Saturday, December 12, 2021
Hilton Hotel, 1001 E. County Line Road, Jackson, MS
Registration: 7:45 am
Sessions: 8 am - 4:30 pm
ATTEND LIVE OR VIRTUALLY: Choose how you wish to attend
REGISTRATION FEE: Mississippi AFP or Alabama AFP Members:
$400 for all three sessions; $300 for 2; $150 for 1 session
ACCOMMODATIONS: We have reserved a block of rooms at the Jackson Hilton Hotel, 1001 E. County Line Road, Jackson, for Friday night, December 4. Rooms are $99, mention MAFP. Call (601) 957-2800 to reserve your room.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Payment is due November 30. Refunds will be made upon written request to the MAFP office, minus a $50 administrative fee, if received by November 30. After November 30, no refunds will be granted.