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Formation and Friendship!

Each Sunday you attend formation and every EYC event, your name will be placed into a drawing! Bring a friend and have their name added, and your name placed twice! There will be a drawing at the end of each month!

Your 2025 Youth Vestry Representative - Jenna Barrio!

“Hi everyone! I’m Jenna Barrio. I’m sixteen and excited to be the next youth vestry representative. A little bit about me: I have lived in Virginia my whole life and currently play basketball. I babysit and love being involved in children’s ministry.”

Congratulations, Jenna!

EYC to Gator Bowling (HS & MS)

Sunday, 9 February 2025 12:00noon-2:30pm

Cost: $15 per youth

RSVP NLT 6 February to ensure proper transportation and base access.


Please bring cash or check no later than the day of the event. You may also place your amount into the offering plate labeled EYC - Bowling.


High School and Middle School are invited to a two-hour bowling marathon at Gator Bowling! Meet in the Narthex after the 10:30am combined service. We will promptly leave at noon and return to ODEC by 2:30pm. Bring your friends and RSVP here to let us know you’re coming! Light refreshments will be provided prior to departure.

Mark your calendars for these Sundays!

9 March 2025: EYC outreach event, partnering with VB Home Now

Event can be applied to service hour requirements.

16 March 2025: EYC Kids to Children’s Museum

23 March 2025: EYC in-house event

“I am” Bible Study Series:

“He who saw this has testified so that you also may believe.” John 19:35

Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to attend the upcoming bible study featuring the “I am” statements from the Gospel of John. Dates and times to be released soon!

Session 1: Who, What, Where, When, and Why’s of John. Chapters 1-5

Session 2: I am, “the bread of life” and “the light of the world.”

Session 3: I am, “the gate for the sheep”, “the good shepherd”, and "the resurrection and the life.”

Session 4: I am, “the way, the truth and the life”, and “the true vine.”

Session 5: Concluding Testimony


We invite you to help usher at the Gathering service each Sunday. Click below to select a week. Two adults will also usher, and be available to help and/or train!

I Will Usher!


Information Update!

Please complete this form to update information on your youth.

Transportation and Pick-up Policy:

Please read and sign the following changes to our transportation and pick-up policy. If you need a hard copy of this document, please let Bethanny know and one can be provided. This is required for all youth participating in any Old Donation Episcopal Church events. Click HERE for the document.

Release Form

Please fill out our 2024-2025 Release Form. If you need a hard copy of this document, please let Bethanny know and one can be provided. This is required for all youth participating in any Old Donation Episcopal Church events. Click HERE for the document.

Questions about our Youth Program or an event?

Contact our Youth Minister, Bethanny Sammons.

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