The Episcopal Youth Community

The Church of the Good Shepherd - Raleigh, NC

EYC Newsletter

December 12, 2024

Dear Friends,

Season's greetings from the Church of the Good Shepherd. It's a busy but joyful time here at the church office where the lobby is filling up with donated gifts, the staff kitchen is overflowing with holiday treats, and the building is full of parish and outside groups throwing Christmas parties in Shepherd's Hall.

As your attention turns to your own festivities, don't forget that we have two youth events left on the 2024 calendar. The first is our annual Christmas Party this Sunday night at 5:30pm. I'm treating the group to a traditional Chinese Christmas feast so please RSVP as soon as possible so I can plan accordingly.

The party will also include a White Elephant Gift Exchange so don't forget to bring a wrapped present valued at $10-20. If you forget to shop, shoot me a text and I'll bring an extra gift.

The second event is our final Open House of the year which will be a Christmas Movie Night. This event was originally scheduled for Sunday, December 29, but I have decided to let you all vote on which night you prefer. I am available all weekend and will plan to host whichever night receives the most votes. I'll be announcing the new date this Sunday night so vote now if you have a preference. Don't forget to vote for every night you can attend.

More information about these events and much more can be found below. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas season and I'll see you all in church.

Your friend in Christ,


P.S. If you're not receiving text messages from me through the Remind App, scroll to the bottom of this email and get signed up.

Visit the EYC Website

What's Next?

EYC Christmas Party

Our annual EYC Christmas Party will be this Sunday, December 15 at 5:30pm. The party officially ends at 7:30 but if you don't have to get home to study for midterms, feel free to stay as late as 8pm.

As an homage to "A Christmas Story," recently voted as the group's favorite holiday flick, we will be having a traditional Chinese Christmas dinner.

There will also be a White Elephant gift exchange. If you would like to participate, please bring a wrapped gift costing no more than $20.

Don't forget to RSVP here.

Mission Trip 2025

Mark your calendars. Our first EYC Mission Trip will be held on July 20-26, 2025. That week was the clear choice of all the families who cast their vote.

I have completed our group reservation with Baptists On Mission and should have more information about our destination, work site, and lodging soon. Stay tuned!

Upcoming EYC Events

EYC Winter Retreat

On February 14-16, all members of the EYC are warmly invited to our Winter Retreat at the Trinity Center on the South Outer Banks. Situated on sixty-two gorgeous acres nestled between the ocean and the sound, this island refuge is truly one of the gems of the Episcopal Church.

The Trinity Center boasts pristine beaches, peaceful hiking trails, and cozy cabins tucked beneath a canopy of live oak trees.

Our only agenda for the weekend is community building so its perfect for new and established group members alike.

Download the registration form HERE.

Holiday Open House

The next EYC Open House will be held the weekend after Christmas. The exact date I will leave up to you. It was originally schedule for Sunday, December 29, but I understand that several families have conflicts that day. Since I am available any night that weekend, I will let the group decide which night is best.

If you have an opinion on the matter, please click here and vote for your best nights. We will have the Open House on the date that gets the most votes.

Either way, it should be a great night. We'll have Christmas movies on the big screen, popcorn in the popper, and (probably) Jesse mixing drinks behind the bar. Don't forget to vote before Sunday.

Summer Camp at the Trinity Center

The full summer camp schedule is now available on the Trinity Center website. Early registration is now open for all returning campers.

June 15-20 - Explorer's I (grades 6-9)

June 22-27 - Senior High Camp (grades 10-12)

June 29 - July 4 - Explorer's II (grades 7-10)

July 20-25 - Explorer's III (grades 7-9)

The Trinity Center

Looking Ahead...


Dec. 15 - EYC Christmas Party

Dec. 27 - Open House (Movie night)


Jan. 5 - EYC Meeting

Feb. 14-16 - EYC Retreat at the Trinity Center

July 20-16 - EYC Mission Trip

Making Payments

If you would like to make an online payment to the Episcopal Youth Community fund, visit the Good Shepherd website and click the "Donate" button. You can use Realm or Donor Box. Make sure your donation is set to go to the EYC fund and write the name of the event in the memo line.

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If you are not receiving our EYC text updates through the Remind App, please click HERE to get signed up.