April 17th, 2023

ECC SLV's Personal Development Department

would like to recognize Henrietta Pena!

Universal Preschool Colorado-Updates

UPK Matching Update

Based on the feedback received from a number of stakeholders, CDEC extended the match date for the first round of UPK to allow us to work together to ensure that the matching process accommodates the needs of all providers and families. The time will allow us to ensure that the programs children have been matched to are still in place, appropriately place children with disabilities, and address continuity of care issues that have surfaced since the matching algorithm was run on February 27.

By April 26, families will receive an email letting them know which provider their child was matched with and the next steps for enrollment.

UPK Quality Standards Update

CDEC issued an Operation Memo on April 5 with information related to the implementation of quality standards for year one of UPK Colorado as well as information on creating quality standards and aligned supports beyond the 2023-24 school year. 

For more information about UPK Colorado, click here.

Health & Safety

This month Amanda will be performing multiple screenings in all of our centers. One of those screenings is for iron deficiency anemia. The testing is just a screening and doesn’t mean a child has anemia even if the blood result is low. If a child is found to have a result that is below normal limits, a follow up with his or her primary care provider should follow to do further assessment and or testing. The link below provides signs, symptoms, causes and treatment for iron deficiency anemia. 

Click here

Colorado Children's Campaign

Stay up to date on Proposition EE. This measure will improve our children’s health, provide desperately needed funding for public schools and ensure universal, free preschool for all Colorado kids. By increasing taxes on big tobacco and closing the tax loophole for vape products, we can create a brighter, healthier future for Colorado’s kids. For more information click here.

Do you or someone you know need diapers?

We can help!

See below for the organizations that have partnered with us as distribution centers. If you’re in need of diapers you can access a box of diapers and wipes at any of the following locations.

We are also looking for partners to become a distribution center, if you are interested, please contact Ramona Silva at 719-937-4010.

Parents As Teachers

(For Families with children pre-natal to age 5)

Parent as teachers is a voluntary and free program that provides practical, effective help for families residing within Alamosa, Costilla, Conejos, and Saguache counties with children pre-natal to kindergarten entry. It offers:

PAT Model Components

  • Personal Visits 
  • Group Connections
  • Resource Network
  • Child Screening


Group Connections


Groups are an opportunity to increase social connections among parents. Gathering together helps families develop friendships, form new support networks, share common experiences and discover new ideas for addressing the day to day challenges of parenting.

Groups are also an opportunity for parent educators to share information about child development, parenting behaviors and the three areas of emphasis: parent child interactions, development centered parenting and family well-being.   

If this sounds like something you would like to participate in, please click on the link below or contact Esther Vasquez at pathv4@eccslv.org

I would like to join Parents as Teachers


Did you know...

The Safe to Sleep® campaign educates parents, caregivers, and health care providers about ways to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related causes of infant death.


Click on this link, print your SAFE SLEEP brochure and learn about ways to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Get more information and free materials in English and Spanish here

Child Care Opening!

Are you looking for childcare and your child is over two years old? We have a family child care home provider who wants to hear from you! Please contact Amanda Atencio at ecresource@eccslv.org for more information.   

Reference Sheet

Personal Development - Pyramid Trainings

Full Flyer

Personal Development - Career opportunities and financial supports for you! 


High quality early childhood settings begin with well-trained and well-prepared educators. The Early Childhood Council Leadership Alliance (ECCLA) currently offers several state-wide scholarship and grant opportunities for students who would like to earn a degree, certificate, or credential in early childhood education, and for home-based providers who are seeking funding to start up, expand, or maintain consistent operations for their family child care home facility:

  • ECCLA’s Back to Work Scholarship Program provides 1:1 career and college navigation and scholarship awards up to $2,500.00 that can be used for several different types of expenses (like books, supplies, child care, and more!)
  • ECCLA’s Concurrent Enrollment Scholarship is for high school students interested in earning college credits and experience in Early Childhood Education.
  • ECCLA’s Early Childhood Coach Credential Scholarship is available to help recipients complete the training requirements to earn a Colorado Coach Credential.
  • ECCLA’s Family Child Care Home Improvement Grant is available to help home-based providers start up, expand, or maintain consistent operations for their family child care home facility. 
  • ECCLA’s Rural R.U.N. Scholarship Program provides career counseling and tuition support to early childhood professionals in rural communities seeking to earn early childhood credentials like ERS®, CLASS®, National Director Credential, Coaching Credential, and any of the ECE College Certificates.
  • ECCLA’s T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Colorado Scholarship Program offers early childhood professionals a pathway to pursue higher education. 
  • ECCLA’s  Early Childhood Coach Credential Scholarship, in partnership with the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC), ECCLA offers a scholarship opportunity for early childhood professionals seeking an Early Childhood Coaching Credential. 

The Early Childhood Council Leadership Alliance (ECCLA) is committed to the process of ensuring equity, dismantling systems of racism, and supporting young children, families, and early childhood professionals to have a voice as their true selves in our early childhood system. ECCLA’s Justice, Equity, and Belonging (JEB) Collaborative has created a Resource Collection that can support you in creating inclusive environments for children, families, and educators. We have resources created by ECCLA, resources for caregivers and educators, administrators and program leaders, and other community and state stakeholders, along with a list of Equity Trainings and Trainers. Check out ECCLA’s JEB page to see how you can create inclusive environments for children, families, and educators!

Click here to Apply 
Click here for resources

Opportunities with deadlines

Merit Awards/Quality Incentive (bonus $) are available for licensed providers who were in operation on March 11th, 2021, and are interested in increasing a Colorado Shines quality level. The deadline is September 30, 2023 or until funds are no longer available. For more information, click here.

If you need additional information please contact Monique Bosch at eccoach@eccslv.org

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