
Early Learning Update Week of September 5th, 2023

Items Covered:
·      Catholic Identity in the Classroom
·      Licensed ONLY - DCYF Staff Qualification Webinar
·      Licensed ONLY - Licensing “WAC” of the week – Staff Files

Please see this week’s professional development opportunities and news: 

1.)   Catholic Identity in the Classroom  
Cheryl Moon, Early Learning Leader from Our Lady of Hope School, presented an awesome session at the INSPIRE 2023 Conference that showed how to bring Catholic Identity to all parts of the program day using commonly known Bible Stories from Math to Literacy to Outdoor time.
On the page linked below you will find a Bible Story idea from each letter of the alphabet. Below that you will find ideas and examples of how to expand any Bible Story to different parts of your programming day.

2.)   Licensed ONLY - DCYF Staff Qualification Webinar
DCYF recently produced a Webinar that covered “Staff Qualifications” that mainly concentrated on the “Job Education Role” part of their MERIT dashboard. This is the very last line on the dashboard. I am more than happy to meet with your staff teams to talk about their best options for that part of their dashboard based on their experience and education. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss further.

3.)   Licensed ONLY - Licensing “WAC” of the week – Staff Records
Each week this year I am going to highlight a specific Licensing WAC to ensure that all of our programs stay in compliance, and we are always ready for annual monitoring visits. This week’s featured Licensed WAC is “Staff Records”. The link below provides a list of all items that need to be included in a staff’s physical staff file in section 2 and 3. It is also important to note that these files need to be accessible for the licensor to look at during their monitoring visits. In Section 1 are the requirements to maintain accurate records in MERIT including Health and Safety information (CPR/FA, BBP, Food Handlers, ect) and accurate staff lists. After reading through the WAC please let me know if you have any questions or need clarifications.

Have a great week!
Dave Mayer | Director of Early Childhood Education
Office for Catholic Schools | Archdiocese of Seattle
O: 206-264-2080 | C: 206-512-4336           
710 Ninth Ave.
Seattle, WA 98104