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In this Issue: Highlights from EVLT and...

There is no Poop Fairy
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2014 Cow Patty Bingo

Thanks for your interest in EVLT's latest news. Don't forget to share your shots with us on our Facebook page?

Highlights of EVLT's Recent Activities:

The Cordillera L project (picture below) is progressing. While behind schedule due to factors entirely out of EVLT's hands, the completion of the project has resumed and this beautiful 160 acres should be permanently conserved in the coming months. Our last task is to finalize access for ongoing monitoring obligations.
Cordillera Ridgeline property overlooking Edwards. Conservation easement is pending.
EVLT hopes to finalize the Cordillera L ridgeline conservation easement in the coming months.

 EVLT is pursuing several new land conservation transactions. Eagle County commissioners have indicated that they would consider supporting agricultural land conservation easements after several years of focusing on recreational projects. Broadening the portfolio is a goal of the county, which means seeking conservation easements not just geographically spread around, but also varying by the kind of use and conservation values being protected, including conserving the few remaining agricultural properties in the county. While it is unlikely the support for agricultural land conservation projects would be as substantial as those projects completed in early years of the county program, the amounts being discussed are none-the-less substantial and EVLT is greatly encouraged.  As a result, EVLT has begun reaching out to ranch owners in collaboration with the Eagle County CSU Extension office and 4-H. Several property owners have approached EVLT to preserve over 500 acres along the Colorado River and EVLT is deliberately and diligently pursuing the conservation of these lands. Stay tuned.

EVLT is protecting the lands you have supported and is gearing up to do so again. To better maintain connections with our land owners, EVLT is once again performing monitoring in-house. Matt Stern has done a great job preparing and organizing internal files as well as monitoring procedures to reflect the most up-to-date best practices. You can be confident that EVLT continues to meet its ongoing obligation to confirm that the original conservation intention of the landowner is being honored this year.

Trails on West Avon Preserve have been a great amenity and the Town of Avon and the Vail Valley Mountain Bike Alliance have been great partners. As with any conserved property allowing recreation, we will get requests to allow events and EVLT is currently helping the town evaluate and appropriately respond to one such request now involving a possible Enduro race as part of Vail Mountain Games.

Did you know...

...two important bills are pending in the state that we hope you will support by calling state representatives:

On April 1, the House Fiance Committee hears proposed HB 15-1314 which creates a new tax credit for individual donations to endowment funds held by Colorado-based nonprofits and community foundations. If enacted, Colorado would join five other states (IA, KY, MD, MT,ND) in offering a tax credit for donations to charitable endowments. For  more information, click here .

...there is no Poop Fairy? EVLT is offering a Poop Fairy Toolkit and training for landowners, property owners associations and municipalities wishing to address this community issue in a creative way. Please contact the Eagle  Valley Land Trust if you would like more information about this toolkit.




Planned Giving Options   

Have you included Eagle Valley Land Trust in your will?

If so, please let us know so that we may thank you during your lifetime.


Thinking of leaving a legacy of land conservation?

Consider adding EVLT as a beneficiary of your IRA.


For other planned giving options please click here.


Yours in conservation, 

Eagle Valley Land Trust

970.748.7654  |   www.EVLT.org

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