“NASA's 2022 Virtual Winter Conference:
Educating the Whole Child”


Monday, January 31: 4:30 - 7:30 PM
Tuesday, February 1: 4:30 - 7:30 PM
Wednesday, February 2: 4:30 - 7:30 PM
Thursday, February 3: 4:30 - 7:30 PM
Friday, February 4: 4:30 - 7:30 PM
Saturday, February 5: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Monday, February 7: 4:30 - 7:30 PM
Thursday, February 10: 4:30 - 7:30 PM
Friday, February 11: 4:30 - 7:30 PM
Thursday, February 17: 4:30 - 7:30 PM
Friday, February 18: 4:30 - 7:30 PM
Saturday, February 19: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Monday, February 28: 4:30 - 6:30 PM
(participants only receive credit for sessions attended) A bonus session is included to exceed/maximize hours!

NON-ADMINISTRATIVE LICENSED PERSONNEL IN CCSD ALSO EARN 15 CUS (unlimited CUs in this category for non-admin in CCSD)!!!
CCSD Administrators earn 10 hours toward salary/step-advancement
(hours limited to 10 per advancement cycle FOR ADMIN in CCSD in this category)!
Washoe County participants will be required to also register for this course in "MyPGS" in order to receive in-service credit toward salary advancement.
ENTER PROMO CODE "HAPPYHOLIDAYS" for $10 off through December!

with promo code!
Teacher Comedian
President, University of Nevada, Reno
Former Nevada Governor
Superintendent, Washoe County School District
  • KIM STROBEL, Nationally Recognized Happiness Coach Click here to meet Kim Strobel, and her team!
  • The Clark County School District's Equity and Diversity Department & Title I Hope
  • Toe Tag Monologues - www.vtfoundation.org
  • MANY great educators throughout the Nation and the Great State of Nevada
Monday, January 31, 2022
4:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Welcome & Conference Logistics
4:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Introduction to Standards-Based Grading: Implementing a Meaningful Grading System
4:45 PM - 5:30 PM
Kim Strobel
Happiness Coach

Kim Strobel is for the joy-seekers. The go-getters. And the real, messy women who want so much MORE from their lives. As a nationally-recognized speaker & happiness coach, Kim is all about empowering others to live bigger, bolder, braver lives.

When she’s not rescuing dogs or downing a McDonald’s Diet Coke, Kim’s contagious, high-energy style has the unique ability to embolden her audiences. Motivational, inspirational, and always approachable, Kim’s “real talk” attitude is a refreshing approach that authentically connects with hearts & humans everywhere.
Session Description
Implementing a standards-based system is a big change, but the benefits for students and teachers are undeniable. Each step of the standards-based grading process is thoroughly explained so you'll have the big picture of why and how to transition to SBG. During this virtual workshop, Kim will walk you through the "why" behind standards-based grading and give you a brief overview of each step of the standards-based grading process so you understand exactly what is involved in the transition to a meaningful grading system focused on student growth.

Connect Standards-Based Grading to the bigger picture of school reform

  • Discover the “why” and research behind Standards-Based Grading.
  • Examine current grading practices and how they relate to student learning.
  • Analyze the three big issues with the current grading system.
"Data-Driven Instruction: Using Assessment to Improve Student Outcomes"
5:30 PM - 6:15 PM
Dr. Kristie Ennis
Dr. Ennis is a Strobel Education consultant, a nationally board-certified teacher (ELA/YA), and a college English instructor. She earned her undergraduate and first Master's degree from the University of Louisville, her second Master’s degree from Western Kentucky University, and is currently a doctoral candidate at Murray State University. A public school teacher for eight years before leaving the classroom to coach high school ELA teachers at the district level, Kristie is an intuitive and engaging presenter. She’s well-versed on various topics—including data-driven decision making, standards-based grading, genius hour, and growth mindset—and her ability to read a room helps her make magic during her teacher training. 
Session Description
On average, the practice of having students track their own progress is associated with a 32 percentile point gain in their achievement.
With increasing accountability, using data to inform instructional practices is more important than ever. Most educators, however, did not enter the profession because they wanted to be statisticians or number crunchers. The data collection and analysis process can be daunting, particularly when it comes from the top down. 

Defining Data Sources and Funds of Knowledge

  • Define data and determine best practices for data collection that can positively affect student outcomes.
  • Explore relevant research about using data to inform classroom practices and to meet the academic needs of students.
"Trauma-Informed Teachers: Transform the Classroom to Combat Adverse Childhood Experiences"
46% of students under 17 have experienced a traumatic event
26% of children under 4 have experienced a traumatic event
6:15 PM - 7:00 PM
Dr. Emma Gibbs
Dr. Emma Gibbs is a Strobel Education consultant who provides professional development for teachers. As an educational consultant, Dr. Gibbs strives to provide teachers the knowledge and tools they need to implement highly effective and student-centered instruction in their classroom. 

Dr.Gibbs is a secondary and higher education English instructor from Central Kentucky. Dr. Gibbs earned her Bachelors's and Master's Degrees in English and Secondary Education from the University of Kentucky. Dr. Gibbs went on to earn her Doctorate in English Pedagogy with a K-12 Literacy specialization from Murray State University. Dr. Gibbs is an experienced teacher who has taught in the secondary and higher education classroom. 
Session Description
In each of our classrooms, there are students who have experienced trauma during their lives and they bring this trauma with them into the classroom. Also known as Adverse Childhood Experiences, trauma can impact our students’ brains, hearts, and bodies.
Trauma can alter the development of the brain and affect student learning, behavior, and emotional regulation. 

Defining and Understanding Trauma

  • Gain a holistic understanding of trauma by exploring relevant research from accredited and pioneering psychologists and trauma experts. 
  • Discover the current prevalence of trauma in both children and adults throughout the United States. 
  • Understand the various types of traumatic experiences and Adverse Childhood Experiences. 
  • Learn about the lasting, adverse effects of traumatic experiences on the body, development of the brain, and emotional well-being. 
"The Happiness Lab: Guided Instruction to Support Student Well-being and Growth"
7:00 PM - 7:45 PM
Dr. Emma Gibbs
Session Description
The Happiness Lab provides both teachers and students with guided instruction to develop positive social and emotional well-being within the classroom.  

The Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies: The 5 Core Competencies:

  • Define the core social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies and explore relevant and current educational research that supports implementing SEL curriculum in the classroom.
  • Understand the role and importance of social and emotional competencies and skills in both student and adult wellbeing and personal growth.
  • Explore the positive neurological, physical, and emotional outcomes of practicing daily social and emotional learning. 
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
"You Can’t Teach Who and What You Don’t Know!"
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
This session will provide an overview of courses that will be offered via a partnership between the College of Southern Nevada and the Nevada Association of School Administrator for a "Multicultural Endorsement" in Nevada!
Brandon L. Moeller
NASA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Advisory Team Secretary
Director Equity and Diversity Education Department
Clark County School District
Dr. Greta Peay 
NASA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Advisory Team President 
CEO, Infinity: Diversity Matters, LLC
Tiffany Young 
NASA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Advisory Team Member
Program Director for the High Sierra Starbase Program
Former Director of Equity and Diversity for the Washoe County School District (WCSD)
Session Description
As educators, we must consciously work at transforming both ourselves and our professional practices so that the learning environment is a place where all students feel welcomed, and authentic relationships are cultivated. We must consistently explore our own assumptions about race, class, and culture; to model culturally responsive instructional and professional practices, and behaviors. 

This session will provide an overview of the multicultural course that will be offered via a partnership between the College of Southern Nevada and the Nevada Association of School Administrators. The course was approved by the Nevada Department of Education to meet the requirements of Regulation 130-18 and NRS 391.0347 to: 

• Increase awareness and understanding of race and ethnicity and the interconnectedness of race and ethnicity with other aspects of diversity, including, without limitation, geographic origin, residency status, language, socioeconomic status, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, spirituality, age, physical appearance, and disability; and 

• Assess the capacity of the licensee for cultural competency, facilitate the development of knowledge and skills for cultural competency and build the capacity of the licensee for cultural competency.
Nepris for Nevada:
Connections, Careers, and Community
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Dawn Wynne 
Award Winning Teacher
Dawn Wynne is an award-winning teacher with more than 20 years’ experience teaching students from kindergarten through high school, including special needs students, English Language Learners, and at-risk youths. She was recognized and honored with the Teacher of the Year award and the Superintendent's Award for her teaching excellence. Wynne earned a Bachelor of Arts in Theater at UCLA and holds a Master’s degree in Education. She has written four children’s books and produced a short film. She currently serves as the program manager for Nepris for Nevada connecting teachers and students to industry professionals. 
Session Description
Bring real-world relevance and create exposure to career pathways with Nepris, a state-sponsored program available for all public middle and high school teachers. Foster relationships within your community and explore career opportunities for your students. From virtual field trips to job shadowing to college preparation, students can connect and engage with over 50,000 professionals. 
Wednesday, February 2
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
"Walking The Walk Through Home Visits"
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Michelee Quiroz Cruz-Crawford 
Michelee Quiroz Cruz-Crawford has been a Clark County School District administrator since 2015. She has taught college, high school math, middle school reading, kindergarten, first grade, third grade, fourth grade, and fifth grade at Title I schools. As
an administrator, she has reduced behavior discipline by 87%, retained 95% of staff, increased teacher diversity, and increased parent participation as her school has been named Region 3’s School and Community Partner of the Year.  Additionally, she serves in the Air Force Guard as a diversity equity and inclusion officer that focuses on leadership and mentorship programs for Army and Air Force Generals and Colonels. She is currently obtaining her doctorate with a dissertation focused on recruitment of African-American, Latinx, and socioeconomic disadvantage educators by removing barriers for routes to licensure and has written Senate Bill SB352 which created $10 million dollars in state educator recruitment funding. She also helped with the $65 billion 2021 Recovery Broadband Act that ensures that all of our students have access to Internet. Through her experience as an educator and Air Force Officer, one statement holds true: She loves people. She loves to support adults and students from all backgrounds as they grow academically, professionally, and social-emotionally. She is a proud Mexican-American that supports equity and diversity and loves to work with people from all backgrounds to close the achievement gap. Plus, she is running for City Council Ward 6! 
Session Description
Home visits are essential for creating strong partnerships with your families. Have you ever been scared to call home when a student is in trouble because you know a family member will yell at you for what you did wrong? What if you could leverage that phone call into a partnership where you worked as a team so that families reinforced desired behaviors at home? During this session, you will get strategic implementation ideas for home visits for leveraging outcomes. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss and plan implementation for their sites and within their roles.  As a 7th year administrator in my current building, I have had zero district-level parent or staff complaints due to the partnership approach of home visits and being present. Home visits is an exciting topic in relationship building which is needed now more then ever. I hope you can join us for this dynamic discussion! 
"Small Group Instruction to Meet the Needs of all Learners"
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Pamela Catano
Assistant Principal of Robert and Sandy Ellis Elementary School

Pamela Catano serves as the proud assistant principal of Robert and Sandy Ellis Elementary School. Ms. Catano holds
a Bachelor of Science from Kent StateUniversity and a Masters of Arts degree in Educational Administration and Leadership from Cleveland State University. She has been working in education for 24 years. She started her teaching career in Mentor Ohio where she taught in elementary school and worked as an adjunct professor for Kent State University. She has been working for the Clark County School District for the past 17 years as a teacher and administrator.

Ms.Catano is passionate about all students’ educational success and building relationships with students to provide each and every student with a positive learning experience. She has high expectations for all students and staff and she spends each day working with teachers to ensure that all students are getting the best education possible. She believes all students deserve a rigorous education and caring teachers, and as the assistant principal of Ellis Elementary, she is committed to working with her staff to uphold those standards.
Christine Webb
1st Grade Teacher Robert and Sandy Ellis Elementary School

Christine Webb is a first grade teacher in CCSD. She graduated from the first Teacher Leader cohort at the Public Education Foundation. She is a teacher leader at Ellis Elementary, serving as the Canvas trainer, mentor teacher, and staff educator for reading and small group instruction. Through her experience teaching at both Title I and non-Title I schools in the district, she has gained experience supporting students with a variety of backgrounds and abilities.
Session Description
Effective, intentional, and focused small-group instruction is the best way to close achievement gaps in the classroom. Learn about strategies on how to implement small groups at different levels, how to manage your classroom during small group time, and how to leverage the best learning modalities to meet the needs of every learner. Learn effective strategies from a classroom teacher and analyze how small group instruction meets the standards of the NEPF with an administrator.
Thursday, February 3
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
"Managing Brain States: An Inside Out Approach to Social-Emotional Learning"
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Dr. Laurie McDanel

Laurie McDanel has an Ed.S in School Administration and a Masters in Special Education. She has 20 years of special education classroom experience and 10 years of leadership experience at the district level. Her innovative leadership led to the significant closure of achievement gaps for students with disabilities in her district. Laurie is a co-founder of Smart Learning Systems and application designer for Dot It Software tools. She has served on multiple boards including ARC of Buncombe County, Family Support Network, and NC TASH.
Susan Millones

Susan Millones has consulted with districts and trained thousands of teachers across the United States in MTSS and special education. She has presented at National Conferences including National Title 1 and has worked on federal grants for MTSS implementation. She is a graduate of the Learning Forward Academy for professional learning. She has worked with leaders in hundreds of schools to close achievement gaps, ensure authentic compliance, and improve the quality of educational experiences for students on the margins. Susan is a co-founder of Smart Learning Systems and systems developer for Dot It.
Session Description
In this session you will learn:

  • The nature of 3 brain states and how they impact the ability to learn
  • How to support self-awareness and self-management to avoid negative behaviors
  • How to make connections through social awareness and relationship skills
  • How to develop responsible decision making
  • How to integrate brain states and SEL into your daily lessons
"Coaching Young Champions: Shattering The Emotional Glass Ceiling"
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Kendrick Kumabe
Opportunity 180 Design to Edrupt Fellow
Kendrick Kumabe is a distinguished member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. and is currently serving as an Opportunity 180 Design to Edrupt Fellow. Kendrick is the acclaimed author of "Coaching Young Champions: Social Emotional Learning Considerations for the Virtual/Hybrid Educator”; and he is also the founder of Kenzumi Education Consulting, LLC. Kendrick is now serving as the President of Superior Substitutes- a Las Vegas based education staffing firm committed to filling critical teacher shortages in underserved communities.
Session Description
Kendrick Kumabe will inspire you to break down emotional barriers that prevent you from truly connecting with your students. Through the use of thoughtful insight and reflection, Coaching Young Champions will give you the tools needed to reach any student where they are, and turn them into champions!
Friday, February 4
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
"Build a Better SEL Lesson"
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Priya Mathur
Learning Experience Designer
Priya Mathur works on the BrainPOP Educators team as a Learning Experience Designer. In this role, Priya engages Certified BrainPOP Educators around the globe in conversations about how BrainPOP can meet the specific needs of teachers and students. Before joining BrainPOP, Priya was a teacher and assistive technology consultant.
Session Description
Discover how BrainPOP’s animated content, interactive tools, and assessments provide multiple entry points to engage K-8th grade students in all subject areas, with a focus on social and emotional learning (SEL). We will walk through SEL content that addresses all five CASEL competencies, including key self-awareness and self-management skills. Then you will learn how to build and assign a SEL lesson that enables meaningful and equitable access for diverse learners, including English learners. Valuable for newbies and veterans alike, join this workshop and learn something to use with students immediately. Attendees not yet subscribed to BrainPOP can receive a 90 day OpenPass to BrainPOP.
"Social Emotional Learning
Through Literacy"
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Alysha Maningas
Elementary School Teacher, Washoe County School District
My name is Alysha Maningas, I am a classroom teacher in Reno, Nevada. I have been a teacher for 5 years. I received my undergraduate degree from George Fox University and my Masters from Grand Canyon University. I am currently the model classroom teacher at UNR, where I teach a class of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students. I am passionate about teaching and helping all my students achieve high levels of learning.
Session Description
You will be guided through the first few weeks in my classroom and how the introduction of character traits support and shape the social emotional learning for my students. As we learn about these fundamental traits, I will introduce how they are supported with literacy. The overall introduction of these lessons, have a positive impact on students and their social emotional growth. When students learn to identify and name their feelings, it creates a more collaborative and inclusive classroom. This session would be best suited for K-3 classrooms, but I will explain how these same practices can be expanded with the choice of text that can be suitable for K-5.
Saturday, February 5
8:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Dr. Kristen McNeill Superintendent of the Washoe County School District (WCSD)
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Dr. Kristen McNeill
Superintendent, Washoe County School District

Dr. Kristen McNeill is a native Nevadan who moved to the Reno-Sparks area in 1996. She has worked for more than two decades in public education with more than 26 years with Washoe County School District (WCSD). She began her career with WCSD teaching grades 2 through 6, then served as the principal of Lois Allen Elementary School and later at Marvin Moss Elementary School.
Dr. McNeill became the WCSD Director of State and Federal Programs/K-16 Initiatives in 2008, then was named Chief Strategies Officer in 2010. She assumed the duties of Chief of Staff for the Washoe County School District in 2012 and also served as Interim Superintendent in the summer of 2012.

In September 2015, Dr. McNeill was appointed to the Deputy Superintendent position for WCSD. In that role, she oversaw the areas of Office of School Leadership, Office of Academics, and the Strategies Office. In July 2019, Dr. McNeill was appointed by the Board of Trustees to serve as Interim Superintendent. She was appointed to the position of Superintendent of Schools for the Washoe County School District in April 2020.

Dr. McNeill serves on several non-profit boards including Truckee Meadows Healthy Communities, Communities in Schools J4NG, and EDAWN. Throughout her career she has contributed to various District, state, and national committees on educational issues. As a representative of WCSD, she has supported efforts in the Nevada State Legislature related to important education matters for the children of Washoe County and the state of Nevada.

While Dr. McNeill is a strong supporter of public education in all areas, she has maintained a concerted focus on students in poverty, homelessness, and early childhood education.
Dr. McNeill holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Hotel Administration and a master’s degree in Instructional and Curricular Studies from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Dr. McNeill received her educational leadership credential as well as her doctorate in educational leadership at the University of Nevada, Reno.
"Understanding Data in 2022: What it Is; What it’s Not; and How to Use It"
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Jacqui Ragin
Program Evaluator for the Clark County School District (CCSD) in the Grants Development and Administration Office

Jacqui Ragin began her work for CCSD almost ten years ago and evaluates Federal, State and Private funded grants.  Prior to CCSD, she worked at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) in the Interdisciplinary Center for Aging Research and Education (ICARE). Jacqui holds masters degrees in Public Health (MPH) and Mental Health Counseling (M.S.). She is also a UNLV graduate with a Ph.D. in Sociology.
Betsy Reed
Program Evaluator for the Clark County School District (CCSD) in the Grants Development and Administration Office

Betsy Reed is in her seventeenth year with CCSD, with sixteen years on school campuses.  She taught all levels of U.S. History at the high school level, and served as a Special Education teacher using the Push-In, CC, Resource and Self-Contained models.  Reed holds degrees in Education (M. Ed – Special Ed, and Ed. Specialist in Higher Education Leadership) History (M.A.) and the law (J.D.).
Session Description
The contemporary education landscape calls for “research based” programs, and “data driven” decisions.  Are you confident about meeting these expectations, does the thought make your eyes glaze, or do you feel uncomfortable or nervous?

Regardless of how you answered that question, this 90-minute session will help you in your daily job, whether a teacher or administrator.

Beginning with a pre-test (as a model), the session will review the general concepts and models of research, evaluating levels of evidence, how to be a better consumer of evaluation/research, and how to present research results visually.  The session does not assume a lot of prior knowledge; all attendees will come away with a renewed sense of comfort with data, and its uses in education; whether in the classroom, for a building, or an area/region/district.  The session will include a post-test, and a model of that data.
"So What? Now What?"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Deanne Moyle-Hicks
Classroom Teacher, Washoe County School District
2022 Nevada Teacher of the Year

Deanne Hicks, a guest on the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation, is a National Board Certified Teacher and a 28-year, teaching veteran in northern Nevada - passionate in her conviction that all children deserve to engage in relevant and rigorous learning experiences. She contends education changes lives. Teaching in Title I schools in northern Nevada, Hicks advocates for education that embraces and empowers all students of diverse cultures.
Connie Thomson
NNRPDP Regional Coordinator

Connie Thomson is dedicated to promoting an appreciation for the significance of the superstructure of mathematics. She is passionate about the power of discourse and the habits of mathematical minds
Session Description
So, what does it mean to “Educate the Whole Child”? There is no time like the present to discuss research that identifies system qualities that support children’s social, emotional, cognitive and academic development and physical and mental health. Now what? Next steps include understanding how the research supports putting these concepts into practice with relevant and rigorous learning experiences that contribute to educational equity. With the current quick pace and focus on accelerated learning we will take time to breath and move beyond systematic methods of SEL by identify where we are creating supportive and meaningful learning environments. We will lean into actionable steps that support embracing a more whole-child educational approach by being mindful of what children need and deserve. As we depart, we will identify actionable ways to implement nurturing, engaging and resilient learning approaches that impact students school experiences and develop the desire to become life-long learners.
Lunch Break
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
Toe Tag Monologue will present a peer-to-peer drama which speaks to the totality of educating the whole student “Helping Youth in Crisis”. 
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
R. Byron Stringer
Founder of Vision Theatrical Foundation and writer of Toe Tag Monologues
Kim Flowers
Program Director
Nina K. Snipes
Students Introducing Monologues:

Sabrina Bevill
Ayaka Taylor
Toe Tag monologues is a Vision theatrical Foundation production. A series of monologues pulled from today’s youth written by Byron Stringer. The monologues present real life and death situations that our children face daily, such as; school violence, drug abuse bullying, drunk driving, gang violence and teen suicide, snitching, human trafficking, domestic violence, self-esteem and the result of making bad personal choices. 

This innovative theatrical program is highly effective because it defines the issues of our youth are dealing with and we use drama to help kids get through their own dramas. 
The mission is to save lives by educating our youth to engage in positive behaviors, helping identify their challenges and make life choices to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential. 

We do performances in all types of areas including but not limited to schools, universities, detention centers, businesses, and other organizations. We would be honored to present to you and available any dates the month of February excluding Saturdays. Thank you for selecting our organization as potential presenters. 

For more information, please visit www.vtfoundation.org
"Adult Education – The Perfect Solution"
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Ann Froby
Principal at Southern Desert Correctional Center
Ann Froby is the principal at Southern Desert Correctional Center in Indian Springs Nevada. She currently serves as a board member of the Nevada Adult Educators Association. She has worked in Adult Education for over 20 years and has a passion for improving and empowering the lives of her students. Her presentation will illustrate the need for innovation and "out of the box" thinking.
Session Description
Sometimes when “life” intervenes, and our students are unable to finish high school in traditional fashion, Nevada’s Adult Education programs step in as a viable alternative to provide successful educational outcomes. Adult Education recognizes that adult students often come with accumulated knowledge and work experience. It provides educational experiences and programming designed to meet the needs of each individual student including addressing different learning styles, scheduling around work and family responsibilities, and helping those students who respond more positively in competency based instruction.
Monday, February 7
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
"College and Career Engagement for all Learners"
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
John Baylor

Born in Lincoln, Nebraska, John Baylor graduated from Stanford University. Tens of thousands of students have taken OnToCollege’s in-person and online ACT® and SAT® courses.
John’s contrarian techniques have inspired students for more than two decades—improving scores, scholarships, and college choices. Used by more than 700 high schools in 23 states, OnToCollege’s online classes routinely increase an entire high school’s ACT average score 1-2 points and SAT average score 50-200 points.
John has authored several books, including the Eric Hoffer Award-winning “Reaching Higher: One Simple Strategy to Transform America’s K-12 Schools.” His expert advice helps students, parents, and counselors find their “best-fit” college at the lowest cost.

Since 1994, John has been the radio play-by-play voice of University of Nebraska Volleyball. John is a father, grandfather, husband, author, tennis player, and golfer.
Rob Mason

Rob Mason has been teaching high school Physics for 29 years and coached football for 26 of those years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Physics and a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership.

His passion for the mission of helping young people get to college with minimal debt comes from his own experiences. As the son of a single mother, he knew his college choices were limited unless he worked hard to achieve excellent grades and test scores in high school. His grades and scores earned him two scholarships covering all of his undergraduate tuition, so he obtained his Physics degree from Hastings College with zero debt.

Rob is married to his wife Joni. He enjoys playing with their dogs, biking, hiking, and craft beer.
Jill Pendleton

Jillyn Pendleton retired in July of 2021 after an esteemed career as an educator in Nevada for twenty-five years. She enthusiastically served students, families, and leaders of the Clark County School District with passion, vision, and integrity throughout her tenure. During her career, she embraced various roles, including science teacher, Dean of Students, Assistant Principal, High School Principal, and School Associate Superintendent. She earned her bachelor's and master’s degrees from Dixie College and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She was also recognized as the state principal of the year and the region magnet principal of the year. She eagerly joined the team at OnToCollege to continue her drive to ensure equitable opportunities for student success and promising futures for all learners. 
Session Description
We all want the best life outcomes for all of our students. Today, a high school degree is not enough to equip our students for a future in which they will have to compete with increased AI and low-cost foreign labor.
Students need to understand that one of the following four outcomes provides them the best chance for health, happiness, and a financially secure future: a two-year degree, a four-year degree, certification in a trade, or a career in the military.

Providing students a ‘Why to Try’ strengthens school culture and improves engagement. When students understand the lifelong implications of maximizing their high school experience and plan for their post-secondary destination, everyone wins.
"A First Year Teacher’s Perspective: Success in an English Classroom"
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Jessica Malcom
Secondary English Teacher, Clark County School District
My name is Jessica Malcolm, I’m a former Northern California local that just recently moved to Las Vegas to teach. I am pursuing my passion teaching English at Sunrise Mountain High School. This is my first year teaching after obtaining my BA in English Education and my Single Subject Teaching Credential from Sonoma State University. In my spare time, I coach Volleyball, write, and spend time with my wonderful family.
Session Description
Starting out as a first year teacher, I joined all the groups and stayed in touch with many classmates. As we all started our journey, I have heard countless stories about lack of control, lesson plans that never work, and hopelessness. Taking advice from a Mentor Teacher and Pose, Wobble, Flow by Antero Garcia and Cindy O’Donnell-Allen, I continue to better serve my Student’s all around needs in their English classroom by being willing to take a new route. By lowering my expectations of myself, I am able to tailor assignments to my students, take non-traditional routes, and support their proximal zone. This presentation will cover lesson changes mid-class, informal assessments in class to gauge understanding, and choosing appropriate materials for your classes.
Thursday, February 10
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Brian Sandoval
Former Governor of the Great State of Nevada
Current President, University of Nevada, Reno
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Brian Sandoval
The 17th president of the University of Nevada, Reno

Brian Sandoval was appointed the 17th president of the University of Nevada, Reno, on Sept. 17, 2020 by the Nevada System of Higher Education’s Board of Regents. He is the first person of Hispanic origin as well as the first alumnus to serve as president in University history.

Sandoval served two terms as the 29th Governor of the State of Nevada from 2011-2019, during which time his leadership helped lift Nevada from an historic recession to a time of record-setting prosperity and growth.
Term-limited following eight years as one of the most popular governors in Nevada history, Sandoval then became the president of global gaming development for MGM Resorts International, a member of the board of directors for Coeur Mining, and a senior fellow at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg Center on Communication Leadership and Policy. In addition, he was a Distinguished Fellow of Law and Leadership at UNLV’s William S. Boyd School of Law.
Prior to becoming governor, Sandoval was appointed United States District Judge for the District of Nevada, becoming the state’s first Hispanic federal judge. He also was elected Nevada’s Attorney General, was a member and at one point was the youngest chairman in the history of the Nevada Gaming Commission, and served two terms, 1994-1998, as an assemblyman in the Nevada State Legislature.

He has also served on several state boards and commissions, including the Nevada Boards of Pardons, Prisons, Transportation, and Examiners, the Council for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, and was Nevada’s at-large member of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board.
Sandoval is a 1986 graduate of the University, with a degree in English. He earned his Juris Doctor degree from the Ohio State University Moritz School of Law in 1989.
Sandoval is married to Lauralyn McCarthy Sandoval, who is a 1992 graduate of the University’s Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism. She was also an intercollegiate athlete at the University, competing on the women’s tennis team. Sandoval has three children: James, Madeline, and Marisa.
“Answer to the Pipeline: How iteachNevada is Eliminating Barrier to New Teacher Pathways ”
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Dr. Kimberly Thaggard
Dr. Thaggard is the Western Director of iteachNEVADA. She has worked in public schools for over 18 years. She was a classroom teacher for over 10 years, wrote curriculum as part of the International Baccalaureate Educator Network, and finished her career in school administration. She had also played a pivotal role in designing First Year Teacher Academies and initiating research on the value and importance of building effective relationships with students. 
Session Description
Teacher Attrition is an issue that was only exacerbated by the pandemic. Dr. Kimberly Thaggard will discuss the iteachNEVADA ARL, and the benefits it provides to administrators and central service leaders who want to fill and maintain their teacher pipeline with effective educators. 
"Innovation: Let your Imagination Speak!"
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Ann Froby
Principal at Southern Desert Correctional Center
Session Description
Administrators and teachers should be the leaders of innovation in their schools. In this presentation you will learn to look at everything you do from a different perspective and develop ways to see the things you don't see. You will formulate ways to encourage change in your learning environments.

You will journey through a reflection of current methods and practices and develop ways to transform previously established ways of thinking into innovative,inspiring practices.
Friday, February 11
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
"Stakeholder Input: Utilizing Focus Group Feedback and Case Study Interviews to Improve Outcomes for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness"
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Meg Pike
Community Liaison/Title I HOPE Coordinator

Meg Pike has been an employee of the Clark County School District (CCSD) in Nevada since 2002. She is currently the McKinney-Vento Community Liaison in CCSD’s Title I Homeless Outreach Program for Education (HOPE). Meg works to establish and maintain partnerships with local homeless service providers to ensure students and families experiencing homelessness have access to needed assistance and represents Pre-K through 12 education on the board of the Southern Nevada Homeless Continuum of Care (CoC).

Meg is passionate about raising awareness of the vulnerable population of students experiencing homelessness in Southern Nevada. She has presented locally, at the state level as well as nationally, including sessions at the 2018 and 2019 Conferences of the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY). When Meg is not working, she enjoys traveling, spending time with family, friends, and her two Great Danes.
Dr. P.G. Schrader
UNLV Department Chair of Teaching and Learning, College of Education

Dr. P. G. Schrader is a professor of educational technology and chair in the department of Teaching and Learning. He is also a research scientist in the Center for Research, Evaluation, and Assessment at UNLV. Dr. Schrader completed his degree in Educational Psychology with a focus on Cognition and Instruction. During that time, he instructed students of all ages in the areas of mathematics, educational psychology, and technology. Dr. Schrader’s recent work involves learning in technology rich, immersive environments across the disciplines. Current projects include studies of marginalized groups, engagement, immersion, and learning with scientific simulations, faculty perceptions of students in STEM majors, and personality in virtual worlds. Dr. Schrader has published several papers and studies on inter- and intratextuality, navigation, and learning in these areas.
Kelly-Jo Shebeck McKinney-Vento School Liaison/Title I HOPE Coordinator

Kelly-Jo Shebeck is currently the McKinney-Vento School Liaison for the Clark County School District. Kelly-Jo has worked in homeless education for 13 years, the past 7 as a coordinator for Title I HOPE. Kelly-Jo has recently served as board secretary of the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY). Prior to the liaison role, Kelly-Jo was an elementary teacher and a project facilitator working with Title I schools.

Kelly-Jo is a strong advocate for youth and families experiencing homelessness. She works with district personnel to create processes that remove barriers for students by bringing awareness of the McKinney-Vento federal law. She also collaborates with higher education institutions and community agencies to create processes to support children and youth living in transitional situations. Professional development has been a passion for Kelly-Jo as she promotes awareness of youth and families experiencing homelessness in educational and community settings.
Session Description
Over the past three years, Title I HOPE, the Clark County School District’s McKinney-Vento homeless program has worked with an external evaluator to gather and evaluate data to improve program practices and services for youth and families. Focus groups consisted of students experiencing homelessness, school clerks and registrars, counselors and social workers as well as district administrators and community partners. This year, case study interviews were conducted with individual students who have had recurring bouts of homelessness over the years. The focus groups and individual interviews provided valuable insight on what to include in training and professional development for school personnel and overall McKinney-Vento programming.
"Attitude Around Attendance"
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Princess Tanagna Payne
Elementary School Teacher,
Clark County School District
Princess Tanagna Payne is an educator in Clark County School District where she has the pleasure of mentoring and leading students. She received a Bachelor’s Degree of Fine Arts from the University of Florida and a Master’s Degree from Temple University in Fine Arts. Princess is currently pursuing a master’s degree at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas majoring in Education with a focus in Curriculum and Instruction. Princess serves as an Ambassador for Teach For America - Las Vegas, where she pushes for an equitable education amongst the students of the greater Las Vegas. Princess is a member of Leadership and Equitable Education (LEE) and INVEST (Igniting Nevada’s Education System Together). Through these organizations, Princess is able to advocate for students, families, education and communities.
Session Description
This presentation will be highlighting several intertwined key factors of why attendance is crucial in student development and the results that have come along with the strategies that were implemented in order to bring about change. The Nevada Department of Education believes that attendance is a critical component of educational equity, ensuring all students can access the resources and support needed for educational success. The key factors to be shared are: Safe Classroom Environment/Building Trust, Reducing Behavior Infractions and Student Achievement. Strategies such as: actively listening to students and effective communication, transparency with students, community and family engagement, and self-checks will be discussed in this presentation. Two stories of two young men will be briefly shared (anonymously), highlighting strategies I used in particular to gain student trust and how effective a safe classroom environment has on reducing behavior infractions and increasing student attendance.
Thursday, February 17
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
"Creating Clear Pathways to Success for All Students"
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Mrs. Tanika Gilliam
High School Counselor,
Clark County School District

Mrs. Tanika Gilliam is a school counselor currently working at Cheyenne High School. She was educated at Chicago State University and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, and a Master’s of Science in Counseling Education from Capella University. Her passion for equity and advocacy drives her as she continues to make positive changes towards student success. Her motto is “When the world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful’ and this philosophy is how she approaches counseling. Mrs. Gilliam truly believes in the power of building relationships through the power of connection. When she is not counseling students, she advises for both the Key Club and the Batteries Included Organization; both of which fosters leadership and a commitment to community service. For the past 10 years, Mrs. Gilliam has worked in both education and social service, working tirelessly to provide opportunities to disadvantaged families and youth. She is a mother of a spunky two year old daughter, and in her spare time she enjoys reading a good mystery book, and playing bingo. 
Levette McEaddy
High School Counselor,
Clark County School District

Levette McEaddy graduated from Emporia State University with a Bachelors of Science in Business Management and a Masters of Education in Guidance and Counseling from University of Arizona. She is currently a professional School Counselor with 21 years of experience in public education, with the last 4 years spent servicing Cheyenne High School. Ms. McEaddy inherently understands that the student is the single most valuable asset in the organization. She is driven by the unrelenting pursuit of student success. “All students can learn” is not just a motto to her but a foundational core belief and practice. Her students come to school, her students are active members of the student body, her students graduate, her students earn academic scholarships, her students go to tier 1 universities, and yes she is there for it all, smiling and often crying celebratory tears with their family and friends.

Levette is a lover of all kinds of card games, line dancing, a proud member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and being from Detroit of course the Lions and Pistons! 
Dr. Zachary Scott Robbins
High School Principal,
Clark County School District

Dr. Robbins is the author of Restorative Justice Tribunal and Ways to Derail Jim Crow Discipline in Schools, published by Routledge Education Press. A high school principal in Las Vegas, Nevada, Dr. Robbins is passionate about mobilizing faculty, families, students, and community partners to create a school culture that supports and elevates student success. He has “turned around” three secondary schools in Boston and Las Vegas.

Dr. Robbins is the 2021 City of Las Vegas African-American Trailblazer in Education Award Recipient. He has served on the Governor’s School Safety Committee, currently serves on the state superintendent's Principals Advisory Committee, and he is the President-Elect of the Secondary School Principals Association of Nevada. He publishes commentary and news articles for various media outlets, and he makes frequent radio and television appearances to discuss politics and education.
Dr. Robbins and his team established the first restorative justice program in Nevada, successfully reducing suspension and expulsion rates. His school functions as a training hub in restorative practices for Nevada educators.
Dr. Robbins was educated at Howard University in Washington, DC, and he earned his Ph.D. in Education Administration at the Boston College Lynch School of Education. You can find Dr. Robbins on Twitter at DrZacRobbins and online promoting financial literacy and financial freedom in the Zrazey Social Network for Educators.
MAJ Ivy Williams
Senior Army Instructor JROTC program,
Clark County School District

MAJ Williams is a native of Miami, Florida. He has 24 years of Active Military Service starting out as an enlisted man and then transitioning to the Officer Ranks. PVT Williams started out in the 6th Infantry Division as a personnel clerk and then was transitioned to the Scout Platoon based on his physical capabilities and willingness to serve where needed. Upon arriving at Fort Benning Georgia SPC Williams went to Airborne School and was then assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiment. SGT Williams was place in the S1 section for 18 months before being sent to Officer Candidate School. As an Officer he has held positions such as Platoon Leader, Company Executive Officer, Senior Platoon Trainer, Company Commander, Observer Controller, Battalion Operations Officer, Chief Advisor to the Saudi Arabian Infantry Divisions, Battalion Executive Officer, Garrison Executive Officer, and Division Chief of Training. Upon leaving active duty MAJ Williams became a Senior Army Instructor first at ST John’s Military Academy in Salina, Kansas. Next Cadet Command requested he take over a program in Washington DC. Senior Army Instructor. Since his arrival to the 4th Brigade he has tripled in enrollment and has a 94% success rate of getting its seniors into college. His program has produced two Valedictorians and 40% of his Cadets are Honor Students. MAJ Williams currently serves as the Senior Army Instructor at Cheyenne High School and has the largest Army JROTC program in the Clark County School District.

MAJ Williams is devoted to community service and is a member of several organizations. Those organizations include but are not limited to, The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Military Officers of World Wars, Military Officer Alumni Association, National Infantryman’s Association, Association of the United States Army, American Legion, Reserve Officer Association, Prince Hall Masons and Order of Eastern Stars, Knights Templar, Royal Arc, Shriners, He is the 1st Vice District Representative of the 8th District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. MAJ Williams is married to his wife Linda of 14 years. They have two daughters Taylor, and Tara.
Session Description
Schools must attend to the mental health implications and interpersonal development of students as they transition back to schools amid the Covid-19 pandemic. This requires campus-wide collaboration among faculty and staff to remove academic and psychosocial barriers that make it difficult for students to be successful in school. Providing on-campus mental health therapeutic services to children and families is equally as essential to incorporating wraparound supports into schools' restorative justice structures. Presenters from Cheyenne High School will show how faculty and staff work together and collaborate with community partners to promote health, wellness, and academic success for all students and their families. 
"Positive Connections between Teachers and Students and its Association to Success in Learning"
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Mrs. Gladis Cabrera
Middle School Teacher,
Clark County School District

Graduated from University of Nevada Las Vegas with a bachelors in education. This is my third year in CCSD as a licensed teacher but was in classrooms years prior as a Certified Tutor. 

I was born in Durango, Mexico; and moved to Las Vegas when I was 12 years old. During my years as a CCSD student I had some amazing teachers that pushed me to do my very best and I did not want to disappoint them. Since this very young age, I knew teaching was not just lecturing and presenting new information but also connecting with others to reach a common goal of success. I knew back then I wanted to be “that” teacher to my students, who they came for help and work their hardest for. 
Mr. Joshua Guidote
Middle School Teacher,
Clark County School District

Hello, my name is Joshua Guidote. I am a product of the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse & Northern Arizona University school of education programs (Social Studies & SPED). This is my second year at CCSD teacher and my 10th year in education (with prior stints in Wisconsin, Arizona & South Korea).  

I set a goal in 8th grade to become a history teacher when I grew up and here I am today, full circle, teaching 8th grade history. I have tried really hard to craft a well-rounded resume to prepare myself to the laundry list of situations that I would/do encounter in the classroom. So to me teaching isn’t just a job, it is a profession & a lifestyle choice that puts a smile on my face when I say I am in education.
Session Description
Our goal in this Professional Development session is to provide an open forum style presentation where teachers can learn, interact and develop techniques based upon a presented set of information about creating connections with kids to create a positive learning environment resulting in maximizing learning. The session includes data collections, examples, testimonials and collaborations to scaffold the forum discourse.  

There are three main steps that help build positive relationships.
1. Learn students name and one thing they are interested in.
2. Show/teach and practice mutual respect.
3. Maintain consistency and equality.

During our Professional Development session, we will go more into detail what each steps represents for teachers and students alike. 
Friday, February 18
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
"Finally, a Long-Awaited Solution for Developing English Language Learner’s Productive Skills: Every voice matters. Every student has a voice. Are we listening?"
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Justin Hewett

Mr. Hewett is an Entrepreneur and Investor focused on EdTech in K-12 schools. He has been building technology products and driving implementations in schools across the nation. He is a co-founder of Flashlight Learning and is on a mission to transform the way we develop language in schools.
Zulema Reynoso

Ms. Reynoso is a staff developer, educational consultant and researcher working with schools and districts throughout California to meet the needs of ELLs and building educator capacity in designated English language development (ELD). Her doctoral research explores the role of multimodal technology, the formative assessment process, and culturally responsive pedagogy for training teachers for delivering designated ELD.  
Dr. Yesmi Rios

Dr. Rios has been a K–12 Coordinator of English Language Learner Services in the Clark County School District for the past 17 years, supporting  over 300 K-12 schools. She also serves as an educator council member and provides expertise in math curriculum and instruction as it pertains to working with Black, Latinx students and students living in poverty.  She has served as a high school administrator, a math department chair, a director of technology in construction management, a math lecturer, and a consultant to school districts. She has received awards from professional associations and school districts for her commitment and contributions to education. Dr. Rios has undergraduate degrees in Math and Spanish from the University of California, Davis, an MA in Education Administration from San Francisco State University, an MA in Education in Math from Harvard University and completed a Ph.D focused on assessments and language proficiency.  
Session Description
This presentation is for educators looking for a solution to support ELL students (especially Long-Term ELLs) in growing their speaking and writing skills.  
Participants will learn about Flashlight360, an assessment system for teaching, monitoring, and assessing language production. It allows students the opportunity to complete short language assessments and provides teachers the opportunity to score students’ spoken and written responses and provide useful feedback aligned to the ELA standards and ELD framework. 
When ELL students have frequent opportunities to speak and write about their ideas and understanding of content lessons in a low stakes environment, they develop stamina and skills necessary for more formal writing and high stakes assessments. Let us help shine a light on student voices. 
"Diversity and Empathy"
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Selina Angelo
Elementary School Teacher,
Clark County School District

Selina Angelo has worked in the Clark County School District for 25 years. She taught 2nd and 3rd grades for 15 years and then used her knowledge of instruction to coach teachers for 5 years. In 2017, she opened Jan Jones Blackhurst ES as the assistant principal and still serves this community.
Billie Jo Guthrie
Elementary School Teacher,
 Clark County School District

Billie Jo Guthrie has worked in the Clark County School District for 18 years. She taught 2nd and 5th grade for seven years and has been a school counselor for the last 11 years. In 2017, she opened up Jan Jones Blackhurst ES as the school counselor and loves working with her amazing staff and students.
Session Description
Returning to school after the pandemic has proven to be a challenge in many ways. Students have spent many hours on digital platforms and have become aware of negative stereotypes about gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, etc. Without the proper education, this has led to increased behavioral issues in schools. This presentation will give teachers and administrators strategies to help address these issues and build a community of students who respect diversity, embrace each other’s unique identities, build a strong school and classroom culture, and learn how to empathize with others.
Saturday, February 19
8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
"Implementation of Restorative and Trauma-Informed Practices through a Train-the-Trainer Model"
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Dr. Samuel P. Scavella
Assistant Superintendent
Equity and Diversity Education Department

Samuel P. Scavella, Ph.D., is an Educational Leader with 28 years of school-based and district-level experience implementing systemic structures and processes to ensure organizational effectiveness, high performance, equity, and accountability by utilizing research- and evidence-based practices. For over two decades, Dr. Scavella has served children and youth in urban schools. He taught science, mathematics, and reading on the middle school level and served as an assistant principal and high school principal for 20 years. He currently serves as Assistant Superintendent and leads the Equity and Diversity Education Department in the Clark County School District. Dr. Scavella also co-chairs the School Justice Partnership with a focus on ensuring safe schools with productive classrooms where all students are College and Career Ready upon graduation. He maintains that children and youth are our greatest investments who must be challenged and nurtured to unlock the treasures of kindness, honesty, productivity, and service.
Brandon L. Moeller
Director Equity and Diversity Education Department
Clark County School District

Since 1998, Brandon L. Moeller has worked with children, families, community members, and Clark County School District staff throughout the Las Vegas valley.   

Mr. Moeller completed his bachelor’s degree from the University of Nevada Las Vegas in Criminal Justice and Psychology and his master’s degree in Educational Leadership. 

Mr. Moeller started his career as a Juvenile Supervisor for the Clark County Department of Family Services for neglected and abused children at Child Haven.  He has taught at Bracken and Tate Elementary Schools.  He has served as a Literacy Specialist for the Southern Nevada Regional Professional Development Program. Also, he served as the Theme Coordinator for Jo Mackey Magnet Elementary School and Project Facilitator in recruitment for the District’s Human Resources Division, Support Staff Personnel Services.

Currently, Brandon L. Moeller is the Clark County School District’s (CCSD), Equity and Diversity Education Department, Director.  Mr. Moeller actively supports the District’s initiatives on equity, culturally responsive practices, and inclusive learning environments.  The Equity and Diversity Education Department provides customized professional learning sessions district wide to cultivate the attitudes, knowledge, and skills required for a culturally inclusive learning environment for all students, staff, and community members.

Mr. Moeller’s commitment to education has led to multiple awards such as Teacher of the Year,  CCSD Rave Reviews, and the Clark County School District Hall of Fame – Excellence in Education. 
Session Description
This session will review Clark County School District’s actions to initiate an evidence-based project to support all District schools in the implementation of Restorative and Trauma-Informed Practices. An overview of the professional learning activities will be provided to illustrate how the district and school leadership teams and staff will engage in training on the foundational concepts of Restorative and Trauma-Informed Practices to help schools build positive school climates, develop community, and effectively address student behavior. The professional learning sessions will also address the policies that the district has adopted to prevent Discrimination Based on Race, Bullying, and Cyberbullying. 
"Closing the Achievement Gap for Equitable Education with Proven Results Reflective Practices"
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Dana M. Fergins

Ms. Fergins serves as Teacher Clinician, Adjunct History Professor, and Motivational Speaker.  She has 20 years of experience as a former Assistant Principal, Master Teacher, Reading Interventionist, Literacy Coach, and Instructional Coordinator with a record of proven results. 
Ms. Fergins education includes a Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education; a Master of Education in Administration; Master of Arts in History; and Superintendent coursework. She is currently an Ed.D. Doctoral Candidate.

Her honors include 2017 Nomination Teacher of the Year, 2013 Texas PTA Lifetime Achievement Award, 2007 Ridgewood Middle School Teacher of the Year, 2007 Louisiana Distinguished Clinician for Supervisor of Student Teachers in Middle School, 2007 LSU-S Distinguished Clinician for Supervisor of Student Teachers in Middle School, and 2006 Louisiana Middle School Association Award of Excellence.

Ms. Fergins strives to assist in academic excellence, community involvement, and building relationships through her organization Making Learning Sparkle. 

Dr. Byron M. Lyons

Dr. Lyons is an educational and administrative consultant for the Lyons Consulting Group, LLC. Lyons received his PhD in School Leadership from Concordia University in Chicago. His consulting includes school leadership, teacher leadership, school culture and climate, stress levels and emotional intelligence, and human resources processes and procedures especially in urban school settings. 

Byron has been in the field of education for 25 years. He is a certified superintendent, has held educational certifications in five states, and has worked in eight different middle schools and/or high schools successfully transforming students’ lives, building school cultures, and enhancing school systems. He has served as a principal of two specialty schools, a foreign exchange teacher host, and most recently spent six years as the human resources director for an inner-city urban school district. He currently serves as a mentor to teachers and administrators in school districts across the nation.

Session Description
School leadership and teacher leaders have a profound impact upon closing the achievement gap. This session design allows for school leadership and teacher leaders to engage diverse student populations, district leaders, and teacher leaders to close achievement gaps for equitable education by improving high school graduation rates, increasing educational attainment, and increasing classroom attendance and school participation. This interactive session provides authentic proven results reflective practices for academic learning, modified instruction by teachers to reflect innovative teaching, and exposure and experiences to expand the perspectives and expectations of students.
"Creating a Culture of Reading"
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Michelle Wheatfill
Principal, Clark County School District
Michelle Wheatfill is the proud principal of Fay Herron. She began her teaching career in 2005. Her experience includes teaching fifth-grade, third-grade, and first-grade at Walter Bracken STEAM Academy. She has been an assistant principal at Walter Bracken, Howard Hollingsworh, and C.C. Ronnow. Mrs. Wheatfill is a recent graduate of the Public Education Foundation Executive Leadership Academy and currently a council member of the Nevada State Financial Literacy Advisory Council. Mrs. Wheatfill has a deep love for reading and knows the importance of all students reading by grade three. Creating time and space to engage students in reading has been a passion for Mrs. Wheatfill.
Session Description
Michelle Wheatfill began her teaching career in 2005. Her experience includes teaching fifth-grade, third-grade, and first-grade at Walter Bracken STEAM Academy. She has been an assistant principal the last six years serving at three different elementary schools, including Walter Bracken, Howard Hollingsworh, and C.C. Ronnow. Mrs. Wheatfill is a recent graduate of the Public Education Foundation Executive Leadership Academy and currently a council member of the Nevada State Financial Literacy Advisory Council. Mrs. Wheatfill has a deep love for reading and knows the importance of all students reading by grade three. Creating time and space to engage students in reading has been a passion for Mrs. Wheatfill.
12:30 - 1:00 PM
"Kids-Talk-To-Kids: How Educators Can Leverage Peer-to-Peer Relationships to Prevent Youth Suicide"
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Tam Larnerd
Training Facilitator
Hope Squad
For 27 years, Mr. Tam Larnerd served as a Health Educator, varsity coach, Dean of Students, Assistant Principal, and finally, Principal with the Clark County School District. His last assignment, before retiring in June 2021, was serving as the principal of Spring Valley High School, the only AVID National Demonstration School in Nevada. In his last six years as principal at Spring Valley, Mr. Larnerd guided the school through the authorization processes to become an International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program, Diploma Program, and Career-related Program World School. In his last year at Spring Valley, despite every student being at home, learning online, the school implemented a highly successful Hope Squad with over 30 active Squad members. In August 2021, Mr. Larnerd accepted the position of Hope Squad's Training Facilitator. In this capacity, he serves as a Master Trainer, provides training for new Hope Squad advisors, presents at state and national conferences, and supports Hope Squads throughout the country.  tam@hopesquad.com
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, students struggled with the isolation of distance education, and, sadly, too many students made the decision to end the emotional pain by attempting, or actually dying by suicide. Even with students now back to school for in-person learning, the emotional effects of the pandemic on our students continues. Unfortunately, school administrators, counselors, and teachers sometimes struggle identifying the students who are most in need of social/emotional/mental health support. Research indicates that seven-out-of-ten students who attempt suicide will say something to a friend prior to their attempt. Hope Squad uses Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR), an internationally recognized and evidence-based curriculum, to train Hope Squad advisors on how they can create a Squad of students, who are nominated by their peers, to become the eyes and ears of the school. Hope Squad members are trained to recognize the warning signs of suicide and self-harm so that they can identify students who are struggling. In addition, Squad members learn what questions to ask, what not to ask, what to say, and how to persuade or refer a potentially suicidal student to a trusted adult to prevent a tragedy from happening.  Recent data and trends in youth suicide will be discussed along with sharing information about Hope Squad and ParentGuidance.org.  www.hopesquad.com
"Science of Reading, as it relates to the Bilingual/Dual Language classroom"
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Kerry Gavett
Kerry Gavett is the primary author of the Spanish phonics curriculum for early reading called El camino al éxito. She has over 10 years’ experience teaching reading interventions to small groups of kindergarten through 2nd grade students learning to read in Spanish. Kerry led a team of educators at Metzger Elementary School in Oregon to create the curriculum, which provides extra support for kindergarten students who are not making good progress with their core reading program. The curriculum was so successful in moving students forward, that Karen Twain, the principal of the school (who went on to lead the Oregon Governor’s Reading Initiative), declared that “El camino al éxito was one of the things that was instrumental in Metzger receiving the “Closing the Achievement Gap” award 3 times in the state of Oregon.”
Are you struggling with what to do and why to do it? Join Pacific Learning author Kerry Gavett as she breaks down best practices for early reading, as it relates to phonemic awareness and phonics in Spanish. Presenter will cite specific research from scientists and educational academics regarding Scarborough’s reading rope model and how to incorporate into classroom instructions and best practices. Time will be spent explaining how the brain recognizes, and processes words. Special attention will be given to the importance of automaticity. Case for small group versus a whole class approach will be made. Emphasis will be given to the importance of having an initial diagnostic in order to form flexible groups and ready to learn instruction. A clear research-based scope and sequence will be presented to group for how, when and why to introduce literacy skills and concepts for the Spanish language.
Monday, February 28
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM
"How to Soar When we are Hurting?"

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Kimberly Malloy
LMFT, CIO, Marriage & Family Therapist
Chief Inspirational Officer

Kimberly Malloy is a licensed marriage, child & family therapist with the state of Nevada currently in private practice. She serves as the CIO (Chief Inspirational Officer) for the Center for Relational Health- LV. The mission of CRH-LV is to promote personal and professional
emotional health. Kimberly serves a blend of individual, corporate and non-profit
clients. The therapy, workshops, corporate training, retreats and consultations of CRH-LV are geared toward improving relationships at home, work and in the community through embracing and teaching emotional health.  Kimberly is also an Executive Coach for BOAR, a CEO Mastermind group.

Kimberly draws from her many years owning a corporate training and consultation firm. She loves being able to help others clarify their vision, see their value and grow personally and professionally. She is a presenter for the Color Code Personality & Character Profile and a Daring Way™ Facilitator for The Daring™ Way teachings based on the work of Dr. Brené Brown.  Kimberly is a sought after speaker on many topics of emotional and mental health appealing for both personal transformational work and professional audiences.  She has consulted and facilitated training in a variety of arenas including military, legal, medical, churches, schools, banking and education.  Kimberly has been teaching, courses like Understanding Emotions and Relationships and Shame, Trauma and Shame Resilience for Hope for Prisoners in both the incarcerated populations. 

Kimberly was previously co-host of a women’s talk show, A View From Above, and founded and hosted a women’s monthly luncheon for 14 years for female women professionals. She graduated from the Leadership Las Vegas program in 2000, served as Curriculum Chair in 2007 for both the adult and youth program. Kimberly was recently a 2017 inductee into the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Leadership Hall of Fame.

What brings Kimberly the most joy is her husband of 38 years, Monty, their three wonderful daughters, 2 sons in love, 2 grandsons and 2 granddaughters.
Session Description
In this keynote Kimberly will address ways to take care of self, heal our brokenness, dust Orr our sense of humor and re-engage with the world. She will cover how humor can heal trauma and benefits of incorprating humor in your everyday life.
"Eddie B."
6:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Teacher Comedian

Eddie B. soared to new heights by creating his own opportunity starting with his series of comical videos titled "What Teachers Really Want to Say". In a matter of hours, those videos sparked the attention of educators all over the country when they realized that they were not alone and finally had someone to joke about the things they were reluctant to say out loud.  
Shortly after, Eddie decided to take his videos to the stage selling out comedy clubs, theaters, and arenas with his “Teachers Only Comedy Tour” in 2017-2018 and the “I’m Already Professionally Developed Tour” in 2019- 2020. When the worldwide pandemic made it impossible for Eddie to see his fans in person he began performing his "Teachers Only" comedy virtually! Now that things are getting back to normal Eddie B is ready to give educators more of his unfiltered comedy beginning with his " Teachers Only Summer Break Tour" in 2021! 
Eddie B has established himself as the official voice of teachers across the globe. Educators from America to Africa, Dallas to Dubai, New York to New Delhi (and beyond) are getting a lesson in the funniest ways to express their worst frustrations and they are loving every second of Eddie B’s uncensored, raw, and hysterically realistic portrayal of a teacher’s hectic life, from the point of view of an actual teacher!
NASA is not a union. NASA is Nevada's PreK-12 Professional Development organization for ALL educators.

A portion of proceeds from this virtual conference will help support the promotion of leadership development, and advocacy efforts that help ensure equity for students and educators in Nevada.