LA:RISE and Vernon Central WorkSource Center Helps Reentry Graduate Solar Panel Training
After his release from 14 years of incarceration, Michael Diaz, 34, didn’t have access to reentry information or the resources needed to secure a permanent job or maintain stable housing. However, with the assistance of LA:RISE and the Vernon Central WorkSource Center (WSC), Diaz enrolled in job placement with GRID Alternatives Greater LA, a program that provides job trainees with hands-on experience installing solar electric systems as well as help people find employment in the green-tech industry.
“I was excited to start the program to better my life, and knowing I had the support as well.” During Diaz’s solar panel job training, he gained new skill sets that have opened him up to more employment opportunities and found pride in seeing his customers being happy with his solar installs.
For his future, Diaz wants to be THAT success story to young people who are facing similar barriers and help guide them to the right path. “Don't ever give up. Keep pushing. Ask questions you need to ask to find your answers,” Diaz said.
Diaz successfully completed and graduated from solar panel training. He is currently working for SONOCO, a papermill company where he cleans pits and helps with paperwinding.
EWDD is a leadership team partner of the Los Angeles Regional Initiative for Social Enterprise (LA:RISE), an innovative, collaborative partnership that unites the City and County of Los Angeles’ Workforce Development System with non-profit social enterprises and for-profit employers to help people with high barriers to employment get good jobs and stay employed.