September 23, 2016
Vote Early to Push Hillary Clinton to Victory

Click Here for an ABSENTEE BALLOT

 June Rogul with Congressional candidate Emily Cain (ME-2). 

JAC event in Philadelphia with from l to r: Illinois Senate Candidate Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-8), Betsy Sheerr and
Mimi Schneirov.

NC Senate candidate Deborah Ross visited with JAC in Chicago. From l to r: Linda Rae Sher, Hollis Wein, Deborah Ross and
Marcia Balonick.
Are you going to a debate watching party? Send us your pictures for next week's EZ Read!
President Obama Addresses U.N. 

"Surely, Israelis and Palestinians will be better off if Palestinians reject incitement and recognize the legitimacy of Israel."
President Obama, Prime Minister Netanyahu Meet in NY

President Barack Obama
"The bond between the United States and Israel is unbreakable. It is based on common values, family ties, a recognition that a Jewish state of Israel is one of our most important allies, and a guiding principle throughout my presidency - one that I've expressed often to the Prime Minister - is, is that it is important for America's national security to ensure that we have a safe and secure Israel, one that can defend itself."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
"I want to thank you for the extensive security and intelligence cooperation between our two countries. I don't think people at large understand the breadth and depth of this cooperation, but I know it. And I want to thank you on behalf of all the people of Israel.

Michigan Membership Meeting
October 10th

For more information and to RSVP, contact the JAC office at 847.433.5999 or [email protected]

Girls Get Loud for HiIllary
September 25
for ages 8-18
2-4 pm
Call the JAC office for details


A conversation with 
Hillary Clinton
September 29th
Come to her last fundraising reception in Chicago!

For more information and to RSVP, contact the JAC office at 847.433.5999 or [email protected]
A Debate Primer
  Monday, September 26 at 9pm EST 

Before the debates, get up to speed on what's been going on with Hillary and Trump over the past few months, and over the course of their careers. 
112 Reasons -- and counting -- why Hillary should be our next president.
126 Things Trump has said and done that, in a normal election, would disqualify a nominee. 
Text GO to 47246 to get updates from the campaign on the debate.

Show your support for HIllary Monday night 
Meet the Candidate
U.S. Senate (NC) candidate
Deborah Ross

Deborah Ross is running against two-term incumbent Sen. Richard Burr, who has boasted that he can relate to Donald Trump.  North Carolina is in play for the Democrats.  Ross' strong field operation and Hillary Clinton's strong commitment to winning the state makes this Senate race competitive and within the Democrat's grasp.
The state's demographics have changed over the years, making it younger and more progressive -- a perfect mix for JAC candidate Deborah Ross. The GOP and extreme conservative outside groups are pouring millions of dollars into this seat in hopes of keeping it. 
Deborah served as director of the state's ACLU office and in the state legislature. She  has traveled to Israel twice and says she "will work to strengthen the relationship between our two countries and continue our tradition of leadership in this critical region." 
Deborah has fought for women's access to reproductive care throughout her career in public service. Her opponent is an extremist who has consistently voted against women's health care. "I will work to preserve a woman's constitutionally protected right to an abortion ... and [work] to repeal the Hyde Amendment," she has said. 
Join JAC and support Deborah Ross for the Senate.
Newsletter Title

Israel & the Middle East
Obama says Two-State Solution Must be Kept Alive
President Barack Obama said Wednesday he wants to ensure that efforts for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be kept alive beyond his presidency, as he met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for likely the last time before he leaves the White House in January.

Israel's Diplomatic Ties have Never Been Better
Given American-Israeli tension, some fret Israel risks diplomatic isolation - something even Netanyahu recently felt compelled to deny. In reality, though, Israel's diplomatic gains have never been greater.  Here's why.

Israel Furious Over International Aid Reaching Hamas
Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon announced on Monday a new initiative aimed at "battling the diversion of humanitarian funds to the Hamas terrorists in Gaza."

Egyptian President  Praises Israeli Cooperation in Terror War
Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi applauded the level of cooperation between Israel and Egypt in a closed-door meeting with Jewish leaders in New York. Among those attending the meeting were representatives of B'nai Brith, American Jewish Congress, Conference of Presidents and World Jewish Congress, as well as other leading U.S. figures including military and political officials and U.S. think tanks.
Anti-Semitism & BDS
Free Speech and CUNY Anti-Semitism
Earlier this month, a retired federal judge and a former prosecutor issued a 24-page report summarizing their investigation into allegations of anti-Semitic behavior among City University of New York (CUNY) students. The report was comprehensive and its defense of student organizations' free speech sound, but its details also raised troubling questions about the state of affairs on CUNY campuses.

Poland's New Law Stifles Discussion of the Holocaust
Recently the Polish cabinet approved legislation expected to be passed by the parliament making it unlawful to "accuse the Polish nation, or the Polish state, publicly and against the facts, [of being] responsible or complicit in Nazi crimes committed by the German Third Reich." Violators could receive up to three years in prison.
ADL Steps Up Efforts To Combat Anti-Semitism Online
A disturbing feature of this election cycle has been the growth in anti-Semitic hate speech online. Jewish journalists, in particular, have received insults, slurs and threats over Twitter and other social media. The Anti-Defamation League announced this week it is hiring a representative in Silicon Valley to work with tech companies to help fight anti-Semitic abuse online.
Reproductive Rights
Oklahoma Opens Its First New Abortion Clinic in 40 Years
Despite facing some of the nation's strictest anti-abortion laws, a Kansas-based foundation opened a new facility in Oklahoma City - the first new abortion provider in the state in 40 years. Six licensed physicians are providing services there, including abortions, OB-GYN care, family planning, adoption and emergency contraception.

Hyde Amendment Attacks the Rights of Poor Women
Today, Roe v. Wade remains celebrated by women's rights activists as a definitive victory for reproductive rights. The national legalization of abortion followed heightened awareness of the pervasive, often fatal trend of self-induced abortions, typically attempted by women of impoverished immigrant families who lacked the means to raise additional children. 

Donald Trump is Going All in on Banning Abortion
As with most policy issues he's commented on, Donald Trump's positions on abortion could best be described as "confused." Over the past decade or so, he's said so many contradictory things on the subject that a detailed timeline to sort it out may be handy. Like most Republicans, Trump has called for defunding Planned Parenthood.

White House Issues Wake-Up Call Schools On Sexual Assault
After years of focus on how colleges deal with rape, the Obama administration is putting pressure on K-12 schools to improve their response.  The White House is ramping up pressure on K-12 schools to improve their response to incidents of sexual harassment and assault among students. They are reminding schools of their obligation under Title X  to  students who are being sexually harassed or assaulted, and of factors to consider when dealing with students who experience trauma. 
Separation of Religion & State
NC Drops Suit Against  Administration Over Bathroom Bill'
The governor of North Carolina initially filed the lawsuit in May after the Obama administration threatened to withhold federal funding to the state because of the law, which requires transgender people to use public restrooms that match the sex listed on their birth certificate, rather than their gender identity. Recently the NCAA and other sporting events cancelled their games in that state. According to lawyers, the suit was dropped because "substantial costs" to the state.
Beyond the Core
GOP Poll-Watching Measure Sparks Voter Intimidation Fears 
Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania are trying to quickly push through a measure to allow people from outside a voting district to watch over voters. The bill would take effect in time for this year's presidential election in a state where Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed he will be the victim of voter fraud. He has provided no evidence to back that accusation

Delays in Confirming Judges Deny Justice
It has now been an unprecedented six months that President Obama's nominee for a vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Merrick Garland has been denied a confirmation hearing and vote.

3% of Population Owns Nearly Half Of Guns In U.S. 
A new survey of gun ownership in America found the percentage of Americans who own guns has decreased, even as Americans buy more guns.  The study also reveals that even as the country has gotten less violent, most gun owners say they bought weapons for self-protection, rather than for hunting or target shooting. 
Political Byte
A Vote For Jill Stein Is A Vote For Donald Trump
I'll repeat it every single day from now until Nov. 8, hoping that it sinks in for those who constitute the small but important faction of Bernie holdouts. If you're planning on casting your ballot for Jill Stein this fall to "send a message," you should know that you're only sending one message - that you want Donald Trump in the White  House.

West Wing Cast Members to Campaign for Hillary Clinton 
Stars of "The West Wing" are reuniting to hit the campaign trail - this time for a real-life presidential candidate. T he six actors will participate in grassroots organizing events across the battleground state of Ohio this weekend, discussing why they support the Democratic nominee and urging people to register to vote. 

The Facts About the 2016 Presidential Debates
Historically one of the most watched political programs in presidential elections, televised debates offer Americans a chance to see the candidates on the same stage, answering the same questions and sparring on the answers. Vice presidential candidates have their own debate next month, giving Americans a shot to see the candidates who would be one heartbeat from the Oval Office face off as well.

An American Dictatorship? Yes, it Could Happen
One thing that all Americans want to believe is that it can't happen here. But it can happen anywhere. It may be happening right now. "It" is the rise to power of an unprincipled, populist and racist candidate who captures the White House and turns this country into a dictatorship. In a country so blessed by history and good luck, such an American outcome has always seemed preposterous.
Here's A List Of Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments
There are many, many people who seem to think Hillary Clinton hasn't accomplished anything. Apparently, being a First Lady, a Senator, as well as Secretary of State doesn't count as accomplishments to her critics. But here is a very simple summary that encompasses Hillary Clinton and what she has accomplished throughout her life

Fear of a Female President
Over the past few years, political scientists have suggested that, counter-intuitively, Barack Obama's election may have led to greater acceptance by whites of racist rhetoric. Something similar is now happening with gender. Hillary Clinton's candidacy is sparking the kind of sexist backlash that decades of research would predict.

Clinton: My Plan for Helping America's Poor
As president, I will continue my life's work focused on creating opportunities for children and fairness for families. We need to expand access to high-quality child care and guarantee paid leave so parents at all income levels can balance their jobs and lives. 

This Photo of Hillary Shouldn't Surprise You
This photo and story may surprise you, but it really shouldn't.  When looking at the entirety of Hillary Clinton's life and accomplishments, the most obvious common thread is her passionate advocacy for children and families.
Hillary, Kaine Break Down Their #RelationshipGoals
If Hillary Clinton is elected president in November, she won't be the only one to make history. Her running mate, Tim Kaine, would also have a groundbreaking role as the first No. 2 to the first woman president. 
Trump Watch
The Dangers of the Putin-Trump Relationship
Foreign governments, friendly and unfriendly, often try to influence U.S. politics and elections. Many European leaders made no secret of their dislike of George W. Bush. Israel lobbies Congress, as do the Arab allies. China offers sweet deals to retiring officials. What's different about the Trump-Putin relationship?

The Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, Extremists Endorsing Trump
They include the head of the American Nazi Party, three former KKKs, four people involved in a recent armed standoff against federal authorities at an Oregon wildlife refuge, and at least 15 individuals affiliated with organizations described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as hate groups
A Trump Presidency would be Ethically Compromised
As government ethics lawyers who have, respectively, counseled the most recent Republican president and the most recent Democratic one, we have watched Donald Trump's campaign with increasing concern. We have come to believe a Trump presidency would be ethically compromised for the following reasons:

Trump Toughens Anti-Abortion Stance 
In a letter to anti-abortion leaders inviting them to join his coalition, Trump commits to a new policy: "Making the Hyde Amendment permanent law to protect taxpayers from having to pay for abortions."

On Your Way to the Camps, I Just Want You to Know...
On your way to the voting booth, I just want you to know that you can stop stories like these from happening. Your country needs you. The world needs you. You know what to do
Israeli Scientists Stop Breast Cancer Spread in Mice
Israeli and American researchers revealed yesterday that treating a primary breast tumor in lab mice with both genetic therapy and chemotherapy is extremely effective in preventing breast cancer metastasis, the deadly spread of cancerous cells to vital organs.

Teaching Kids the Value of Dissent
To mark this strange eight-justice time in our nation's tangled political history, have a sit-down with your kids to read I Dissent! Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes Her Mark. This new picture book provides a great opportunity to talk with kids about America's evolving notions about the rights and capabilities of women, the notion of checks and balances, and the power of the judicial branch of government to create change

Our members count on JACPAC to provide information on current events, candidates, and elections.  JACPAC depends on membership support to make this possible.


If you have not renewed your membership, please consider doing so today, to help us pursue a strong US-Israel relationship, reproductive rights, and separation of religion and state.  Together we can make this a better world!



Marcia Balonick, Executive Director
Joy Malkus, Research Director

Dana Gordon, Membership & Outreach

Hollis Wein, Communications Director 


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Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JACPAC) is a pro-Israel PAC with a domestic agenda. We support a strong U.S.-Israel relationship and advocate for reproductive health and the separation of religion and state and incorporate other issues of importance to the Jewish community, including gun violence prevention and climate change. In addition to providing financial support for U.S. Senate and House campaigns, JACPAC educates our membership with outreach events designed to inform and activate their participation in the political process.
Paid for by Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs. Contributions or gifts are not tax deductible. Contributions may total up to $5400 per individual ($2700 for the primary election, and $2700 for the general election). Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Corporate contributions and contributions from non-US citizens who are not lawfully admitted for permanent residence are prohibited. All contributions by individuals must be made from personal funds and may not be reimbursed or paid by another person.