A Note from President and Founder
Nada Cory
Gardening for Climate Change

Welcome to our special edition newsletter to mark Earth Day, celebrated on April 22nd for the past 51 years. On this day, we aim to raise awareness among the masses regarding climate change and global warming. Earth Day inspires individuals to take positive action towards protecting the environment and focusing on our critical need for conservation. It is recognized as the largest civic event in the world, and demands immediate measures be taken to tackle environmental mayhems and garden catastrophes.

Only one day? Why not Earth Day, Every Day? Our Gardens of Hope aspire and inspire to strengthen the urban agriculture movement – garden to table – by growing local produce using ecological practices. Our green walls and green gardens are thriving from South Florida, and as far as Croatia! By understanding the practices of garden cycles, composting, reusing, strategic planning and more, the benefits are twofold: You will create your own wellness and wellbeing, while being a guardian of Mother Earth for years to come.

Please partner, support, and become involved with our network of conscious individuals: You literally become a seed for the health and wellness movement emergent across our world.

In good health,
Sustainable Garden Tips to Stay GREEN!
Are you interested in improving your backyard sustainability? While it may seem like an eco-friendly hobby, gardening can actually do damage to the environment if you’re not careful. If going green is one of your gardening goals, take some time to read these sustainable gardening methods and work them into your plot.
Earth Day For Kids

Earth Day is a great way to get kids outside and organize fun games for them to play. Centered around nature, these activities show kids the beauty of being outside, help them explore the natural world, and teach valuable lessons about recycling and caring for the planet. 13 Additional Activities you can do with kids.
Themed Scavenger Hunt
Earth Day Tic Tac Toe
Earth Day Hop Scotch
All "Signs" Point to Success!
Plumosa School of the Arts, Delray Beach, FL, has hoisted and secured their new Gardens of Hope sign. Despite imposed restrictions during the school year, club teacher Mrs. Sally Smollar resurrected their school garden, and has kept students engaged and educated all term. Special thanks to Mrs. Lisa Peterfreund Vance, and the Merrill G. and Emita E. Hastings Foundation for taking a special interest in this project.
Formerly your kitchen utensils, now your plant markers!
15 Items to Recycle... Add a Novel Touch to Your Garden
While we were thinking about the best ways to live as green as possible, we considered the best ways to spruce up your garden with the use of repurposed and recycled materials. It’s a win-win situation because you’ll get to remove clutter from the home, or someone else’s home, while bringing a novel touch to your garden.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – these three 'R' words are an important part of sustainable living, as they help to cut down on the amount of waste we have to throw away. Consider these practices and implement them in your garden.
It's Really Simple!
  1. Reduce the amount of waste you produce.
  2. Reuse items as much as you can before replacing them.
  3. Recycle items wherever possible.
Artists recycle to create something new from something old, you can too..
The first 'R' is all about creating less waste. Here are some of the ways you can do this:
  1. Only buy what you need
  2. Choose products with less packaging
  3. Buy in bulk
  4. Look for items that you can re-use
Reducing the amount of waste we all generate is a great way to benefit the environment.
Water is a precious resource.
How can you use less of it?
  1. Refill a water bottle with water from home instead of buying a new one
  2. Collect rainwater for your plants
  3. Ditch plastic bags and choose reusable, environmentally-friendly bags/bottles instead

A bonus of reusing? As well as helping the environment, you could save money too!
Recycling old items helps to reduce waste sent to landfills.
The third 'R' is about making sure you separate items that can be recycled, meaning they can be used for a new purpose. Consult your local waste management service.
Materials that can be recycled include:
  1. Glass
  2. Cardboard
  3. Aluminum
  4. Lead batteries
  5. Styrofoam

Are there any more 'R's?
  • Rethink can be added to the start of the list. It means we should think about the way our actions impact the environment.
  • Recover is sometimes added to the end of the list. It refers to the act of putting waste products to use. For example, decomposing garbage produces methane gas, which can be recovered and burnt to produce energy.
Bring Yourself or a Group Down to
Riverbend Park for an Exciting and Fun Experience
Riverbend Park Farmstead Garden of Hope has lots to offer. Students, Community Members, Veterans, come join any one of the great programs offered regularly.
Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation, a nationally recognized Gold Medal Winner for excellence, has collaborated with the Joseph P Cory Foundation’s Gardens of Hope program. Many of their most unique sites, have been locations, in which students and community members can get their “green on”, and experience the joy of gardening, as well as gain knowledge regarding nutrition, cooking, and more. Both partners share a mission of health and wellbeing, and park attendees will always benefit from the dedicated educators and staff that accompany our rich programs.
"Gardening for Climate Change"
Lake Biwa is the perfect name for a Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation Pavilion; it truly is a shining pearl! Pease join us Thursday, April 15th at 10:00am. Guests are limited, so please make sure you register.
candes1@pbgov.org or 561.966.7033.
Meet Lisa Warch
A Superstar Volunteer

If you happen to be walking, biking, or jogging past our beautiful Riverbend Farmstead Garden of Hope, you most assuredly will see Lisa "minding the store", with a smiling face, expert gardening skills, and an innate excitement to talk with park attendees.

Besides her devotion to this meaningful collaborative project, Lisa's busy schedule includes being a wife, mom to her grown up kids, pup grandma, as well as a registered nurse.

In her own words... "I love serving others and our Earth. I fondly remember Riverbend, and bringing my young family there. After visiting it with me recently, they loved the addition of the fully engaged Garden of Hope that has been created. My husband also thoroughly enjoys joining me wherever and whatever I am doing, so it is a family affair.

I am thankful to the Joseph P Cory Foundation and Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation, as they both strive to keep our parks clean for everyone's enjoyment, health and wellbeing, thereby uniting our community. If you are reading this, then you can see that volunteering at this site and others, is a pleasure, joy, and blessing.

Stop by, I hope to meet you all soon!" LW

Volunteers and Garden Stewards are appreciated, so please send them our way!

  • Gardens of Hope
  • Classrooms
  • Events (yes, soon!)

Please click on our volunteer poster and review the form. You may contact the Foundation at any time.

Bo and Dona live in a place where nature is their playground and family is everything.
Join them and see where their adventures take them!
Continue to receive this Newsletter and participate in our Gardens of Hope program for the school term. Win awards and scholarships, have fun...
Impact your MIND - BODY - SPIRIT
We Each Got Something We Love!
Note: All medical information/nutritional content is compiled from affiliates and experts in their fields, and is not meant to treat or to replace the advice of your personal healthcare professional. The Joseph P Cory Foundation, provides guidelines and suggestions that align with our mission: Empowering people and communities to achieve wellness
and well-being through education, expertise, and guidance.
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