September 2024 e-Newsletter

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Labor Day in Lower Gwynedd

Holiday Trash & Recycling Schedule

There will be no trash service on Labor Day, Monday, September 2nd, 2024. Trash service Labor Day week will be on Tuesday, September 3rd and Friday, September 6th. If your normal recycling day is Monday, it will be Tuesday. If your normal recycling day is Thursday, it will be Friday. Please plan accordingly.

OFFICES CLOSED - Labor Day September 2nd

Summer Recap in Lower Gwynedd

Check out our summer recap reel- Click HERE

Important News

Going Green Award

The Going Green Award is to recognize sustainability initiatives that improve or protect the environment and our natural resources, and to raise awareness about important environmental issues. Areas of focus will include energy; water; sustainable land practices; waste minimization; and community outreach and betterment. Nominations can be made by clicking


The Lower Gwynedd Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee has completed a draft community vision statement based on preliminary data research, the community survey, and the public open house. The vision statement is intended to broadly demonstrate what Lower Gwynedd Township is now, and what it hopes to be by 2045.

Please take a few minutes to review the draft vision statement and let us know your thoughts!

Join us this fall at a community open house on October 28th from 4pm-6pm to learn about the comprehensive plan and share your vision for Lower Gwynedd. 

Upcoming Events

Upcoming September Meetings

 Lower Gwynedd Township
1130 North Bethlehem Pike
Spring House, PA 19477
Phone: (215) 646-5302
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