Thursday, January 11th 2023


$4.99-6.99 each

Long Leaf Pine


White Oak

Parsley Hawthorne


Chalk Maple

Paw Paw

Red Buckeye

Bald Cypress

Native Tree Spotlight

Parsley Hawthorn

Crataegus marshallii

Deciduous Tree

Height: 20–35 feet tall

Sun: full sun to part shade

Soil: moist clay or sandy loams

Habitat: well drained woodland

Larval Host: Gray Hairstreak, Red-spotted Purple, and Viceory

Pollinators: special value to early season bees

Parsley Hawthorn has tremendous wildlife benefits and is especially important to native bees. Watch the beautiful white flowers bloom in spring followed by red berries in the fall that birds love. We have these trees as bare roots or you can purchase one in a 3-gallon pot for $24.99.

Woodland Evergreen Ground Cover

Senecio aka Golden Ragwort

Packera aurea

An excellent native ground cover for shady spots! This evergreen wildflower makes a lovely spreading mass in areas with part-sun to full shade that don't get too dry. In spring 3-foot flowers top the plant with clusters of buttery-yellow daisy-like blooms. The early blooming plant is an important pollen and nectar source for native bees and other pollinators.

Early spring wildflowers are trickling in

Rue anemone

Thalictrum thalictroides

-A diminutive wildflower that wakes in late winter with delicate foliage and white flowers.

-Reaches 4-6 inches tall and dies back by mid summer to return again next spring.

-Prefers part sun to full shade with moist, well drained woodland soils, (that are more alkaline).

-Will reseed well if given those conditions.

Marianna Columbine

Aquilegia canadensis var. marianna

-Re-seeding, easy to grow perennial with delicate low foliage and bloom stalks 24-36 inches tall.

-Blooms in early spring—just in time for the returning hummingbirds!

-Plant in part shade.

Underwood's Trillium

Trillium underwoodii

-Rare, yet easy to grow woodland perennial with an extraordinary leaf pattern and deep maroon-purple flowers.

-It appears in late winter to early spring and then goes dormant for the remainder of the year.

-Unusual and hard to find.

-Plant in shade/ part shade.

Cool Weather Herb: Parsley

Parsley Bean Dip

1 can cannellini beans, drained and rinsed

2 cloves garlic

2 T fresh lemon juice

1/3 cup olive oil

1/2 cup fresh herbs (Italian parsley, sage, & oregano)

Salt and pepper

Place the beans, garlic, lemon juice, 1/3 cup olive oil and fresh herbs in the work bowl of a food processor. Pulse until the mixture is coarsely chopped. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Our parsley plants are looking full and beautiful! Both curly and flat leaf are available in 4" pots for $4.99. Lovely biennial herb for the winter garden!

Seed Starting Supplies

Get a list of all your seed staring needs!

We carry a fabulous variety of both vegetable & flower seeds including organic, open-pollinated, and heirloom seed. Click the link to get a list of our tried and true seed starting tips.

Upcoming Workshop

Winter Hummingbirds

Saturday January 13th at 10:00am

Tallahassee’s own Fred Dietrich, a master bird bander, has been banding winter hummingbirds for many years. He will show slides and discuss winter hummingbirds as well as our springtime visitor – the ruby-throated hummingbird. Call the nursery if you have a winter hummingbird so Fred can arrange to band it.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED via PHONE ORDER There is a $5.00 fee; your payment holds your spot in the class. Please call (850) 386-8882 to pre-register.

This Monday we will be Closed!

Bringing people and nature together in their yards and gardens since 1980

We educate, inspire and assist people in our community to manage lands, yards, and gardens to benefit native wildlife and to promote awareness of the interrelationships of all living things.

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