Welcome Early Childhood Families!

We are so excited to start the 22-23 school year with you. The EC team is looking forward to serving you and your family! This newsletter features all of the back to school information to help you get started.
Each month we will send an update on the learning taking place at the Early Childhood Center. Please let us know what questions you have and how we can assist you.
We cannot wait to partner with your family and have a great year together!

Working with you,

Misty Kinsey

Alyssa Phillips
Assistant Director
Safety and Security
As outlined in the new Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP), the Republic School District’s mission is to prepare each student for future excellence through a safe educational environment. We understand your child’s safety is top of mind for you when they are at school. The safety of every single student and staff member is a major priority for our district, building and classroom leaders. 

Our district has system-wide security measures in place to ensure a safe environment for all students and staff. At our building, our district and building leaders have implemented the following protocols in partnership with our School Police:
  • There are School Resource Officers who visit the Early Childhood Center multiple times a day. 
  • All exterior doors remain locked.
  • Every visitor is screened before entering through a secure vestibule at the front entrance.
  • Every building is monitored through video surveillance inside and outside.
  • Emergency operations plans are reviewed and updated during the summer months and throughout the school year.

Any parent or staff member with concerns about school safety can contact building leaders or our Director of School Police, Scott Umbarger, at 417-732-3605 ext. 6200."
Class Lists
Class lists for all students will be posed on the front doors of EC on August 12th by 4:00pm. Your child's teacher can also be viewed through the Parent Portal.
Open House
THANKS TO OUR COMMUNITY, we are ready to open the brand new Republic Early Childhood Center! The following events have been planned to help celebrate:

August 18: EC Family Open House and Ribbon Cutting
The Open House for EC families is come and go, 5:30-7:00 with the ribbon cutting ceremony beginning at 5:30 p.m.

The First Day of School
  • Students can be walked into EC on the first day of school.
  • ECSE August 24th
  • Preschool families wanting to participate should arrive at 8:50 a.m.
  • This will only occur on the first day of school for your child's class option.
Students are to supply a full change of clothes to leave at school (shirt, pants, underwear, socks).
  • Backpack
  • Plastic School Box
  • 2 Elmer's Glue Sticks
  • 1 Elmer's Glue Bottle, White/Liquid
  • 1 Crayola Crayons
  • 1 Box of Kleenex
  • 1 Fiskars Scissors 5" Kids Blunt/Rounded
  • Water Bottle (can only bring water in their water bottle)
Back to School Forms
Nearly all back to school forms will need to be completed online through the SISK12 Parent Portal by August 5 and no later than August 10. As a reminder, the Parent Portal is a tool that parents can use to monitor items like meal balances, grades, attendance, etc. We recommend using it throughout the school year!
This tool makes the back to school form process as easy and smooth as possible for our families. Please login to the Parent Portal and complete the needed forms by August 10. ALL students (preschool through 12th grade) must have a parent/guardian complete these required forms. Take note that specific forms must be completed for students to participate in various activities, including technology usage.
To find the Parent Portal CLICK HERE or simply visit and click on the "Parent Portal" icon. This can also be accessed through the district's free mobile app. As a reminder, to login use the email address you have provided to the district and enter the password you have created. If you’ve forgotten it, simply click on the “forgot password” button and follow the prompts.
Parent & Student Handbook
The parent and student handbook provides a summary of the practices, policies and procedures our district follows. Please review the document at The handbook will remain on the website throughout the entire school year, and printed copies can be requested by contacting our building office. Digitally signing the online Policy and Procedure Acknowledgment form indicates approval of this document.
Traffic Flow Information

With a new building, we also have a new car line route to follow for drop-offs and pick-ups! Vehicles will turn onto Park Drive from Hines Street and enter the Early Childhood Center’s parking lot from behind Price Elementary, then exit the way they came. Please see the map. 

Please do not begin lining up until 15 minutes before dismissal to help avoid traffic trouble. The park drive gate will be opened at that time. Please have your carline sign visible in the window of your car. You’ll receive this at our family open house on August 18th. If you cannot attend, we will ask that you come into the office to pick yours up anytime after August 18th.  
New this year, we are requiring parents to load their students and buckle them in. Staff will bring your child to you and you will then load your child.
Staff will unload your child each day. Do not let your child out of your vehicle to ensure safety.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when dropping off or picking up students:
  • We will only unload and load at the designated drop-off sections of the traffic route.
  • Be aware of potential pedestrians along the traffic route. Be mindful of the park area.
  • Please follow the arrows on the maps. Deviating from the provided traffic route can be a potential safety hazard for pedestrians and can cause other drivers frustration. 
  • Do not park along the traffic route at any time.
  • Be courteous of other drivers.
  • From the time of dismissal, it will only take 15-20 minutes for every child to be picked up. Of course, the first few weeks it may take longer until the routine and traffic flow is in place.
Pick-Up and Drop Off Times

HALF DAY Morning:
Monday-Thursday morning, the carline will begin at 8:10 a.m. with the school day beginning at 8:20 a.m. Students will be dismissed at 11:20 a.m.

If your child will have a change in their daily plan, please contact the EC office at 417-735-3736 by 10:30 a.m. to notify the office of this change. If your child needs to be picked up early, they must be picked up by 11:00 a.m.

HALF DAY Afternoon:
Monday-Thursday afternoon, the carline will begin at 12:10 p.m. with the school day beginning at 12:20 p.m. Students will be dismissed at 3:20 p.m.

If your child will have a change in their daily plan, please contact the EC office at 417-735-3736 by 2:30 p.m. to notify the office of this change. If your child needs to be picked up early, they must be picked up by 3:00 p.m.
Transportation (ECSE Classroom Only)

If you are wanting to access transportation (bus) services this school year, we must have both documents completed and turned in by August 10th. Any documents received after this time, will not be able to start riding on August 24th.


Please call the Early Childhood office with changes in contact information as soon as possible throughout the year. The Early Childhood Center educators value communication with families and are always available for students and parents.
  • District Website 
  • Building Website
  • District Twitter: @republicschools
  • District Facebook: Republic School District
  • Building Facebook: Republic Early Childhood
  • Building Administration: Director,, Assistant Director,, 417-735-3736
  • Peachjar E-Flyer Service: Weekly optional email with school related and approved e-flyers to keep families informed of district and community information.
  • Tiger Talk e-newsletter: Sent on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month during the school year. Parents who have provided an email account are automatically signed up. Others can sign up on our website.
  • Mobile App
  • Voice calls and text messages at the building and district level (All numbers provided will receive these notifications, there is no longer a need to opt-in as in the past. However, opting out is still an option)
Important Dates

  • August 10: Online Registration and Paperwork Due
  • August 12: Class Lists Posted by 4pm
  • August 18: EC Family Open House, 5:30 - 7:30 PM
  • August 24: First Day for ECSE
  • September 13: Grandparents Night, time TBD
  • September 19 & 20th: Fall Picture Days