Knowledge Self-Assessment (KSA) Study Groups give you credit for your maintenance of certification through the American Board of Family Medicine. We're offering 3 KSAs in December at our KSA Boot Camp.

How it Works: Learners come together to complete the KSA with the help of family physician instructors. The group works together through 60 core competency questions. Learners assess, review, and decide the best answer as a group.

ABFM awards 8 credits to diplomates who complete each KSA session. We're offering 3 sessions back-to-back; that's 24 hours of CME you can earn in one day.

Session 1          8 - 10:30 am: Depression
Session 2          11 am - 1:30 pm: Hypertension
Session 3          2 - 4:30 pm: Palliative Care
Family Physician Instructors:
Jennifer Gholson, MD, Summit, MS
John Mitchell, MD, FAAFP
Pontotoc, MS
Katie Patterson, MD, FAAFP
Indianola, MS
Saturday, December 12, 2021

Hilton Hotel, 1001 E. County Line Road, Jackson, MS

Registration: 7:45 am
Sessions: 8 am - 4:30 pm

ATTEND LIVE OR VIRTUALLY: Choose how you wish to attend

REGISTRATION FEE: Mississippi AFP or Alabama AFP Members:
$400 for all three sessions; $300 for 2; $150 for 1 session

ACCOMMODATIONS: We have reserved a block of rooms at the Jackson Hilton Hotel, 1001 E. County Line Road, Jackson, for Friday night, December 4. Rooms are $99, mention MAFP. Call (601) 957-2800 to reserve your room.


CANCELLATION POLICY: Payment is due November 30. Refunds will be made upon written request to the MAFP office, minus a $50 administrative fee, if received by November 30. After November 30, no refunds will be granted.
Mississippi Academy of Family Physicians
755 Avignon Drive, Ridgeland MS 39157
(601) 853-3302