My opening messages in this newsletter are usually a place to share my own personal musings, historically full of optimism and romanticism about Malheur NWR and the work of our Friends group. At this time, in light of a flurry of directives coming from elected officials in Washington, it is important to remember that the Refuge budget is a part of the annual federal budget. It is FOMR’s job to stay keenly aware of the impact that federal decrees may have on Malheur.
An enormous amount of information is circulating in the news media right now, and it easy to get lost in this tsunami of fact and opinion. Focusing on the national wildlife system, here is what FOMR is concerned about:
1. That "the majority of federal agencies are likely to be downsized through restructurings, realignments, and reductions in force” and that we must anticipate the FWS will very likely be affected
2. That all federal hiring is frozen and likely to remain so for an indeterminate period.
3. That federal employees are being encouraged to resign as offered in a recent letter titled, “A Fork in the Road,” which was sent to ALL federal employees.
FOMR is deeply concerned about possible negative impacts of these trends on MNWR and we are following the situation closely. Please watch this newsletter monthly as we work to keep you informed.
As we deal with all this uncertainty, I like to remind myself of our mission:
To promote the conservation and appreciation of Malheur NWR's cultural and natural resources through outreach, advocacy, and on-the-ground stewardship.
It is my belief that when we work together to support our refuge in all the many ways we do, that we continue to be a positive contributor to the future of the place we all love.