Hello Loretto,

"Snow was falling

so much like stars

filling the trees

that one could easily imagine

its reason for being

was nothing more than prettiness."

Mary Oliver

Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre

Welcome Yvonne!

This year we were pleased to welcome Yvonne Prowse

as our new Director of Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre.

Yvonne arrived with the many gifting of leadership, spiritual direction, a passionate love for the land, and rich experience in facilitation of retreats.

Yvonne made spiritual direction her full-time ministry in 2008, and gained an M.A. in spirituality and spiritual direction from Fordham University. Since then she has accompanied diverse people from across the globe on their spiritual journeys, through retreats, workshops and individual spiritual direction. She has also trained and supervised spiritual directors from nearly every continent as the chair of training programs at Loyola House, Guelph. Her ministry of holy listening was manifest earlier when serving people in poverty who longed to share their stories. 

Nature writing, poetry, many mystics –age-old and contemporary–, sacred scripture, strong ritual, ecological and feminist spiritualities, hiking in mountains, cross-country skiing, walking in forests or along the seashore, are among the sources that continue to nurture her.

Yvonne has published articles on spiritual direction and eco-spirituality in North America, England and Germany. We are proud to announce the release of her co-authored book, 'Nurturing Ecological Conversion: a Group Retreat Based on the Wisdom of Laudato Si', which is now available at the Centre.

We look forward to you meeting Yvonne when you are here next - whether you are attending a Maryholme retreat that she is leading, on private retreat in a cabin and having booked a spiritual direction apt. with her, or just encountering her on the grounds while enjoying this sacred space...

Welcome Yvonne!

Upcoming Programs & Retreats in 2025


3-Day Silent Retreats:

January 21-23

March 11-13

April 8-10

June 3-5

September 30-October 2

November 4-6

$395 pp, private room

Includes home-cooked meals, spiritual direction

4-Day Silent Retreat:

February 20-23, "Women's Winter Weekend Retreat"

$495 pp, private room

Includes home-cooked meals, spiritual direction

Spiritual Directors Yvonne Prowse, Jane McDonell

6-Day Silent Retreats:

July 8-13

July 17-22

October 21-26

$875 Ensuite, $800 Standard (private rooms)

Includes home-cooked meals, spiritual direction

8-Day Silent Retreat:

July 25-August 1

$1185 Ensuite, $1085 Standard (private rooms)

Includes home-cooked meals, spiritual direction


Yoga Retreat:

March 7-9

$495 private, $400 shared, $325 commuter

Includes home-cooked meals

Facilitator Vivian Palin

Lenten Retreat:

March 21-23

$495 private, $400 shared, $325 commuter

Includes home-cooked meals

Facilitator Cynthia Crysdale

Celtic Spirituality Retreat:

May 1-4

$595 private, $495 shared, $395 commuter

Includes home-cooked meals

Facilitator Mary Lou Gormley

Harvesting Hope Retreat:

September 19-23

$685 private, $545 shared, $465 commuter

Includes home-cooked meals and workshop supplies

Facilitators Yvonne Prowse and Guest Facilitator tba

Celtic Spirituality Retreat:

October 30-November 2

$595 private, $495 shared, $395 commuter

Includes home-cooked meals

Facilitator Mary Lou Gormley

Spiritual Memoir Retreat:

November 18-20

$495 private, $400 shared, $325 commuter

Includes home-cooked meals

Facilitator Mary Lou Gormley

Advent Retreat:

December 5-7

$495 private, $400 shared, $325 commuter

Includes home-cooked meals

Facilitator Yvonne Prowse

More retreats & events to be added to our website soon - stay tuned!

To register please email booking@lorettomaryholme.ca

Visit Our Website
Our mission as a spirituality centre continues to be
"To encourage individuals and groups to explore and restore the energies needed for personal, communal, and world transformation."

'Something more than ordinary'

has happened over these past 24 years

and we believe it will be so in the many years ahead.

Holding this gentle, cozy and restorative space for you

is our joy and our ministry to you.

 Thank you for being part of the journey!

Click HERE if you would like to support this ongoing ministry.

Please consider gifting the cost of attending a retreat or an overnight cabin stay to a loved one or a friend.

If you don't have someone in mind, you may want to consider donating towards our 'Namaste Bursary' which makes it possible for someone to come to Maryholme who otherwise would not have the financial means to make it happen.

Bless you.

"This (retreat) was a gift from a friend. I did not know what to fully expect but the experience exceeded my expectations. The physical separation from my daily life, the beautiful natural surroundings, the simplicity of the rooms, the meeting with the spiritual director and the silent nature of the retreat really allowed me to complete a level of inner reflection I have not really experienced before at a time in my life when I very much needed it.

Guest, October 2024


We deeply appreciate your donations toward furthering

​the ministry of Loretto Maryholme in this sacred space.

Thank you.

What is a Retreat?

We are welcoming 2025 registrations for our Silent & Themed Retreats and bookings for private retreats, and groups for the Dease & Blackbird, McMahon (summer only) cabins, Fensom Cottage and Edgar House.


The gratitude expressed by our guests for the many opportunities to restore, rest and go back into their busy lives refreshed is plentiful: spending time in these sacred spaces of beauty, stillness on the grounds, snoozing on the swing in the wrap-around porch, a sense of safety that opens into serenity and awe, sitting with a trusted spiritual director for holy listening…

We are truly provide a safe wondrous space in which many can take some time to catch a breath and nurture their mind, body & spirit as they resume their journeys... truly a blessing.

Click here to see which kind of retreat is perfect for you!

Truly A Sacred Space...

Happy Solstice

The winter solstice time is no longer celebrated as it once was, with the understanding that this is a period of descent and rest, of going within our homes, within ourselves and taking in all 

that we have been through, all that has passed in this full year which is coming to a close... like nature and the animal kingdom around us, this time of hibernation is so necessary for our tired limbs, our burdened minds.

Our modern culture teaches avoidance at a max at this time; alcohol, lights, shopping, overworking, over spending, comfort food and consumerism. And yet the natural tug to go inwards  as nearly all creatures are doing is strong and the weather so bitter that people are left feeling that winter is hard, because for those of us without burning fires and big festive families, it can be lonely and isolating.

Whereas in actual fact winter is kind, she points us in her quiet 

soft way towards our inner self, towards this annual time of peace and reflection, embracing the darkness and forgiving, accepting and loving embracing goodbye the past year.

"Winter takes away the distractions, the buzz, and presents us with the perfect time to rest and withdraw into a womb like love, bringing fire & light to our hearth”.

... and then, just around the corner the new year will begin again, and like a seed planted deep in the earth, we will all rise 

with renewed energy once again to dance in the sunlight.

Life is a gift - Happy winter to you all...

Reflection by Brigit Anna McNeill

Art beautifully created by Jessica Boehman

"...The morning is crisp and clear as untrammelled fingers in praise. To be here is to be affected, made more. Filled. The creative energy of the universe. Drink it in, my friends..."

Richard Wagamese, Embers

Just Breathe ...

Come spend time in this sacred space. Rest, reflect and re-focus in an atmosphere of beauty, peace and solitude on the beautiful shores of Lake Simcoe.

Dease and Blackbird Cabins are available for personal retreats throughout the winter season. Spiritual direction is available upon request. Self-catered meals.

Edgar House and Fensom Cottage are available for group overnight retreats and day use through throughout the week. Consider time away on weekdays for professional development, ministry planning, or healing time. Self-catered meals.

Writers, artists & creatives welcome!

Wifi accessible in all buildings.

Spiritual direction is available upon request.

Email booking@lorettomaryholme.ca

for availability.

We accept and prefer e-transfers! If mailing in a cheque payment however, please note our new mailing address is: Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre, 379A Bouchier Street, Keswick, ON L4P 3C8.

Thank you.

Learn More
Guest Comments

​"There is no other place that can lift my spirits, clear my mind and soothe my soul like Loretto Maryholme. I am a repeat visitor and my experiences here have always, without exception, been splendid!. Thank you so much!"

"I came here eager to rest and connect with nature in silence. I discovered SO MUCH MORE!. The program, information, inspiration and spiritual guidance was top notch, better than I could have expected. I am filled with gratitude and spiritual hunger! The house, landscape and hospitality are all gifts - precious and dignified and welcoming for this rough, weary soul."

"There are no words that can fully describe coming here - it's so lovely, calming, restful, refreshing. It's easy, a no-brainer! Come and rest, this place always makes me feel like my authentic self."

 "I am very nurtured by this intentional retreat centre. I particularly connected with nature this time round - its beauty, delicateness & support. Personally, I like the silence and being supported by others in silence. It's comforting for me to be able to relax & not feel the pressure to chit chat."

"Thank you for hosting this retreat. It is refreshing for my whole person to be here. God has blessed me here."

Our Stories
Find your centre at our Centre. Come and see ...


Tel. 905.476.4013


© Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre 2024

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Holiday Closure:

December 23, 2024

til January 2, 2025