May 7, 2021
What's On Our Mind ...
Women, LGBTQ+, D.C. Statehood

  • This weekend is National John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Day.

  • The 360 GOP-sponsored state bills that could stop up to three million people -- mostly Democrats -- from accessing the ballot box.

  • The 34 percent of women who could be turned away from the polls for not having the right voter ID because they got married, changed their name, but not their ID.

  • Transgender men and women who do not have an ID that accurately reflects their gender, which could impede their access to a ballot.

  • The GOP's efforts to block statehood for Washington, D.C. — a majority-black city.

  • The real reason for their objections expressed by Donald Trump: “You mean District of Columbia, a state? Why? So we can have two more Democratic—Democrat senators and five more congressmen?”

  • Every vote must count to elect JAC candidates who place country over politics.

  • S.1 (the #ForThePeopleAct), H.R.4 (the #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct), H.R. 51 (the #DCStatehood Act), and filibuster reform in the Senate.

Call your Senators (202-224-3121) and urge them to pass these measures.

A healthy democracy depends on all the people voting.
Upcoming Events
Special Event for Current Members Only
Discussion with
Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA)
Vice-Chair of the House Armed Services Committee, House Veterans' Affairs Committee, and House Committee on Homeland Security
Thursday, May 13
4:00 pm ET | 3:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm PT
Special Event for Current Members Only
Special Discussion with
Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI)
House Committee on Foreign Affairs
and House Judiciary Committee
Tuesday, May 25
6:00 pm ET | 5:00 pm CT | 3:00 pm PT
Special Event for Current Members Only
Congressional Update with
Rep. Greg Stanton (D-AZ)
House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
and House Judiciary Committee
Thursday, June 3
4:00 pm ET | 3:00 pm CT | 1:00 pm PT
Upcoming Candidate Events
Join a virtual fundraiser for
Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL)
all attendees will get a copy of her new memoir
Monday, May 17
1:00 pm ET | 12:00 pm CT | 10:00 am PT
Come sit with JAC at
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky's
20th Annual Ultimate Women's Power Luncheon
with special guest
Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan
Friday, May 21
12:30 pm ET | 11:30 am CT | 9:30 am PT
please note JACPAC in the 'Invited By' box
Instagram of the Week
May 4, 2021 May is Jewish American Heritage Month. Every week, we will be honoring the achievements and contributions of notable Jewish Americans. This week, we are starting with former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. RBG was the first Jewish woman to serve on the Supreme Court, and just the second woman overall. Throughout her extensive career, she consistently fought for gender equality. She co-authored the first law school casebook on sex discrimination, started the first U.S. law journal to focus on women’s rights, co-founded the Women’s Rights Project at the ACLU, and broke down many other glass ceilings on the way to Supreme Court. She was always proud of her Jewish heritage and kept a mezuzah on the doorframe of her Supreme Court office. She was an inspiration to all, and we have her to thank for opening the doors for generations of women.

See what else we're doing. Follow us on social media.
In the News
Learn more about Yair Lapid, the centrist politician who might become Israel's next Prime Minister. Lapid, along with Yamina chairman Naftali Bennett, are working to form a unity government after Prime Minister Netanyahu failed to do so. President Biden hailed normalization ties as essential while speaking with UAE's crown prince.
A new Van Morrison song titled 'They Own The Media' is being accused of promoting antisemitic tropes. Some Jews believe in QAnon, even though it touts antisemitic conspiracy theories. Defining antisemitism has been a widely debated topic. Many argue that the best definition is the one that goes the deepest.
Former President Trump's Supreme Court picks are threatening abortion rights for a lifetime to come. In Texas, anti-abortion advocates are advancing many new bills that would severely hurt women's rights. A bill to combat sexual assault in the military finally has the votes to pass in the Senate.
The Biden Administration has started undoing former President Trump's damage to the LGBTQ+ community. Religious anti-vaxxers in Connecticut are suing the state over vaccination requirements. A bill restricting transgender students' sports participation has stalled in the Texas House, casting doubts on its fate.
Republicans feared that Democrats' voting protection bill would poll well -- a new poll says they're right. Many liberals admire Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer -- now they want him to retire. President Biden has supported a patent waiver for COVID vaccines, but will it end the pandemic?
Many House Democrats have elected to not run for reelection in 2022, threatening the Democrats' already slim majority. Cindy McCain, wife to former Senator John McCain has a message for Republicans: 'the election is over.' Attorney General Merrick Garland is seeking millions to fight domestic terrorism, sexual violence, and civil rights abuses.
Sapir Berman makes history as Israel's first transgender soccer referee. In honor of Jerusalem Day, never before seen photos of Jerusalem were released. On the new social media platform, Clubhouse, a global Jewish community is taking root.
The Last Word
"One-hundred percent of our focus is on stopping this new administration."

- Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a pro-Israel PAC with a domestic agenda. We support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and advocate for reproductive health and the separation of religion and state and incorporate other issues of importance to the Jewish community, including gun violence prevention and climate change. In addition to providing financial support for U.S. Senate and House campaigns, JACPAC educates our membership with outreach events designed to inform and activate their participation in the political process.
Paid for by Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs. Contributions or gifts are not tax deductible. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Corporate contributions and contributions from non-US citizens who are not lawfully admitted for permanent residence are prohibited. All contributions by individuals must be made from personal funds and may not be reimbursed or paid by another person.