January 22, 2025

EaND News and Events

Synod-Wide Bible Study

"Threads of Faithfulness: The Story of Ruth" with Dr. Michael Chan

Dates: January 12, January 19, January 26, and February 2

Time: 2:00-3:15pm

Click here for the Zoom link.

Join your siblings in Christ across the Eastern North Dakota Synod via Zoom for a four-week Bible study on the book of Ruth!

The book of Ruth is a remarkable narrative of loyalty, resilience, and faithfulness. Due to tragic loss, Ruth lives on the edge of precarity. Her perilous and dangerous journey unfolds with courage and trust as she navigates life as a non-Israelite woman in a foreign land. Her steadfast love and loyalty testify to the power of relationships forged through hardship and perseverance. This study will explore how Ruth's story mirrors themes central to the Eastern North Dakota Synod's values: community, resilience, and relationships. Join us as we delve into this profound story of hope, strength, and connection.

Becoming an Inclusive Church:

2SLGBTQIA+ Inclusivity Workshop and Community Conversation

Saturday, January 25th, 10-2pm

St. John Lutheran Church, Fargo

ELCA congregations are invited to join in a day of of learning and reflection as we seek to better accompany 2SLGBTQIA+ people in our midst. Deacon David Behling of Reconciling Works will be our presenter. Registration is free, pre-registration is required. Learn more at this link.

Download these graphics to share about this event.

Stewardship Starters Webinar: How to Make Offering The Most Meaningful Part of the Liturgy

January 27, 2025 @ 6:00pm

Offering practices have changed a great deal in recent years with online giving and lingering COVID practices. Join Pastor Tim Brown for a conversation about the role offering plays in worship and how to highlight it in the worship service. Leave with ideas and practices that can be implemented at any congregation. Consider trying out a new practice during Lent!

No pre-registration required. Zoom link and event information is available on our website. You can also download this flyer.

Church Council Training

February 23, 2:00-4:30 pm (Zoom)

New and returning church council members are invited to our annual church council training February 23 on Zoom. Together we will dive into constitutions, reporting, trends and challenges, and finances and stewardship. Join us as we learn from both local leaders and experienced leaders from across the church. A recording will be available for congregational use.

Click here for the Zoom link.

Giving Hearts Day: February 13, 2025

This Giving Hearts Day, we invite you into the mission of the Eastern North Dakota Synod:  United in Christ, we dare to invite, connect, and act.

On February 13, we will share stories of our mission in action throughout the synod. You can be a part of the work that we do across the Eastern North Dakota Synod. We hope that you will consider a gift and help us reach our goal of $80,000. We have already raised $40,000 in match dollars. Early Giving is now open!

Learn more at this link.

Mission Support & Annual Report Resources 


As you finalize your congregational spending plans for 2025, we ask you to give prayerful consideration to your congregation’s mission support for 2025, knowing that your generosity not only funds our work as a synod but contributes to the impact made by our vast churchwide ministries. Please share your 2025 mission support intent using this form on our website to help us plan for mission & ministry in 2025.

A number of resources are available to tell about the impact of your partnership and generosity. We hope you include these in your annual reports or as part of your annual meeting, and share the story of our life together!

Lenten Resource from The Neighborhood Church

"The God Who Dwells Among Us" is a worship resource for congregations to use for Sunday or mid-week services throughout Lent. The format was created with lay led worship in mind but can be adapted for however it works best! The full resource will be available on our website in early February. Use the form at the bottom of this webpage to be contacted when it is available.

This worship resource is a gift to Eastern North Dakota congregations from The Neighborhood Church. The Neighborhood Church also relies on the generosity of individuals and congregations to support the ministry they are called to do with their neighbors. Learn more about this resource here.

We're Hiring! Disaster Capacity Builder Position

The Western North Dakota Synod and the Eastern North Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) are pleased to announce a renewed partnership with Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR). The two ELCA synods have received a grant of more than $300,000 from LDR to support a three-year pilot project that will add a Disaster Capacity Builder staff position to serve in the two synods.

Click here to download the job description (also available on our website.)

Click here to download the press release about this position.

2025 Boundaries Trainings

The Eastern North Dakota Synod is partnering with the Southeastern Minnesota Synod to offer three boundaries trainings in 2025. Click on the dates listed below to be taken to the corresponding event registration page. All trainings will take place on Zoom. 

Grants Available for Rostered Ministers

There are two grants available for rostered ministers through the Vital Leaders Endowment Fund: the Pension Equity Grant and the Debt Reduction Grant. Download this PDF to learn more about grant eligibility and how to apply.

You can also find this information and additional information about each of our Endowment Funds on our website.

Ordination of Louis Moehlman to the Ministry of Word & Sacrament

February 2 @ 4:30pm

Trinity Lutheran Church, Lisbon

Clergy are invited to vest and process. The color of the day is red.

Synod Devotional Resource

We are excited to share a synod-wide devotional resource available for download! "Living our Baptism: The Marks of Discipleship" is a monthly devotional resource and reflection guide created especially for councils and ministry teams in Eastern North Dakota.

Download the devotional here.

Call Process

Please pray for congregations and rostered ministers in the call process. You can find a list of congregations currently in the call process on our website.

Together we respond to God’s provision by sharing of our financial gifts, both as an act of worship and in support of our mission and ministry as Christ’s Church. Our shared gifts support ministry of our congregations, in our community, across the Eastern North Dakota Synod, throughout the ELCA, and around the globe. Today we recognize:

The work of raising up and supporting new leaders is the responsibility of the whole church. Financial gifts to the Eastern North Dakota Synod supports the ministry of the synod candidacy committee.

Share "Offering Connections" in your worship bulletin or congregational newsletters! Download the Offering Connections Document: PDF or Word

Incoming Council Presidents: Request for Contact Info

Calling all new church council presidents! Please make sure the synod office has your contact information so that we can keep you informed about upcoming events, opportunities, trainings, etc. happening in the synod. You can email us at office@eandsynod.org to update your information. Thank you!

Other News and Events

Lutheran Disaster Response: California Wildfires

Lutheran Disaster Response is coordinating with the Southwest California Synod, Pacifica Synod and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires in Los Angeles. We will work with them to provide for immediate needs and recovery amid the widespread destruction. Lutheran Disaster Response is committed to accompanying recovering communities for months and years to come. Learn more and give to LDR at this link.

Fireside Chat: Exploring Pathways for Chaplaincy in the ELCA

Thursday, February 13, 2025


Join us for a virtual fireside chat with the Seminaries of the ELCA and the ELCA Chaplain Corps, as we explore the in’s and out’s of serving as a Chaplain in the ELCA!

Download this flyer to learn more.

Empowering Communication Workshops

Rev. Joel Westby and Rev. Leslie Ritter-Jenkins are co-facilitating six Empowering Communication workshops for ministry leaders between January 27 and February 28, 2025 via Zoom. In the six workshops clergy will learn tools that support congregational vitality and help heal in the world. Learn more about the workshop offerings at this link.

New Resource: Lent in a Box 2025

Church Anew has created Lent in a Box 2025! This year's theme is "Unbroken: A Living Faith." Learn more at this link.

Foundations of Faith Community Nursing Course

The Parish Nurse Ministry Program of Concordia College in Moorhead, MN will be offering the Foundations of Faith Community Nursing course April 28-May 2, 2025 (the deadline to register is April 1st). The course will be held at Atonement Lutheran Church in Fargo, ND. This will be a full week of in-person/classroom learning activities as we do not offer a distance learning option. The program is open to licensed RNs who are interested in personal growth and/or starting a health and healing ministry within a faith community. Download this flyer to learn more.

Festival of Homiletics Registration

Registration is now open for the Festival of Homiletics, which will take place May 12-15, 2025 in Atlanta! This year's theme is "Preaching to Heal the Divide." Click here to learn more and to register.

Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust Study Process

The 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly called for two reconsiderations of specific sections of the 2009 social statement "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust." A task force from across the ELCA has released draft edits to the statement, which address possible word changes without changing the substantive meaning. Your feedback is needed by Jan. 31 as the church considers the draft edits. Resources, including a survey, FAQs and a discussion guide, are available at ELCA.org/reconsideration

Nominate Young Musicians for Lutheran Summer Music

Enrollment is filling fast for the LSM 2025! Students come together in an immersive musical community that connects the pursuit of musical growth with the joy of Lutheran church music traditions. LSM welcomes musicians of all kinds: brass, woodwinds, strings, percussion, piano, organ, voice, harp, guitar, handbells, and more. Know a young person (grades 8-12) who would benefit from this life-giving and joyful musical community? Nominate them for LSM today at LSMacademy.org/nominate. LSM 2025 takes place at Valparaiso University from June 22-July 20 (Half Session through July 6). Standard Enrollment is open now through March 1. 

Play Ball & Connect! A Desert Sojourn Retreat

You are invited to an inspiring Spring Training experience in Arizona, where baseball enthusiasts and faith-driven individuals unite to explore the connection between sport and spirituality. This unique retreat, led by Pastor Dave Ellingson, combines fellowship, worship, and the excitement of baseball with opportunities to attend MLB Cactus League games in the vibrant Arizona desert. Download this poster to learn more.

Contact Us

Office Information

Phone: 701.232.3381

Physical Address: 1555 43rd St S, Suite 100, Fargo, ND 58103

Mailing Address: PO Box 2019 Fargo, ND 58107

Office Hours:

Monday: by appointment

Tuesday: 9am-4pm

Wednesday: 9am-4pm

Thursday: by appointment

Friday: 9am-4pm

The physical office is only open by appointment on Mondays and Thursdays; however, the phone will be answered between 1pm-4pm.

We are a Reconciling in Christ Synod.

We, as the Eastern North Dakota Synod ELCA, welcome all into the fullness of God's boundless love, without exception. This welcome is inclusive of people of every race, national origin, immigration status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, physical or mental ability, sex, or station in life. United in Christ, we pledge to use and celebrate our differences as gifts for our work together in all things, including racial equity, intentional invitations, and radical hospitality. Inspired by Christ, we commit to advocate for justice, working for dignity, equity, and wholeness for all people.

Visit the EaND Synod Website!