Rochester City School District
Media Advisory
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Editor Contact:
Marisol Ramos-Lopez
585.455.2844 (m)
Each One, Reach One: Continuing Our Community Call to Action
Dr. Lesli Myers-Small, Superintendent of Schools
Recruitment for RCSD Community Partners 
Thursday, December 9, 2021, 10:10 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
East High School
1801 East Main Street
Rochester, NY 14609
On Thursday, December 9, the District is convening community partners to help recruit volunteers to confront two major issues:

  • Employment Opportunities: The Rochester City School District is currently facing a job shortage crisis. This consortium of community partners will work with the District to help recruit individuals who are seeking employment opportunities. 

  • Safe Schools: The District has implemented Fathers Initiating Restorative Engagement (FIRE) at Edison Career and Technology High School and Franklin High School, and are looking for more volunteers. Dads have already undergone training in areas of youth development, de-escalation, and restorative practices. Dads serve as positive role models for students at school during arrival, lunch, and dismissal times. 

Community partners who are interested in joining "Each One, Reach One" should e-mail [email protected]
131 W. Broad Street, Rochester, NY 14614 | 585-262-8100