News You Can Use
Diana O'Kelly, Township Supervisor

February 22, 2023

Early Voting at Fremont Township

Early voting for the April 4 election will begin at Fremont Township on March 20 and run through April 1. They will be open Monday through Friday from 9 :00am til 5:00 pm and Saturday from 9:00 am til 2:00 pm. There will be no early voting on Sundays at Fremont Township.

Learn About Oak Disease

If you’d like to learn about diseases and climatic changes affecting our oak trees, join us at this free event hosted by Fremont Township. Please rsvp so we can be prepared with adequate seating. Sign up here

Are You On A Well?

In Observance of National Groundwater Awareness Week, the Lake County Health Department is offering a reduced well water testing fee for homeowners. Pricing will be reduced from March 6 to March 17th. We do have the kits at our office. Call us at 847 223-2847 before you come to reserve yours.

Looking For A Past Email Newsletter?

All of our email newsletters are archived on our website. You can find them at

Eco Corner By Jenn Cameron

It's February here in Fremont Township, and we are at the approximate mid-point of the winter season. While the natural world is looking a bit bleak at this time, trees continue to provide structure for us to look at and even reveal a few bird nests here and there!  

Let's review some of the unseen benefits trees provide all year long:  

- Trees planted near a home or office structure can potentially reduce heating and cooling energy costs 

- Native tree species provide food and habitat for a variety of insects, birds, and other creatures

- Trees help to clean our air and remove pollution from the environment

- Trees can intercept water runoff and help prevent land erosion

- Trees can help mitigate the problem of climate change by storing carbon

Healthy trees play several important roles in our neighborhoods and parks, in more densely populated urban settings, and across other dedicated green spaces. Of note, the Chicago Region Tree Initiative is working across the seven-county Chicago area to improve the quality and density of our collective urban forest. Let's make 2023 the year we learn more about the value of planting and protecting trees!

Saddlebrook Craft Show

Saddlebrook Farms Craft Show

Saturday, March 25 and Sunday, March 26 

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Community Lake Lodge

2601 Saddlebrook Dr. 

Grayslake, IL 60030

Upcoming Events at Fremont Township

Play Duplicate Bridge at Fremont Township on Monday mornings. Contact Joe Connelly at 847 271-1666. This is ACBL sanctioned so you can earn master points.

9:15 am-1:30 pm

March 3, Murder Mystery at 10 am. Call Kari Pohar 847 740-6708 to register More

Beginning April 12 on Wednesday and Friday for 10 weeks. Bingocize- Exercise while playing a few rounds of bingo. Call Kari Pohar to register at 847 740-6708. More Info

May 02-Secretary of State Rules of the Road Class. Reservation Needed Call Nancy at 847 223-2847 to register.

May 13- Document Shredding Event, More Information

May 16-Mobile DMV Secretary of State Event from 10 am til 2 pm

June 20 and June 21- AARP Defensive Driving Course will be held on Tuesday, June 20 and Wednesday June 21 from 9:00 am til 1:00 pm in the lower level of our building. Call Nancy at 847 223-2847 to register. You must attend both classes. $20 for AARP members $25 for all others.

50 and Over and Looking For Things to Do?

Check out the schedule at the Mundelein Park District.

Click here for their March schedule.They have some new programs and fun trips scheduled.

Ride Lake County  Pace Bus Service

Ride Lake County is a borderless countywide paratransit service that provides seniors age 60+ and people with disabilities transportation to any area of Lake County for work, shopping, medical appointments and more. 

As a reservation-based program, vehicles do not travel on a fixed route each day. Riders schedule their trips in advance and the vehicles provide curb-to-curb service from the rider's desired pick-up and drop-off destinations. Ride Lake County is a shared-ride service, so vehicles may make stops for other passengers. 

Click here for more information

Click here for the brochure

Your Donations Go To Local Rescues

The local animal shelters are in need of sheets, towels, small throw rugs and blankets. There is a bin on our front porch at 22385 Route 60, Mundelein, if you have any old bedding you would like to donate. No pillows! The donations get distributed to shelters. We also accept leashes, collars, toys, pet food etc.

Recycle Items at Fremont Township

Our shoe bin is also on our front porch and we are accepting shoes to be recycled and reused. Please tie or rubberband the shoes together when you drop them off.

We accept yarn in our office.

We accept eyeglasses and hearing aids in our office.

We accept American Flags in our office.

The textile bin is also open and is located in our parking lot. Click here to see what we accept.

Email Us With Your Comments For Our Board of Trustees

If you have comments for our board, and can't make our meetings, please email Chris McCann at with your comments.

Sign Up For Our Email Newsletter

We utilize our email newsletter to communicate local issues to our residents. If this has been forwarded to you please sign up by clicking here.

If you need to contact me, please call the office at 847 223-2847 or my cell at 847 833-1019.


Diana O'Kelly

Fremont Township Supervisor  

Fremont Township Representatives


Diana O'Kelly


Alicia Dodd

Highway Commissioner

Joe Herchenbach


Christina McCann 



Connie Shanahan

Jeri Atleson

Keith Voss

Nick Dollenmaier

Next Board Meeting, March 13 at 6:30 pm

Important Links

Illinois 60/83 Study

Report Blocked Railroad Crossing

Pace Options in Fremont Township

State of Illinois Unclaimed Money

Lake County Crimestoppers 

Village of Grayslake 

Village of Hawthorn Woods 

Village of Mundelein 

Village of Round Lake

Village of Round Lake Park

Village of Wauconda 

 Lake County 

 Fremont Township 

 Fremont Library 
