We look forward to seeing you in November!

Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association

2023 Annual Conference

Being held virtually by Zoom

Pediatrics and Geriatrics

Naturopathic Care from Cradle to Grave

CE 18.2 Total | 6.8 General, 8.4 Pharm, 3.0 Pharm/Substance Use Disorder-Related or Addiction-Related

CEs approved by the Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association


Friday, November 3, at 5:30 pm AZ time

The Problems of Chronic Pain

Satisfies the annual requirement for opioid-related CEs

Saturday & Sunday, November 4 & 5, 2023

Annual Conference

8:00 am - 5:00 pm each day AZ time

Dr. Jennifer Burns

How NAD and PQQ can help with energy and mental stamina

Dr. Alexandra Porter

Essential Fatty Acids for All the Ages

Dr. Lindsey Wells


Dr. Amanda Ryskowski

From Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to Hyaluronidase Injections: A New Approach to Relieving Muscle Stiffness in Patients of All Ages

Dr. Rhonda Steinke

Parkinson’s Disease: adding Prana to the Naturopathic Prescription Pad

Dr. Dana Myatt

Cardiovascular Disease: Updating Risk Assessment

Dr. Julia Malkowski

The New Sick: Pathogenesis of Chronic Disease & the Gut Microbiome

Dr. Felice Gersh

Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOS) as a pediatric condition

Dr. Bridget Fitzgibbons

Human Trafficking and the Medical Field

Dr. Lylen Ferris

The Impact of the Deep Roots of Childhood Trauma on Adult Health

Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson

Vindication of Estrogen and Lowering of Hormones in Today's Younger Americans

Dr. Kristy Anderson

The Fountain of Youth?? Ways to Increase Growth Hormone as We Age

Friday evening Workshop

November 3 at 5:30 pm

Christie Fleetwood, ND, RPh, VNMI

The Problems of Chronic Pain

Meets the requirement for 3 hours annually of substance use disorder-related or addiction-related training

Early-Bird Registration is open through October 15 for the AzNMA Annual Conference. Join us online to hone clinical skills and gain new medical knowledge.

Speaker Highlight:

Alexandra Porter, ND

Essential Fatty Acids for All the Ages

Over the course of her practice, Dr. Porter has come to find that the majority of patients have an underlying fatty acid deficiency and is excited to speak at the upcoming AzNMA conference on this topic that affects all age groups and impacts the underlying pathophysiology of all health conditions. Join her presentation to be reminded of the critical role of EFAs for healthy physiology and the importance of screening for a deficiency in all patients, inexpensive testing options available and the important components to choosing the right "fish oil" for your patients. Additionally, she will present one of her patient cases to demonstrate the key factors when thinking about EFAs.

Dr. Alexandra Porter graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in Nutritional Science and then went on to graduate from Bastyr University's Naturopathic Medical program in 2006. She has been in private practice for 17 years with an emphasis on primary care, blending Ayurvedic and Naturopathic principles for her patient's treatment strategies. 

Conference Registration Fees

Early Bird through October 15 | (After October 15)


Conference including "The Problems of Chronic Pain" Workshop with Dr. Fleetwood

  • $375 | ($425) AzNMA Member - login first to see the discounted rate on the registration page
  • $585 | ($625) Non-member of AzNMA
  • $200 | ($225) Students and Residents

Full Conference without the Chronic Pain Workshop

  • $325 | ($375) AzNMA Member - login first to see the discounted rate on the registration page
  • $510 | ($555) Non-member of AzNMA
  • $175 | ($200) Students & Residents

"The Problems of Chronic Pain" Workshop Only

  • $65 | ($75) AzNMA Member - login first to see the discounted rate on the registration page
  • $125 | ($135) Non-member of AzNMA
  • $35 | ($45) Students & Residents

Conference inquiries can be addressed by email to director@aznma.org

Not Able to Attend Live?

Register for the conference in advance and receive the session videos by November 15. Same CEs.


Daylight Savings Time Ends on Last Day of the Conference

If you will be participating in the conference from outside of Arizona, note that the time will "fall back" on Sunday morning, November 5. Since Arizona doesn't observe Daylight Savings time, the Friday and Saturday sessions will be on the equivalent of Pacific time. The last day will be on the equivalent of Mountain time.

AzNMA invites you to sponsor our conference. Approximately 180 doctors and naturopathic medical students are expected to participate. CLICK HERE for sponsorship information.