
The Lamplighter

Chabad of Washington Heights' Weekly Newsletter

10 Teves. 5785 | January 10, 2025 | Torah Portion: Vayechi | Issue #810

May today's fast of Tenth of Teves be transformed into a day of happiness and rejoicing, with the coming of Moshiach now!

Wishing you Good Shabbos, Shabbat Shalom. Next week in Jerusalem!

Rabbi Yakov & Shulamit Kirschenbaum

We pray to G-d that our brothers and sisters in our Holy Land of Israel be safe and unharmed, that the wounded be healed, that the hostages return home safely and unharmed, that the murdered be avenged, that the IDF utterly defeats our enemies, and that all our soldiers return home safely and unharmed.

To say a prayer for Israel, click here

Weekly Shabbat Dinners - RSVP for tonight!

Weekly Torah Classes

Schedule for Week of January 12-18

Weekday classes can be joined on Zoom - ID#: 858-784-1721 Password: 9R3NEZ, FB Live, and Phone - 646-558-6338 - code is 613770#.  

-Monday at 8:30 pm: "My Prayer"

-Tuesday at 8:30 pm: Shabbat Laws w/ R' Yitzchak Friedman

-Shabbos at 9:30 am: Tanya & Tuna

-Shabbos at 3:45 pm: Talmudic Tales

Shabbat Candle Lighting

Friday, January 10

Light Candles at: 4:30 pm

Shabbat, January 11

Shabbat Ends: 5:33 pm

Find out more about Shabbat & Holiday candle-lighting

Shabbat Schedule

Services are held at the Chabad House - 50 Overlook Terrace, side entrance

Shabbos P. Vayechi

Shabbos Chazak


Minchah, Kabolas Shabbos: 4:15 pm


Tanya & Tuna: 9:30 am

Say Shema before: 9:38 am

Shacharit: 10:00 am

Services followed by a kiddush, not-yet sponsored

To sponsor this week's kiddush or any kiddush, click here

Talmudic-Tales Class: 3:35 pm

Minchah: 4:20 pm

Maariv/Shabbos Ends: 5:33 pm

Living With the Times; The Weekly Torah Portion

The Waiting Game

By Rabbi Elisha Greenbaum, emissary of the Rebbe to Moorabbin, Victoria, Australia. 

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I can't imagine any child well-adjusted enough to calmly begin the countdown process so far in advance. True my 7-year-old son is already inviting people to his bar mitzvah, but anticipating the occasion is less than a full time occupation. Longing for an event still so far in the future would be enough to drive anyone to drink or depression, and probably both.

Humans don't deal well with long waits. Most people here in Victoria, Australia, preferred to retain a three-year electoral cycle, rather than the more cost-effective option of waiting an extra year to "kick out dem bums." We demand touch-tone phones, broadband internet and instant access to cash.


What's the Story?

Nazi Executioner Meets his Jewish Grandchildren

Modified by Yerachmiel Tilles from the report prepared by Rabbi Binyomin Adler for ShabbosTaamHachaim@gmail.com. Taken from Ascentofsafed.com

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On a trip to Israel, Rabbi Berel Wein  attended morning services in a synagogue in Jerusalem. He relates that, unlike his own synagogue, which has benches facing the front of the synagogue, this synagogue had tables and benches, so he was forced to look at those praying opposite him. A tall, blue-eyed, blond-haired man and three blond small boys walked in and sat down opposite him. Rabbi Wein is used to the racial diversity of the citizens in Israel so little surprises him, but this was different; this particular family was definitely Aryan.


Anticipating the Redemption

Stuck Together

Adapted by Rabbi Eli Touger based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Taken from Keeping in Touch, published by SIE.

The Tenth of Teves is a communal fast day, commemorating the beginning of the siege of  Jerusalem in the era of the First Beis HaMikdash, the Holy Temple. It’s true that the tragic nature of the events commemorated by other fasts; the breaching of the walls of  Jerusalem and the destruction of the Holy Temple, surpasses that of the Tenth of Teves. Nevertheless, since the siege of Jerusalem initiated the sequence of events that led to the destruction of the city and the Holy Temple, there is a dimension of severity to that fast which surpasses all others.

There is however, a favorable dimension of the Tenth of Teves. Our Sages teach that the present exile came as a result of unwarranted hatred. Similarly, had the bonds of oneness between the Jewish people been complete, the First Temple would not have been destroyed. For our Sages teach that when the unity of the Jewish people is consummate, no foe can overcome them.


Levana Cooks

Sweet Potato Kabocha Soup

By Levana Kirschenbaum | 12/23/10

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Kabocha Soup:

This is my daughter Bella’s favorite soup. I brought her a vat of it when she had her baby. Still she doesn’t seem to tire of it and now enjoys it with her baby. I always notice with pleasure that all kids big and small love it! A snap to make: All aboard, then cream it at the end of cooking.

Kabocha, tiny red lentils, sweet potatoes all pull in their weight to impart naturally sweet layers of flavor, and contribute to the silky texture and bright orange shade of the finished soup.


For a halachic guide to washing/checking vegetables, fruits, & berries, click here

The Jewish Joke

From Aish.com

A cat and a mouse died on the same day and went up to Heaven. At the top they met G-d and he asked them 'How do you like it so far?'

The mouse replied 'It's great, but can I get a pair of roller skates?' G-d said 'Sure', and he gave him a pair of roller skates.

The next day G-d saw the cat and asked him 'How do you like it up here so far?' and the cat replied 'Great, I didn't know you had meals on wheels up here!'

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"Everyone must regard himself and the world as evenly poised between good and guilt...If he performed a good deed, he has shifted the balance of his fate, and that of the entire world to good, and has brought deliverance and salvation upon himself and upon them all."
-Maimonides, Laws of Teshuvah Ch. 3, Law 4
"The time of our redemption has arrived!"
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, 1990-1 - see Yalkut Shimoni Yeshayahu, remez 499