October 2, 2024

EaND News and Events

EaND Synod Fall Gatherings

Bishop Tessa encourages all congregations to invite at least 4 people attend our Fall Gatherings. This annual event is one way for those across the synod to be connected, which is a goal in our strategic plan. Join Bishop Tessa and other synod staff at one of our Fall Gatherings. 


  • Prairie Rose Conference: November 2, 9am-11am, Red Willow Ministries
  • Spirit Lake Conference: November 2, 1pm-3pm, St. Olaf Lutheran, Devils Lake
  • Grafton Conference: November 2, 4:30pm-6:30pm, Park River Bible Camp
  • Grand Forks Conference: November 3, 1pm-3pm, Augustana Lutheran, Grand Forks
  • Mayville Conference: November 3, 4:30pm-6:30pm, Mayville Lutheran Church
  • Fargo Conference: November 7, 6:30pm-8:30pm, St. John Lutheran, Fargo
  • Wahpeton Conference: November 9, 10am-12pm,Trinity Lutheran, Lisbon
  • Jamestown Conference: November 9, 2pm-4pm, St. John's Lutheran, Jamestown

Endowment Sunday: November 17, 2024


Building on the success of the Vital Leaders Endowment Fund, the Eastern North Dakota Synod launched 5 additional endowment funds this year: Sustaining Fund, Resurrection Fund, Native American Ministry Fund, Holy Innovations Fund, and Campus Ministry Fund.

Congregations are encouraged to celebrate Synod Endowment Sunday on Sunday November 17th as one way to celebrate and support these new endowment funds. Consider taking a special offering or making a designated gift to one of the new endowment funds to help the synod support thriving ministry for generations to come!

Technology Use Survey

As we seek to live into our goal of increasing connection throughout the synod, we are working to assess current technology use and identify barriers, needs, and challenges for congregations and ministries in accessing and utilizing technology. Each congregation/ministry is invited to fill out the Technology Use and Needs survey at this link. Please complete one survey for each congregation or ministry site.

New Devotional Resource

We are excited to share a new devotional resource now available for download! "Living our Baptism: The Marks of Discipleship" is a monthly devotional resource and reflection guide created especially for councils and ministry teams. Download the devotional here.

Call Process

Please pray for congregations and rostered ministers in the call process. You can find a list of congregations currently in the call process on our website.

Together we respond to God’s provision by sharing of our financial gifts, both as an act of worship and in support of our mission and ministry as Christ’s Church. Our shared gifts support ministry of our congregations, in our community, across the Eastern North Dakota Synod, throughout the ELCA, and around the globe. Today we recognize:

Our offerings help support two campus ministries: Crossroads at NDSU and Christus Rex at UND.

Share "Offering Connections" in your worship bulletin or congregational newsletters! Download the Offering Connections Document: PDF or Word

Dacotah O'yate Kids Christmas Project

See the graphic below for information about this year's Dacotah O'yate Christmas Project. If you would like tags, please contact Pr. JoHanna Buccholz at Our Saviors Lutheran Church in Devils Lake.

Other News and Events

Hurricane Relief Through LDR

Click here to support those impacted by Hurricane Helene through Lutheran Disaster Response.

This storm has has devastated communities across the southeastern United States. Your gifts help provide immediate relief, such as water, clothing, gift cards, tarps and other needs. Since many hurricanes also require a long-term response, Lutheran Disaster Response provides support on the long road to recovery with disaster case management, construction management, unmet needs, and emotional and spiritual care.

Walking Together: 50 Years of World Hunger

Northeastern Minnesota Synod will be hosting Walking Together: 50 Years of ELCA World Hunger on Saturday, Oct 12, 2024 at Lutheran Church of the Cross in Nisswa, MN. This celebratory event will include worship with Glocal musicians, a hunger simulation, Action Center, silent auction and public art project. There will also be workshops with ELCA World Hunger, Lutheran Advocacy-MN, Eco-Faith Network, Together Here, and Sumud Northland - each tying their ministries to the issues of hunger and justice. Members of the EaND Synod are invited to attend! Click here to register and see the event schedule.

Contact Rev. Taryn Montgomery with questions.

Celebrate World Food Day & 50 Years of ELCA World Hunger

World Food Day History & Ideas

Read this letter from Michelle Watne, EaND Synod ELCA World Hunger Chair, to learn more about World Food Day and how you can participate!

50th Anniversary of ELCA World Hunger Webinar October 15 @ 7pm CST

This special online event will be hosted by the Rev. Amy Current, bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod, and Imran Siddiqui, vice president of the ELCA. Click this link to learn more and register to receive reminders, event information, World Food Day resources and the event recording.

ELCA Truth & Healing Movement Programming

  • October 10, 2-4pm CST: Class: "Indian 101"
  • October 24, 2-4pm CST: Class: "Indigenous Thought & Theology"

Click here for class descriptions and more information about the Truth & Healing Movement. No pre-registration required for these events; simply click "Join Class."

News from Portico: Ready for Annual Enrollment?

Watch for an email from Portico when your Annual Enrollment window is open. This is your opportunity to make decisions about health coverage, pre-tax and Roth retirement contributions, vision care services, supplemental life insurance, beneficiaries, and more. Questions about coverage or have a change of call pending? The Portico Customer Care Center, 800.352.2876, is always here to help.

Young Adult Retreat

Our neighbors in the Western North Dakota Synod are inviting young adults in EaND to participate in a retreat at Badlands Ministries this November!

When: November 1-3, 2024

Where: Badlands Ministries, Medora ND

Who: College students and young adults aged 18-24 years 

What: A weekend of spiritual renewal in the badlands! Grow in faith through intentional conversations, community and fellowship, and guided activities to engage all our senses. This retreat will feature guest speaker, Pastor Rachel Simonson, Lutheran Campus Ministry pastor at Minot State University. 

Registration: Free to attend! Simply fill out this online form


More information can be found at 2024 Young Adult Retreat | Facebook

Download retreat flyer here.

ELCA Civic Engagement & Election Resources

The ELCA has put together several resources to equip individuals and faith communicates to navigate this election cycle and to engage in the electoral process. Click on the resources below to learn more.

Faith + Lead Mental Health Course

Faith + Lead is offering a new online course called "God and Mental Health Challenges: Tools for navigating mental health with compassion and hope." Thanks to a generous donor with a passion for mental health in church communities, this course is being offered at no cost. Learn more at this link.

Planting Seeds e-Newsletter & Rural Ministry Cafe

The latest Planting Seeds e-Newsletter, a Faith+Lead resource for those serving in small towns and rural ministries, is now available! Click here to view the newsletter in your browser, or click here to subscribe to receive future newsletters in your inbox.

You may also be interested in Rural Ministry Cafe, a monthly fellowship group for leaders in rural and small town ministry, led by Pr. Jon Anderson. The next gathering is October 10. Click here to learn more.

Fellowship Opportunity: The Seeds Project

The Seeds Project is a 10-month, fully funded fellowship for leaders who are passionate about the Gospel, eager to grow, and creative in their approach to developing new ways of being church in a changing world. Apply by October 31, 2024 to join this training network through Faith+Lead. Click here to learn more.

Beloved Art and Practice Virtual Advent Retreat

Dn. Michelle Walka, Director of Beloved Art and Practice, will be hosting a virtual Advent retreat in December. Through this year's theme of “A Pilgrim’s Journey” we will explore a posture of holy wandering through prayer, reflection and creative practice. In the midst of what can be a “busy” season, this space is an invitation to gently dwell as a whole person (in mind, body, and spirit). You do not need any special art skills for this time. An optional & simple supply list will be provided. Learn more and register at this link or download this flyer.

2024 Addiction & Faith Conference

The 2024 Addiction & Faith Conference will take place October 17-19, 2024 online. Learn more and register at this link or download this flyer.

Youth musicians are invited to Lutheran Summer Music

Enrollment for LSM 2025 is open now! Lutheran Summer Music (LSM) is a faith-based residential music academy for high school students who come together to immerse themselves in musical excellence and build a supportive and fun community. Musical experiences include large ensembles (band, choir, orchestra), chamber music, private lessons, and electives like handbells, jazz, musical theatre, composition, conducting, church music and more. Priority enrollment deadline: December 1. Standard enrollment deadline: March 1.

Learn more at LSMacademy.org.

Contact Us

Office Information

Phone: 701.232.3381

Physical Address: 1555 43rd St S, Suite 100, Fargo, ND 58103

Mailing Address: PO Box 2019 Fargo, ND 58107

Office Hours:

Monday: by appointment

Tuesday: 9am-4pm

Wednesday: 9am-4pm

Thursday: by appointment

Friday: 9am-4pm

The physical office is only open by appointment on Mondays and Thursdays; however, the phone will be answered between 1pm-4pm.

We are a Reconciling in Christ Synod.

We, as the Eastern North Dakota Synod ELCA, welcome all into the fullness of God's boundless love, without exception. This welcome is inclusive of people of every race, national origin, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, physical or mental ability, sex, or station in life. United in Christ, we pledge to use and celebrate our differences as gifts for our work together in all things, including racial equity, intentional invitations, and radical hospitality. Inspired by Christ, we commit to advocate for justice, working for dignity, equity, and wholeness for all people.

Visit the EaND Synod Website!