspirational figures to empower and educate the next generation of female leaders. This event was a wonderful and impactful gathering that left a lasting impression on all those who attended.

EWDD’s YouthSource programs are designed to help young Angelenos who are not in school and not working find the classes they need to graduate, obtain a high school diploma, and pursue higher education. There are also opportunities for paid internships, occupational skills training, and job readiness programs. 

To learn more about our YouthSource Centers, visit bit.ly/EWDDYouthSource.

Over 1,000 Entrepreneurs Attend the LA Business &

Financial Empowerment Summit

On October 28, 2023, the Economic Workforce & Development Department (EWDD) partnered with BMO Bank to host the LA Business & Financial Empowerment Summit, held at BMO Stadium in Exposition Park. With over 1,000 attendees, the summit connected over 75 resource providers to small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Carolyn Hull, General Manager for EWDD, was in attendance and remarked, "Today is an event so that we can tell the community, particularly small business owners, that LA is open for business and there are opportunities for them to be part of the growth of the City of Los Angeles."

EWDD looks forward to being part of the next summit and moving the needle forward for small business success and economic prosperity within the City of Los Angeles. 

For more information about EWDD’s BusinessSource Centers, visit bit.ly/LABusinessSource.

East & Central Regional Connect LA Job Fair

EWDD’s Workforce Development System has made progress in increasing employment activities to revitalize the economy post-pandemic. The Workforce Development System noticed the difficulties employers are experiencing in finding the right candidate to meet the needs of their businesses. In an effort to support them and applicants, EWDD has been leading planning committees to host Connect LA Job Fairs, which are held regionally throughout the city and on a quarterly basis. These job fairs have created opportunities for employers to gain access to qualified candidates and for applicants to become employed.    

The East & Central Regional Connect LA job fair held on October 18, 2023, at the Northeast Los Angeles WorkSource Center, managed by EWDD partner Goodwill Southern California; included over 350 job seekers and 39 employers from sectors in transportation, security, healthcare, and much more.  

For more information about EWDD’s WorkSource Center services and resources, visit bit.ly/EWDDWorkSource.

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If you have any questions, comments, or wish to have a contribution considered for inclusion in an upcoming EWDD Updates, please contact EWDD's Comms Team at ewddcomms@lacity.org.