Early Childhood and School-Age Care Policy Notes

The state legislature reconvened after crossover on Wednesday, March 1st. Crossover was the deadline for bills introduced in one chamber to be voted on and sent to the other chambers for consideration. Any bills that passed in the House were sent over to the Senate to be considered and vice versa. If bills pass both House and Senate, they go to the Governor to be signed into law or veto.

If you become aware of additional issues impacting the field or if you have any questions, please contact ND Afterschool Network or Child Care Aware of ND.

What We're Watching

SB 2012: A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of various divisions of the department of health and human services; to provide an exemption; and to provide for a report.

Committee Hearing for Early Childhood scheduled on 3/8 at 2:15pm and 3/9 at 8:30am


SB 2301: Relating to the establishment of a child care stabilization program.

Hearing in Industry, Business and Labor Committee Scheduled for 3/7 at 2:30pm


SB 2190: Relating to the child care assistance program; and to provide a statement of legislative intent.

Hearing in House Human Services on 3/8 at 10:00am


SB 2182: Relating to the definition of early childhood services.

Hearing in House Human Services on 3/6 at 9:30am


HB 1144: Relating to required training for mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect for public and nonpublic school teachers, administrators, and counselors, and early childhood services providers.

Hearing in Senate Education Committee on 3/7 at 2:30pm


SB 2084: Relating to child care assistance payments to providers.

Hearing in House Human Services on 3/6 at 10:15am


SB 2104: Relating to early childhood services, resource and referral services, workforce development, early childhood inclusion support program, best in class program, and disclosure of child abuse and neglect confirmed decisions involving early childhood services.

Hearing in House Human Services on 3/6 at 10:00am


SB 2238: Relating to criminal history checks for early childhood services providers; and to provide for a legislative management study.

Last Official Action: 2/21 Introduced in House, referred to Judiciary Committee

HB 1521: Relating to alternative curriculum outside of a classroom.

Last Official Action: 2/15 First reading in Senate, referred to Education Committee

SB 2237: Relating to child care income tax credits; and to provide an effective date.

Last Official Action: 2/21 Introduced in House, referred to Finance and Taxation Committee

HB 1488: Relating to permission for a student to participate in extracurricular activities, cocurricular activities, and clubs.

Last Official Action: 2/16 First reading in Senate, referred to Education Committee

North Dakota Legislative Solutions

North Dakota State Agency Recommendations

Committee & Floor Schedule: March 6-10

Senate Committee Hearing Schedule

House Committee Hearing Schedule

House Floor Calendar

Senate Floor Calendar

Your Voice Matters

Visit our Policy Page to find:

  • Advocacy Toolkit with tips, templates, and tools to help you tell your story
  • North Dakota Legislative Solutions
  • ND State Agency Recommendations
  • Advocacy Training Video, with overview of needs, solutions, and ways to be involved
  • Comprehensive analysis of current needs

Legislative Calendar

  • January 3 Session Begins
  • January 18 Deadline for Representatives to introduce bills
  • January 23 Deadline for Senators to introduce bills
  • February 24 Crossover date for bills
  • February 27/28 Recess
  • April 28 Session limited to 80 legislative days


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