Dear Friends,
Season's greetings from the Church of the Good Shepherd. It's a busy but joyful time here at the church office where the lobby is filling up with donated gifts, the staff kitchen is overflowing with holiday treats, and the building is full of parish and outside groups throwing Christmas parties in Shepherd's Hall.
As your attention turns to your own festivities, don't forget that we have two youth events left on the 2024 calendar. The first is our annual Christmas Party this Sunday night at 5:30pm. I'm treating the group to a traditional Chinese Christmas feast so please RSVP as soon as possible so I can plan accordingly.
The party will also include a White Elephant Gift Exchange so don't forget to bring a wrapped present valued at $10-20. If you forget to shop, shoot me a text and I'll bring an extra gift.
The second event is our final Open House of the year which will be a Christmas Movie Night. This event was originally scheduled for Sunday, December 29, but I have decided to let you all vote on which night you prefer. I am available all weekend and will plan to host whichever night receives the most votes. I'll be announcing the new date this Sunday night so vote now if you have a preference. Don't forget to vote for every night you can attend.
More information about these events and much more can be found below. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas season and I'll see you all in church.
Your friend in Christ,
P.S. If you're not receiving text messages from me through the Remind App, scroll to the bottom of this email and get signed up.