The Maine Space Grant Consortium is proud to announce the

Maine Space Conference

November 5-7, 2023

Holiday Inn By the Bay, Portland, Maine

Early Registration Open through September 1st, 2023

In April 2022, the Maine Legislature enacted and the Governor signed into law a bill to establish the Maine Space Corporation, a quasi-state body to manage the growth and the development of the Maine Space Complex to engage Maine in the growing global new space economy.

Starting Sunday evening and wrapping up Tuesday afternoon, this Conference will be a showcase of all that the great State of Maine is currently building in the new space economy and also highlight the Maine Space Complex and how it will support current industries, grow a space industry and other aspects related to research, education, and workforce development.

Conference session themes will cover:

  • The Future of Space – How far will we go? What does it mean for Maine?
  • The Maine Space Complex - Advancing the (New) Space Economy in Maine
  • Space Data Analytics – Enabling Maine Tradition with the New Space Economy
  • What’s for Launch? – A Spaceport for Maine
  • Innovating for a New Era – Innovations and R&D in the Commercial Space
  • Maine’s Aerospace Industry – From Bolts to Blast Off (its bigger than you think)
  • Makers of Maine – Building the New Space Workforce Pipeline from k-12 to Businesses 

In addition, we will have exhibits by organizations involved in the new space economy and interactive activities for all attendees including parents and their children on topics related to Maine’s engagement in the new space economy.

Register now during Early Registration and save up to 15% on Conference Sessions. 


The Maine Space Grant Consortium is a 501(c)(3) corporation and is using Whova’s registration and Stripe’s credit card processing platforms to facilitate conference registration and payment. To pay for these services, the final payment for each registration ticket purchased includes an average processing fee of 6.5%.

The Maine Space Grant Consortium is an Affiliate-based 501(c)(3) corporation and a member of the national network of 52 state-based consortia funded by the NASA National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program. Our overarching goal is to support the expansion and diversification of Maine’s space exploration research and education capacity along the K-graduate continuum by increasing statewide involvement in space research, technology development, education, and training programs that align with NASA’s priorities and contribute to Maine’s competitive advantage in a new space economy. We also administer the Maine NASA EPSCoR Program, which provides competitive research funding to Maine researchers to develop research capabilities directed toward long-term, self-sustaining, nationally-competitive research that aligns with NASA's and Maine's research interests. This capability will, in turn, contribute to Maine's economic viability and expand the nation's base for research and development. To learn more about us, please browse our website at
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